35 people killed in hunting accidents..

Loved this one..
Please be careful, if holidaying in Italy...
According to statistics published today, 35 people have also been killed in the past four months, and another 74 injured - all but one were hunters killed accidentally by their shooting companions.
But the 35th victim was a mushroom collector shot dead near Arezzo in Tuscany. Of the injured, 13 were also non-hunters, mostly people out for a walk in the woods or cycling down a country lane.
The annual bloodletting is a result of the unusual freedom allowed to shooting parties under Italian law. They can go on to private property and fire anywhere not within 50m of a road or 150m of a house.
Arien... Idiotic laws by Great Shooters :)
lol. idiotic laws and Great shooters :)
"They can go on to private property and fire anywhere not within 50m of a road or 150m of a house"
That's what is most concerning.This particular law is indeed very disturbing.
must be training for the human hunting later in the year.
No surprise there, The land of the Godfathers.
Oi Timebandit! Remember the no nationality bashing.
If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone. Albeit an *accident* in hunting. Tell me, does this happen more in the South by any chance?
Don't venture into the woods with your bella.....
Stupid Italians