Airline makes woman, 81, move seat when religious man refuses to sit next to a female
A woman plans to sue an airline after staff asked her to move because a religious man refused to sit next to her.
Renee Rabinowitz was asked to change seats on an E1 A1 flight from Newark to Tel Aviv when an ulta-orthadox Hasidic man objected to his seat, assigned next to her.
She said: ‘Despite all my accomplishments – I felt minimised.’
‘I think to myself, here I am, an older woman, educated, I’ve been around the world, and some guy can decide that I shouldn’t sit next to him. Why?’ she told New York Times.
Many ultra-Orthadox males see even the most inadvertent contact with a female who isn’t their wife as verboten under strict interpretation of the Torah.
Despite thinking the request was sexist Ms Rabinowitz, who walks with a stick due to bad knees, reluctantly agreed to move.
Defending their actions without commenting on Ms Rabinowitz’s treatment, E1 A1 said their flight staff deal with a vast array of passengers, who have varying beliefs and needs.
‘In the cabin, the attendants receive different and varied requests and they try to assist as much as possible, the goal being to have the plane take off on time and for all the passengers to arrive at their destination as scheduled.’
Question: Is she right to sue ? Should the airline be allowed to “ask” passengers to move
U can relax now MM.
Fingers crossed ..............
Prize. Don't loose hope, bad language comes from a bad company, it has nothing to do with home atmosphere or education. I m sure if those guys read ur views they would correct their silly mistakes & come to right path.
He is a hopeless soul.
Hope he controls himself from posting 4 letter words ................
WT has felt sorry , that's very nice.
as long as they are within QL guidelines and not against Qatari where is kerala or qatar...does it mean QANTAS LIVING or QATAR LIVING
brit..ur a grown up man..think in grown up way rather than supporting this ROTTEN TURKEY
what is ulta orthodox...was he ulta pulta...i think the woman should do it because this man was ulta pulta
Prize, Hope all your dreams come true. .................
I apologize to you, brit.
WT: Why oh why ?
Now we will wait till tomorrow morning and get multiple responses from MM :0(
So, you want to have it in words that you can understand? well. Throughout the centuries of human history religious ideas and fanaticism fueled by self-proclaimed interferes, have induced destruction of natural inter-personal relation patterns of the homo sapiens sapiens species, of which a few of us are members of and opened on to repeated wars for both: religious hegemony and unjustified power dominance. - Better?
Read one PM before u go away.
See you tomorrow , bye.
Let the offence maker correct his language. Britexpat u r spoiling him by turning ur eyes away from him. MM keep ur fingers crossed but for how long.
Okay Lets hear from WT ........ If he can be a sweet talker from now onwards ................
Prize: I don't object to WT or yourself because this is a public forum and you are allowed to air your opinions - as long as they are within QL guidelines and not against Qatari law.
It's not good logic that OP too likes 4 letter words & he is not objecting to WT...............
Fingers crossed ...................... Lol.
Let wild turky admit it & show u the link if he's honest enough !!!
Where else WT has bad / foul mouthed my dear ?
But there was one post on Foul Mouthing , anybody remembers ?
This guy is known for foul mouthing on many posts. Even the OP likes dirty words that's why he isn't objecting to wild turkey.
This guy is known for foul mouthing on many posts. Even the OP likes dirty words that's why he isn't objecting to wild turkey.
I said cool down. If he speaks filth his own mouth will smell bad.
Wild turky keep ur dirty mouth shut.
Wild turky keep ur dirty mouth shut.
Cool down guys ...........................
I wonder, this is something to do with the pro activeness about the airline ground staff.
The respected religious person may have passing couple of checking counter's and waiting areas. I hope the airline duty offices should have had noticed & should have had some thought about this religious person.
Accordingly prearrangement should have done in advance. That's why airlines employ duty managers or officers.
In my opinion, This is something to do with professional service from airline, rather something else.
Brit: You speak sense. Writing reflects the qualities of a person's thinking.
I would assume that QLer was being cynical... Probably meant that no alcohol, segregation of men and women; men served by men and women served by women. Air hostesses modestly dressed....
Don't worry about it :O)
I do not know the meaning of the Jewish word "Kosher" and as such I will not comment on it. But I am confident the word "halal" was used out of context as it had no relation to the subject matter. I just cannot imagine what a "halal" airline would look like as suggested by one QLer.
WT: I would tend to agree with you.. Kosher and Halal tend to be interchanged in the West.. However, here people will take exception and highlight the minor difference
brit, I didn't want to use a Jewish word in an Islamic country.
Which means the same.
I think he meant Kosher ...
Some people are totally in the dark on the meaning of the word "halal."
Perhaps he asked to be served by a male steward
The poor guy must have gotten a heart attack when the stewardess served him the meal.
They should really think of creating a 'halal' airline!
For me the key issue is that the man knew prior to booking that there is the possibility of sitting next to a woman - so , either fly first class or live with it.
WT, There is one Five Letter Word in your comment ..............
Rizk, That's the perfect way ............
I think the elder lady woke up thinking that she will sacrifice her flight seat and gave it and went home and slept peacefully......ZZzzzzzZZZzzzz
Accha, How would anybody prove that the respected was less religious than the other fellow ........... In this situation Madam has upper hand ............. already , she has won respect & regard from each & everyone ......... lets now not tell her to encash it for a certain value ........ Her sacrifice for the seat is already priceless ......... .......
Yes she is right to sue the airline.
Once I was travelling with my Bella in Kozikodakkadum Airlines and I was forced to sit with a Russian Gal on my right seat and my Bella on the left seat and myself in the middle.
I didn't know whom to give more preference.....:)
Yes, I think she is right to sue. The problem was with the man and not the lady. Why should she have been moved just for the religious views held by a man?
Sue and get some justice on the sexist injustice treatment given to her. She will win in court and airlines will come with a settlement.
She has done good & so she should forget it ................. To forgive an airline is divine ................... .............
Airlines can request passengers to move seats, not force them. However, the better option was to move the man to another seat, especially considering the ladies age and mobility challenges.
This was in the Western press....
Anyway, do you think she is right to sue the airline ?
Thank God, the man who behaved in this unusual manner was not a Muslim otherwise this would have once become the fodder of news channels in the west.
We are in a life journey .......... be prepared for a minor adjustments ....... ........... The lady earned high regards ............. she gave respect to a fellow human .................