66 year old woman gives birth to triplets

Childless woman, 66, becomes oldest in the world to give birth to triplets after IVF treatment
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 7:21 PM on 14th June 2010
A 66-year-old Indian woman has become the oldest person in the world to give birth to triplets after IVF treatment at a controversial centre.
Mrs Devi received IVF treatment at the National Fertility Centre in Haryana - where the world's oldest mother, Rajo Devi Lohan, was also treated.
However, the doctors said the triplets, weighing 2lb 6oz, 2lb 4oz and 1lb 7oz, were being monitored in the intensive care unit of the centre.
Mrs Lohan, 72, who gave birth 18 months ago aged 70, has today revealed she is dying - and hit out at the centre for not explaining the risks to women about having babies later in life.
However, officials at the centre proudly boasted of their latest achievement.
The two boys and a girl are being treated at the National Fertility Centre after they were born underweight
Dr Anurag Bishnoi, who supervised Mrs Devi's treatment, said: ‘According to the birth certificate issued by a government hospital in Rohtak district, Bhateri Devi was born on May 21, 1944, in Madina village of Rohtak.
‘This birth is authentic and therefore she has become the oldest mother in the world to give birth to triplets so far.
‘Bhateri Devi was coming to us for the last months for the treatment. She has become a mother for the first time and conceived only in our third attempt through IVF technique.
The triplets were born weighing 2lb 6oz, 2lb 4oz and 1lb 7oz
‘For the first two attempts, only two embryos were transferred in each cycle.
'But in the third attempt three embryos were transferred in her uterus, resulting in the birth of three children by caesarean.’
Mrs Devi's husband of 44 years, Deva Singh, 64, said he was ecstatic at becoming a father for the first time.
‘Bhateri has fulfilled my dream of having a child and gave my family an heir.' he said.
'She was my first wife and after she failed to conceive a child, I married twice but again I did not have any child from my other wives also.
‘I am very happy and I will provide all the best facilities to my children in the coming years.'
In November 2008, 70-year-old Mrs Lohan made headlines after she gave birth to a girl through IVF technique at the same centre.
She and husband Balla, 73, are uneducated farmers who say they did not understand the risk of having a baby at such an old age.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1286492/Childless-woman-66-old...
Actually I am surprised that someone went for IVF there, didn't expect that. Too much of social stigma there regarding these things. Brit called it correctly, To leave a heir behind is more important than the future of the children.
ah, ok.
For the govt.shld take effective measures for opting IVF at certain age...and not after 50..
soniya, for what?
nomerci, we can just hope now..
Well, let's see, what can be done about it?
As far as I know, India is a democracy, so what you can do is raise your voices and demand a law to be put in place to prevent this. Furthermore you can demand enforcement of this law.
Will this make a difference? I don't know, I am not Indian, so have no idea. But it will make SOME people listen and MAYBE educate a few more.
Doing nothing will do exactly that, NOTHING.
yes yes ofcourse WK..no doubt in it..lol
The kids will be taunted at school too by the way over this.
nomerci,anyone will loose his/her temper on hearing this kind of weird news...As i said above,its only the children will be the sufferer..But tell me,what can we do now?? NOTHING..The triplets are born and i really pray that they shld be well taken care by their newly MOM n DAD and hopefully other family members shld join their hand to raise the INFANTS..
nomerci,anyone will loose his/her temper on hearing this kind of weird news...As i said above,its only the children will be the sufferer..But tell me,what can we do now?? NOTHING..The triplets are born and i really pray that they shld be well taken care by their newly MOM n DAD and hopefully other family members shld join their hand to raise the INFANTS..
soniya,looking at those people, I doubt they will face anything. It will be the children that do.
Responsibility does not seem to be a word those people are aware of.
I can deal with stupid people hurting themselves,no big deal, but when they hurt those that can't help themselves, like children, I feel very angry.
nomerci, that's another serious point to consider which i totally missed - the years before they can open the fridge to get a glass of milk for themselves...
nomerci,let them face the realities at the end of their life..They will surely swear not to go for babies in their next birth....lol
I think this is not only about the parents passing away before the children are grown . It is about TAKING CARE of the children, not only financially, but playing an ACTIVE role during the years the children grow up.
Everybody who has children and brings them up properly knows that. Getting up constantly during th night to feed them when they are babies,watching their every step 24/7 when they are toddlers,playing football, teaching them how to ride a bike when they are a little older...and it goes on and on.
Also, how will the children feel having really old parents coming to school for parent/teacher meetings.....etc, etc.
