After true love? Don't go out of your league
So much for fairy tales :O(
After true love? Don't go out of your league: New research says your best hope of lasting romance is to find a partner just like you
They’re the words that have been uttered by every unattached woman at some point in the dating game: ‘He’s out of my league.’
Fairy tales may be full of mismatched couples — think Beauty And The Beast — but new research suggests they are just that: fairy tales. There really are different leagues of attractiveness — and we stick to our own.
The study by the University of California shows that when looking for a mate, we select partners whose social desirability approximately matches our own. Most strikingly, people who were the least attractive opted for similarly unattractive mates.
‘It’s called assortative mating,’ says Dr George Fieldman, a London-based cognitive behavioural therapist.
‘By and large, people don’t mate randomly. They choose people who they perceive, rightly or wrongly, have things in common with them.’
And the most important part of this is looks.
Numerous research studies have shown that girls who have a good relationship with their fathers will often end up falling for a man who looks like him; the same goes for men and their mothers. In one study, people shown faces with their own features morphed into them rated them as more attractive.
But what seems to matter most is choosing someone in the same league of physical appeal. Which is why Brad Pitt goes for Angelina Jolie, and Tony Blair falls for Cherie.
There are exceptions: Marilyn Monroe paired up with gawky, bespectacled playwright Arthur Miller, Julia Roberts fell for hatchet-featured Lyle Lovett and Claudia Schiffer dated big-nosed perma-tanned magician David Copperfield.
But none of those relationships lasted. Even though the males concerned were high (or high-ish) status individuals, the looks gap between them and their lover was just too great.
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I think media and makeup contributed a lot to men looking only for face and body buty, and ignoring the sole and family building, also a claver femail will try to make her lover happy by different approaches, and different makeup.I noticed ladies, after marriage loose interest in love as it was in youth age
if you get hit by a bus you could lose both!
looks fade but personality stays
Memoriesofdawn - Life is trial and error in finding someone..choose who's right for u,u'll be alright when u keep realistic standards for youself..
Pilgram - Agree with u...Looks attract u, but it's attitude that keeps..
Very happy Birt ;)Let's not be naive people, looks do have a lot to do with it. Your initial attraction to a person comes from their looks, and you need that inital attraction to even start the relationship. Looks aren't what keep you together in the long run, but they do play a part at the beginning. Also, how a person looks goes a long way into determining how they'll treat you as a person. Which, according to studies, is why women prefer men who aren't as good looking as them, because the men will stay loyal and loving longer than a more attractive man would.
Brit - I don't really agree..:) I once cried for a beast..:(
Agree with Tinker..
We'll never be as attractive as we are now forever.It takes something more than looks to keep you together happily after wrinkles start to show.
From the research , It seems that one partner "being more attractive" can be problemsome for the relationship..
You must fall out of love with love (if you can). That solves all problems.
Who cares who is more attractive?if you are perfectly happy with each other then you will never be interested to look for someone else who you could call "in your league". If you love someone,no matter how he/she looks like he/she would still be the person you'd love to stare..
Most people stare when they are supposed to look, Tinker, that's the problem.
I can see that you are extremely happy :O)
How people look don't matter when it comes to being happy together..It's the attitude that keeps a person..not the attractiveness..
I can say from my own experience that it doesn't matter who is more attractive. After being happy for a while in either case it will end eventually.
I've read studies that say the happiest couples are one's where the woman is more attractive than the man.
I <3 my man..;) that's what matters to me..