America is actually responsible for the killing of innocent Palestinians

Israel is America's ward which refuses to abide by the international rules and regulations because its guardian America is on its back. Muslim countries especially and all the other sensible countries should call USA ambassadors to their office to record their protest over the killing of Palestinian civilians. If the situation does not improve, the diplomatic ties with USA should be reconsidered. Now Israel has become a pariah due to recent acts of barbarism. Its coventional crying over so-called Holocaust has fallen flat. Only America is on its back but sooner or later it has to surrender before the public opinion of the masses of the world who have been witnessing Israel's stance since 1946.
Muslim countries and especially Arabs should now adopt offensive strategy to help Palestinians take their rights back in the form of the occupied lands which is according to the UNO rules and charter.
Throughout Islamic History we find that all the successful wars and revolutions are carried out by devoted, dedicated and faithful volunteers. The paid soldiers have very less role in them. It is Allah's decision that success is only for the sincere devotees. The so-called propaganda about Muslim terrorists, outlawed muslim organizations should be handled skillfully and sensibly because Jihad and Qital-fee-sabilillah ON MERIT is the part and parcel of Islamic Ideology and teachings. Islam does set some perimeters for Jihad and Jihadists and its violation will deprive Allah's favour. Paradise can be won through Allah's favour only. No one can get even a small portion of paradise on self-finance. So the rulers of the Muslim countries should remember that American aid cannot qualify them for entering Paradise.Palestine war is the true version of Qital-fee-sabilillah as Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: " How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of the feeble among men and of the women and the children who are crying: Our Lord! Bring us forth from out this town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us from Thy presence some defender! Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of Al-Taghot. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil's strategy is ever weak." ( Al-Nisa:75,76)
Dear Arab People, Hamas and Palestine people, they want PEACE, please don't use any weapons to kill anybody. Weapon make for Animals and Not for Human Being...! ( Nobody won in the name of War ) even in Revenge Style...! ALL are LOSER...!!!
KW u r referring 1200 BC incident. Will any court admit this claim? Whereas 1946 position is clear with all the proofs, documents and maps.
Even Jordan gets gas from Israel.
And who is Egypt buying its gas from - Israel or Qatar? I'll give you a hint, the answer starts with I.
apologies for the double post.
khalliwalli is absolutely right. Arab world will never unite for this matter. take the case of GCC. most of them have American base in their land. and Israel is a US partner. so do you think GCC can move against the Zionist? secondly, the remaining arab world- Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, etc etc, they do not have enough time to deal their own domestic issues and couldn't still solve their own houses.
khalliwalli is absolutely right. Arab world will never unite for this matter. take the case of GCC. most of them have American base in their land. and Israel is a US partner. so do you think GCC can move against the Zionist? secondly, the remaining arab world- Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, etc etc, they do not have enough time to deal their own domestic issues and couldn't still solve their own houses.
"If only Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia"..... and yet they don't unite. Even during the World Cup there were a lot of Arab fans in the Middle East who would rather watch a free Israeli broadcast then pay to watch it on Al Jazeera. For Raaouf Sobhy, a cafe owner in Cairo’s upscale Heliopolis district, choosing which channel to watch was a simple decision.
“I hate Qatar more than Israel,” Sobhy said. “I don’t think Israel is harming us as much as Qatar.”
In south Lebanon near the frontier with Israel, some turn on the Israeli broadcast, even though Israeli TV channels have been banned since 2000, when Israel withdrew its troops following 18 years of occupation. Israel’s archenemy, the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, dominates south Lebanon and its fighters have fought on the Syrian government side. Qatar is not popular there, though, because of its support for Sunni rebels in Syria.
@ zackm: "so lets not argue and everyone can try to workout a peaceful solution"....
it's too late... too many lives has been wasted already... a peaceful solution can not be achieved at this time...
this is an excerpt from the letter of Norwegian hero doctor who is in Gaza right now - Dr. Mads Gilbert MD PhD: ......... The last night was extreme. The "ground invasion" of Gaza resulted in scores and carloads with maimed, torn apart, bleeding, shivering, dying - all sorts of injured Palestinians, all ages, all civilians, all innocent....
DOHA: The situation in Gaza is a disgrace to Arabs and the entire humanity, said famous Tunisian musician Lotfi Bushnaq at Katara’s Cultural Café on Monday.
“What is happening in Gaza is a disgrace to Arabs and humanity, and everyone bears responsibility — journalists, writers and artists, and anyone who has a voice in the Arab world,” he said, with a feeling of regret.
Everyone has their own opinion on this matter.
Trust no one.
When it comes to politics.
It only takes one crazy dude to launch one atomic bomb... so lets not argue and everyone can try to workout a peaceful solution. No threats, killing, invading and fighting.
It only takes one crazy dude to launch one atomic bomb... so lets not argue and everyone can try to workout a peaceful solution. No threats, killing, invading and fighting.
KW, There is no need to use the Atomic weapons. But if you hold it, your powerful neighbors would not dare to attack you, take the example of India, who is huge in size but cannot now attack its nuclear neighbor. If only the Muslim blocks make a military pact, that would become a strong war stopper on them. Use that block as Defense and not offense.
Isreal is real face of America. Their oppression would continue till the Muslim countries make their own military pact. If only Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabic could make such a military pact to ward off any attack on any of the Muslim countries, none including the Isreal would dare to continue oppression in future. This Muslim defense force (including the Atomic power of Pakistan) would have all the abilities to act as a strong and decisive deterrence block for the 1.5 billion Muslims living all over the world.