Another PM Troll! >> graduating to "Let's talk soccer"

Anyone know who this geek is? I could keep quiet about this but why should I - exposing them may get them to stop. It is a form of abuse, and abusing the system that QL has set up for us.
I have copied and pasted showing 1st PM thru to last PM yesterday. The geek obviously went into effect when I never replied to him straight away - too impatient it seems - his reaction is uncalled for...
From: shereefqatr
To: starseed
Subject: helloo
Date: Sun, 07/10/2007 - 10:50am
you are from?
From: shereefqatr
To: starseed
Subject: HELL
Date: Sun, 07/10/2007 - 4:10pm
From: starseed
To: shereefqatr
Subject: Re: HELL
Date: Sun, 07/10/2007 - 8:25pm
Well now.... after just reading yr first PM and thought 'well let me reply to this gentleman after reading his 2nd one...' I NOW feel that your first PM needs no reply or acknowledgement...
I often only read my PMs at the end of the day, and if u r too impatient to wait for the 1st reply then... sorry 4 u mate... :)
You certainly have some personal issues u need 2 work thru. Dont bother PMming again unless it is to apologise...
From: shereefqatr ..............[SEE: LAST LINE IS HIS LAST REPLY]
To: starseed
Subject: Re: HELL
Date: Sun, 07/10/2007 - 11:27pm
Well now.... after just reading yr first PM and thought 'well let me reply to this gentleman after reading his 2nd one...' I NOW feel that your first PM needs no reply or acknowledgement...
> I often only read my PMs at the end of the day, and if u r too impatient to wait for the 1st reply then... sorry 4 u mate... :)
> You certainly have some personal issues u need 2 work thru. Dont bother PMming again unless it is to apologise...
helloo u go to hell ok bye
Good morning to all.
Thanks a TON. Will do it right away.
Good morning to all.
Thanks a TON. Will do it right away.
do u hire a guide there or all on ur own?
u have got gr8 hobby travelling arnd da world.
why don't u visit Brasil? country of all skillful footballers
by going on holiday tallah....
sudan/nepal/eritrea etc
this year i am going to armenia and georgia...
i celebrate by getting away from bad driving and going somewhere green .... :)
this year i have been to italy portugal ethiopia rwanda uganda kenya and a day in the congo!!!!
i don't care if the country is muslim or not.
but if it isn't i take pleasure in eating certain forbidden meat.
and if it is europe - in boys wearing shorts and not long white dresses!
:) :) :)
now i am looking at eid al adha.... maybe libya? syria?
celebrates eid at home playong soccer with her soccer fellas
am thinkin to hire Jauntie as a goal keeper in soccer and wicket keeper in cricket. :D she is damn fast flies like a honey bee.
hmmm have a lovely short vacation Oryx and enjoy Eid Happy Eid to you Too Ma'am.
skd - bring up the profile of the person you mean. It will ask at the bottom of the profile to click if you want to delete from buddy list
Oryx - what!!!! you threw away the tea cosy? shame on you - go knit a new multi-coloured one :P
how do u celebrate Eid?
DaRuDe I am going to look for my bobble hat I bought in Lithuania... and really try to find the other glove.
I will have a lovely time and a lovely jolly Eid Mubarak to you!
Hi every body.
I want to delete one buddy from my list. Any idea how to do it ???
He seemed to be a normal person initially but I have seen he just do copy-paste from net and is quite a bit confused about everything.
Starseed: You dont have to react about ur PM ""shereefqatr"" guy so much. These are all over. so chill
no i wanna visit b4 dawn we will have sahoor together
no i am from home. why wana visit me?? ok but no tea coffee coz its ramadan better come at iftar time :D
r u 4rm afghanistan or what?
if i call it football then how am i going to tease you :?
hmm goin to georgia great have fun lady and going to CHE funeral pay my regards salute to his courage, spirit, hmm what else.
yea better find ur gloves b4 u find ur fingers frozen.
oh dear no kabul - my bobble hat isn't up for that and I can only find one glove... who knows where the other one is.
and i do want to go to burkina faso but it is a bit complicated going via accra...
anyway tomorrow i am going to armenia and georgia! fun eh??
today is the anniversary of Che Guevaras death... out of respect for the fight against US imperialism do you think you could please call soccer, football????
:) :)
good reason eh?
it was damn cold last night here in islamabad. talking about kabul still days to go there. am sure that place will be freezing. so am planning to watch soccer and cricket till then :D
DaRuDe you naughty naughty naughty boy...
its football not soccer! you are so naughty
by the way my lovely DaRuDe I guess Kabul will be a bit cold at Christmas time wont' it?
soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer
soccer soccer soccer soccer soccer :D ok Oryx now happy :D
FOOTBALL call it football not soccer. pleassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee
brb after prayer
thanx but the link u mentioned contain very old news
have u ever get inside the man utd'd stadiun 4 watching a game?
i wud love to visit man utd's stadium someday.
its amazing.
so close 2 the pitch and payers
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
yeah he looks so young.
but ryt now he is undergoing only sprint and other fitness training he will b back soon.
yes I am from manchester! I used to work next to old trafford stadium and of course is why al saad is my fav stadium in Qatar..
starseed i am sorry we r using ur forum. but got no other place ryt now.
khalfan is great that is why he got asian player of the year but sadly don't see him play enough... shame shame - maybe these matches are past his bedtime and he really isn't injured.
he looks so young - maybe 12 and a half... I just want to give him a glass of hot milk and some biscutis.
there stadium is known as "old traford as-sehraa" which means desert's old trafford.
do u know what is old trafford, any way?
and what about kieta, khalfan and nistelrooy?
al - sadd mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
they are good and talented and zarate and tenorio are great to watch etc but they cheat and cheat.... always trying to get penalties and howling on the ground for the referee and then jump up to take their free kick.
when he gets too old felipe can always go and work as a stuntman or an acrobat. Men who behave like spoilt little boys. I like players who just get on with the job and play the best football they can. I really admire that. But I prefer rugby and i think silly football players who spend too long trying to get a foul out of the referee should be made to go and play rugby.
but i really like the silver cafe outside the stadium and their website is great.
al-sadd in qatar and man utd outside.
in qatar kieta was my fav. but then he moved to lyon in france and ruud van nistelrooy is my fav. player overall.
Anybody can help me.If you know some Expat who is leaving doha and their hosemaid wants to work.I am ready to transfer her sponsrship to myself.we are a small family with 2 kids.
Thank you
LOL but the direction to hell is not opening
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
(sorry for hijack)
which footie team do you support in Qatar/outside?
who is your fav player in Qatar/outside?
u can pm with ans if u want....... bye oryx
why the hell is he sending you pm just to give you direction to hell??
well you could have directed him to the hell topic of urs star.
shareefqatr hmmmm _|_ enjoy it up ur O.
'Geek' not greek
why bother replying to the idiot in the first place... if people can't write a proper hello then sod 'em!
sad feker
whic greek do u mean?
these things happen al the time so forget it, dont get upset
Have a nice day
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.