All in all, this whole thing is simply ridiculous.
jinny,i can't say everytime I AGREED to most of the points..What i wanna say that our shoutings not gonna to stop these couples for IVF..45 is also not an agreeable age but there r some desperate women out there who just think about herself..Its me, u and others who think about the future of kids who born out of IVF but the desperate couples, NOWAY...
brit,yes its possible...But my concern is more about the strict norms and policies to be taken by the govt.of a country where an OLD AGE couple go for IVF..
soniya, can we lower the max age for ivf treatment to 45? a woman's life expectancy is now at 60-65...at the very least, the kids would be 15-20 yrs old when she passes away...their chance of surviving in this world is better than that of a 10-yr old...i'm serious...
i just love QL...next thing i'll know i'll be discussing or working on world peace...lol
If a couple can afford it and show the individual means of supporting their offspring, then surely anything up to 55/60 is feasible.
The problem here is that here the guy is more worried about having an heir, than the future of the children.
Nothing can be done atlast if an OLD COUPLE opt for IVF at the age of 50-60..
Kids will be the sufferer at the end..
We can call these couple kind of FOOL but really can't help to stop them..
Govt.should play active role here..Law shld be really strict for IVF treatment especially for the couples who try for baby after 50..
even if the parents are sued (even jailed) what good would it do?
it's the doctors, the hospital and every person who dipped their finger into having these kids born into this world (and become orphans in 10 years) should be made accountable...
this practice should be regulated...everybody suffers in this fiasco - the government, the taxpayers, the parents AND above all the kids - who's gonna take care of them?
No WK, that won't be a news....thats why I said this is more of publicity stunt than experimentation.
There r some section of our society who mocks or make fun from the back..So i guess,thats why those couples didn't get ne advice from other family members..
ok, and nobody else there actually is educated enough to tell these people that what thy are doing is wrong??
Sorry, there are so many factors that make this case rather odd....
There are two aspects here..
Firstly - "Bhateri has fulfilled my dream of having a child and gave my family an heir."
This is a sad reflection on the pressures society can put on an individual.
Secondly - Who will look after the children once she and/or her husband are gone ? Again the pressure is on the extended family .
drmana if a 40 year old couple uses IVF, does it make the news?
But why 66year old couple for experimentation?...I am sure there must be many eligible childless couples in India who would have willingly volunteered for IVF.
nomerci the farmers in those areas aren't actually poor, I don't know about this particular couple but most of them are financially fine. There is lack of education though and I don't think they would have heard of IVF on their own or through anyone living there. That's why I think the doctors used them for experimentation.
I think the doctors are doing it for free no merci, just to say that they've done it. :(
yes soniya flor can bring the expertise with which they controlled population in Philippines to India.
I understand that IVF treatment is quite expensive. So, how can poor , uneducated farmers afford this?
the parents should be sued...
and jinny..very well pointed. The might have been used as an experiment and test.
Poor Kids :(
flor,this is the only pblm with our country that we haven't got success so far..can u plzz let us know some preventive measures?? lolzz
are their population dwindling already? and they want more children? Lol!!!
maybe drmana...but they might have played on the couples emotions to get them to agree to it...
if pros and cons were objectively presented to them, i doubt they'd go through this procedure...
and how much did they pay for the ivf? was it for free? or the couple were rich enough to pay for it? seriously, now...
You don't need education to realise that when the kids grow up, you'll be 90, and may not be around. It's just plain common sense, which any farmer growing crops should know. This excuse of being uneducated doesn't apply. After all if crops grow, why shouldn't kids?
As for the doctors, they may be educated, but have no wisdom. They should be made to pay for the kids expenses,in the event the parents are unable to do so.
The kids should not have to pay for the sins of the doctors and parents.
Can't call them guinea pigs....they were willing partner in this crime
True Yvr.. moreover the chances of delivering a kid with downsyndrome is very high too.
There should be laws to stop them goin for it aftr certain age. They satisfy their desires and the poor soul will be the one suffering a whole life.
jinny I am afraid so. That's what my first thought was.
drmana, i too said the same thing..and u didn't take my name..lol..(just pulled ur leg..take it easy)
True Olive, many childless eligible couple are now enjoying parenthood due to IVF. But sadly few morons and idiot practitioners are using it for cheap publicity and records just like the Octomom case and these old parents.
They have misued the IVF treatment..As i told above,there r some dtrs and hospital management which wants to prove that they r no less among others and wanna show that they too go hand-in hand with the latest technologies without thinking that they r endangering the lives of newborn if they born to a couple of more than 50-55yrs of age..
IVF is a great thing for couples who can't have children and are young enough and responsible enough to take care of them. This couple is neither of those.
no soniya, it's an honest question...they preyed on senior citizens - a 70 yr old having a baby for the first time!
is this is some kind of experiment and they used the elderly couple to see if it's effective? guinea pigs are those little mice they use in laboratories to test drugs and other medical and pharmacological research...
lol jinny..don't use such harsh words..lol
did they use these innocent couple as guinea pigs?
