Anti-foreigner campaign boosts Far Right

The leader of the far-right Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, celebrates after winning 18 per cent of the vote
Populist far-right parties made sweeping gains in Austria's closely fought general election yesterday, making their strongest showing since 2000 when the country suffered European Union sanctions after a far-right party entered government.
the Freedom Party, led by Heinz-Christian Strache, gained more than 18 per cent of the vote – nearly doubling its share of support – after running a vitriolic campaign against "foreign criminals" and "asylum cheats" and pledging to take Austria out of the EU.
A second right-wing party, the Alliance for the Future of Austria, headed by the veteran far-right populist Jörg Haider upped its support from 4 to 11.5 per cent. A spokesman for Mr Haider's party described the result as a " historic success" yesterday. "It will completely change the political landscape in Austria," he said.
A triumphant Mr Haider went on Austrian television last night and insisted that both right-wing parties should now work together. "Voters now expect us to do something for Austria. They do not want us steeped in animosity and fighting each other," he said. Mr Haider broke with the Freedom Party in 2005 after a row and subsequently formed his breakaway Alliance.
The combined vote of both rightist parties equalled that obtained by Austria's Social Democrats, who picked up just over 29 per cent of the vote. The conservatives won some 26 per cent. However, final results are not expected to be known until the beginning of October, after postal ballots have all been counted.
The election was held a year earlier than planned after infighting caused the collapse of the country's 18-month grand coalition of Social Democrats and conservatives in July. Austria lowered the voting age from 18 to 16 for the poll – enabling an extra 200,000 young people to take part. However, many complained that they were too ill-informed to do so.
The result appeared to leave Austria with an uncertain political future as both main parties said prior to the election that they were reluctant to form another grand coalition or join forces with the far right. The Social Democrats categorically ruled out an alliance with the far right.
Commentators suggested last night that the sudden leap in support for the far right would leave the main parties with little option but to try for another grand coalition. Werner Faymann, the Social Democrat leader, repeated his opposition to co-operating with the far right.
Mr Faymann's party, which lost some 5.5 percentage points of support in the poll, claimed that it had won the election and would lay claim to the post of Chancellor. Austria's conservatives lost over 8 percentage points of support. Ursula Plassnik, the conservative Foreign Minister, described the outcome as "the worst ever result for our party".
Soooo sad...
Now you've said it, I was thinking maybe that's the same reason for the World War II.
Well I thought Hitler had a 'mugfight' in the Beer Hall Putsch with a Polish or something...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Heero, it was all about who made the best beer, the Danish or the Germans.
Now I understand the reasons of the war.
I thought it was just another archbishop got assasinated. ;-p
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
The WEU was supposed to be an economical counterweight to the states ruled by the Soviet Union. Don't forget, that's when the "Cold War" began.
But I kinda laughed with the, uhh, 'history' of the EU...specially with the WEU part. Imagine if I'm gonna send money back home. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
The way to the EU, heero:
European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) - 1958
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) - 1952 European Union (EU)
European Economic Community (EEC) - 1967
European Community (EC)
European Communities Justice & Home Affairs (JHA)
Police & Judicial co-operation in Criminal Matters (PJCC)
European Political Cooperation (EPC)
Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP)
Western European Union (WEU)- 1948
Since 1993 (Treaty of Maastricht) European Union EU
And I think I wouldn't mind seeing what a Euro Dollar looks like...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach drown you in the nearest shallow pool!
I'd like to see you call me TQ then! :P
TQ, and you called me the devilish one. We soon established who really is ADDemented, didn't we? :P
Yes FatCat his two favourite ladies. Everone else pales in comparison dont they TQ (Terminally Quarantined - which is what you need)? hehehe
Britexpat, I could have sworn you've used the exact same phrase on another thread. Can the real Britexpat please stand up??!
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
Hope all is well. I'm in Blighty and its actually sunny.. Enjoying the gereenery and just relaxing.. Have a great holiday..
Oh, no QT, I was just cracking a joke :)
Should have used a :)
...or just being evil.
No use of emoticons, see? :)
TQ to you too ladba fo spelling my name wrong! :P
Check, QT, your two favorite ladies and you, alone, in the same thread!
Britexpat??! Where, where? yayyyyy! Ok I'm going to actually read the article now!
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
Or wake up earlier during your holiday to give us the news :)
So I've read it before! Come back soon!