And After The Fire, The Living Suffer

Mohana Rajakumar in her blog post And after the fire, the living suffer wrote :
"If you have one store in Villaggio and you are reliant on it for all your income, the situation becomes more dire. A small company can little afford even one month of no trading. Three months or more (rumors are that Villaggio will be closed for 6 months) which will surely kill the cash flow and thus the business.
For employees working for the small companies, they are unpaid leave. Unpaid leave and the sponsor system means many are now unemployed. The refusal of companies to issue an No Objection Letter (required in Qatar to transfer sponsor) for their staff to seek other employment means that some staff are doomed. Another problem with unpaid leave is that companies can also refuse to issue plane tickets for staff to leave the country. If you consider the average cost of a return ticket is QAR 4000. Unless you have saved that money you have few options but to wait and see what your fate will be."
Read the entire blog spot here:
where are the reports of people dying because villagio has been closed????
tigerboyy I mean, is he still carrying that placard of "boycotting" Villagio?
Qatar goes with the trend Who cares???
Will Qatar care?
mall) is slowly dying...and their families starving at home.
Now, what will happen next....
Ideally, they should provide tickets to employees they cannot deploy but I am afraid the owners of the shops, most of them may be nationals, could form a cartel and influence the labour ministry...after all, the workers are all expats, so who'd care for them.
so many split personalities out here.
moza, 'guest' workers are rare here...... enslaved ones are plenty...
Actually part of this is not true. They have to provide a ticket home, if they do not go to the police and say you want to leave and company is refusing to supply you a ticket. As part of the work permit processes the company that sponsors you is responsible for your demobilisation when you leave.
LP did u login as JD to compliment me
surinder.raj aka baburao aka akri pasta is now chota sanki?
talk abt evolution of monkey..
Who cares about the guest workers here? No one and their embassy will not stick up for them.
thanks LP very rarely u speak sense :)
Yours were all over QL. No need to add some more nonsense.
hello LP i missed ur comments since morning
And without fire, the living suffer, too. What you describe is exactly the normal situation. Companies will or will not give NOC. At least in case of a force majeur, like the fire, the GOVERNMENT should make an exception to the NOC rule! But they are, as usual, sleeping and sending telegrams of congratulation to Timbuktu, because the aunt of the ruler has had a baby.