Access Denied!
in the past 3-4 days, i recently have a problem logging in to my QL account, though i tried to be log in many time and the message appear access denied! just wondering what happen? can someone tell me about this? so the next time trying to access and replied denied i know what would happen so i won't keepp on wondering. Now i can use the QL but still wondering what happen, is it because of the internet connection?
u r welcome .. any time
Also u might got another message like "Server busy"
sometimes there is a prob. in the server and it may say "There is not reponse from the page u r trying to view" the technical term is Server down ..
Anybody correct me if i'm wrong ..
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"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
Ram, thanks for the useful info, at least now i know the next im denied again, but by this time i can log in.
thanks again for help
I'm not sure of that but i guess it's the band width of the server ..
the server for this website for example can serve only 100 people at the same time .. so if u were number 101 .. he will deny ur access untill one of the 100 users sign out then he will accept ur access ..
hope that help ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)