Annual air ticket by company
By fasihuddin shai... •
It is to bring your kind notice that my company approved vacation ends on 01 Aug 2015,but my return ticket given by company is on 18 Aug 2015.
When I approached airlines several times to provide me 01 Aug 2015 Or 02 Aug 2015 ticket,the excess amount is huge. And who will pay that difference I or company.So,Please Advice as per qatar law and human rights
In my opinion it is fair for you to bear the cost, because it is your mistake . try to have good relationship with the company who agreed to for your requests to break your vacation etc., rather then go for 'complaint' etc.
Actually i was applied for yearly vacation in month of march 2015 for 16 july to 18 august and my company issued ticket in march itself. but in between march and july i went on emergency pre annual leave for fifteen days by my self ticket in april. and again i have applied for my remaining annual leave from 16july2015 to 1 august 2015 and leave is approved but company has not changed my return date. and company wants me to bare ticket change cost. which is huge because of season. and the company is not accepting no pay leave also. pls advice is my company doing fair to me. if not where shall i go for help
wht is your forward and return date on the ticket. Is it in alignment with your vacation date? My understanding is that they have to provide either yearly ticket or once in two years as per your contract