angioplasty options in Doha or Dubai
hi all, wanted your recommondiation for angioplasty option to clear a partial blocked blood vessel in Qatar or Dubai,
my mother had a mild attached 2 weeks back and drs are now recommending this in Dubai, the dr in Iranian hospitial has recommended, she is 55, had blood pressured and diabaitics, they recommond she may have to stay over night and will be released next day InshAllah.
Need your input and recommendations based on your experience. Thanks, Irfan
Thanks all for your prayers, just back in doha, Thanks ALLAH the procedure went fine and good news is she has no serious issue, her heart is pumping well, veins blockage is 5 to 10% which is normal so no further need of angioplasty,
Did this from Iranian hosptial in Dubai, pretty good and exprerience ppl, the drs did some 10 or so similar proecures during the day, they were 2 drs i think
thanks again all
There are very good doctors...shall i say "best" one in HMC (in case, you are in Doha). It is not only angioplasty that they are doing...there are also a good rate of open-heart surgeries,..coronory by pass.. Angiolasty is a very common procedure to them.
Irfan.. nothing to worry absolutely , its a harmless treatment and all my prayers for her.
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.irf77, will pray for your mom's health, don;;t worry too much....
Insha'allah. Our prayers are with her.
Thanks folks, she is in Dubai and I plan to do it here, infact INSHALLAH we will have this done on Monday
you are correct Arien, on Monday they will do Angiogram to see the block and than at same time INSHALLAH complete the anjoplasty to open the vien,
appericate your prayers
Angiogram is only a test to confirm the details on the blocks, angioplasty is the treatment. By pass is not open heart surgery too.
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Angioplasty is not open-heart surgery. It is a minimally invasive and reasonably effective procedure for a blocked coronary artery. Your mom should be fine having this procedure in Dubai or Doha. If you are living in the UAE, I'd do it there.
my two friends had andiogram here in HMC
Irfan - Dont have much idea about the Doha and Dubai medical standards bro. Consider India , I know about a surgeon who has done more than 10 000 by pass surgeries with a sucess rate of 97%.
MIOT hospital - Chennai
Dr. Bashi. Just google it,
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seeems like not much input