Exactly..We have discussed the same above ur comments..The govt.shld bring restriction to the age limit if a couple is following IVF treatment..
Soniya, I am not talking about these kids because they are born through IVF. I am just worried that parents in this case wouldn't be able to take responsibility of these kids due to their age.
IVF are as normal as any children, and these parents are at the stage when they need care themselves.
drmana, just imagine the scenario where govt.will start hiring all the kids born by IVF??? Thats not possible for a govt.to think on all these matters..so this point is ruled out..Only thing that govt.can do is to bring a strict norms against such treatment..
Coz there r really some fool people like mentioned in the above article..They just think about themselves..
First, close that fertility center for not bothering to explain risks of treatment to the patient.....
Second, make law regarding age and other factors to be considered for IVF. This is injustice to the children born to these stupid parents who never bothered to think how they would be able to take care of newborns at that age..
Third, government should take custody of these children...
Why are people misusing something as great of discovery as IVF???
wk, MAN - u r just too much to argue with..lolzz
lol soniya I don't want to leave the evidence that I ever lived so won't be having any kids, adopted or my own.
of what "forced" is!
Wk,i hope u don't belong to the category of SOME people..lol(take it easy)
Oh it's a big deal for some people. They want their own child.
yes its very rare...But i don't think a trivial matter like BLOOD comes when a couple set their mind for adoption...
soniya it's not just the name, blood matters.. You do see adoption there in rare cases but very rare cases indeed.
I too believe in giving SHELTER to the orphan kids..I am blessed with a baby or else i would have gone with my way of thinking...
wk,but after adoption as far as i know FATHER's surname is provided to the adopted kid..
I agree with u, completely
I have also expressed,instead adopt a kid,pickup an orphan,give life for such kids, they also will be satisfied and kid also given shelter
Exactly..The desperate couples of more than the age of 45-50 should go for adoption rather than to go with this kind of treatment..
In such cases mostly the relatives must be waiting for them to die soon..so that they can share their wealth...so having heirs for them wont make the relatives very happy..lol
yv2r adoption is not prevalent there. It is someone else's kid and not yours so your family name is not carried forward and people think who knows what is the original caste of the kid. Don't blame me, that's the thought process.
they could adopt Orphan kids at a right age,
How many kids will definitely get a good name for their parents
it may be an interesting thing to read, but think of those babies born with 66 years old mothers, how many days those kids will get mothers love, those may miss mother love and care sooner than other kids. so in reality it is not good.
yv2r if you think about God in everything you do doesn't mean everyone does.
As it is women is in a Men opposing stage, to carry name of family get by unnatural way,do you think kids will be blessed by Almighty.definitely not.
olive,there r some dtrs who wanna prove that they r superiors and well advanced with the latest technologies..Yes,we need to blame these dtrs to some extent..
What yv2r has said is also true..In our country,people without children are cursed for the rest of their life..And thus they r force to adopt such practices evenif their one leg is in graveyard....
I can't even guess the reasons involved here to be honest. Moksha, Nirvana or salvation have got nothing to do with it. There are questions raised when a couple doesn't have a child after a few years of their marriage but even that stops by the time you are 66. Maybe the desire to carry forward the family nameas that is considered very important there but at that age common sense should prevail. Hope they have got relatives to care for the kids when they grow old.
Crazy people... yv2r...I was thinking the same! will they be able to manage them when they become teenagers?? they will be in their 80s or even dead!!
to attain Moksha,Nirvan is only selfishness,
think who is going to take care tomorow also is a concern
Not on them no, but the doctors should not have even attempted this. We can put our concerns on them. They should be sued.
yup i truly agreed with u OLIVE..But we can't enforce our views and concerns on others..its their life and they r free to use it on their own way no matter it would result in a burden for others at later stage....
Thank you yv2r, about time someone else pointed out the problems with becoming a mother at 66!
By the time kids attain the age of knowing what the world,blessed mother may not be there to support or see them.
Those kds become burden for the people around and get neglected,inturn they may become criminals.
women always tend to b unique in their own way ;)
Oh my little hometown is going technologically advanced :P
I wonder if they even knew what is IVF
They aren't considering the happiness of the children at all. This is the most selfish thing I've ever heard of. How can two 66 year olds possibly take care of triplets who will no doubt have major health issues.
and age have no love limits...:)
People go to ne level these days to get the happiness of CHILDREN evenif it happens at the later stage..I m not so desperate atleast..lol
Hope and pray DEvis health has no issues ....
Love see's No Age Limits....:)