26 dead at Elementary School!

By britexpat

Watched this tragedy unfold yesterday. 26 dead including
20 children.

I watched and shed a tear at Obama's address. His words were hertfelt.

Spare a thought and if you are so inclined, a prayer for those angels who died and their loved ones who are suffering and coming to terms with their losses.

Hug your child and hope / pray that this type of thing does not happen again ever.

By anonymous• 21 Dec 2012 12:33


By poachedeggs• 21 Dec 2012 00:01

Ok - let's do it your way. All people that kill other people for WHATEVER are either terrorists or nutters? Is that assessment right?

By anonymous• 19 Dec 2012 11:04

Azilana, ok

By azilana7037• 19 Dec 2012 10:10

that once a topic veers to RELIGION/FAITH, it gets ugly.

But since this topic is still here, the MODS are either on the reading mode or finds it entertaining.

I stepped out of the topic after that post...but you called me in so I replied.

I respect all religion/faith/beliefs, so I hope mine is respected anyways, though I know it's not always the case. The point of discussion here (in this topic) is:

"20 children died shot by a mentally unstable person

someone branded the killer/shooter a terrorist...and comes in suicide bombers, Islam...non-Muslim...PREDICTABLE, isn't it?

So my suggestion that this topic be locked before it gets grimy is an opinion. The MODS still decides at the end of the day.

I'm out of this topic...adios.

(don't call me back, please) :)

By anonymous• 19 Dec 2012 09:09


Your solution is to lock this thread just because some people don't know how to behave?

By anonymous• 18 Dec 2012 11:55

"...killed by a mentally sick/ill/insane/monster/having psychological disorders who can't be a terrorist Cuz he shot his mother 8 times!"

"He killed kids in the school, and so others are doing..

He was a terrorist, nothing less nothing more!!"

Happy Schizophrenia Day.....genius

By poachedeggs• 18 Dec 2012 01:17
Rating: 3/5


Look at what is happening in the Middle East now. Men are taking their children out into protests and mayhem and them blaming everybody else when these children are injured or killed.

What happened in America was bad but the parents did not send their kids into a war zone - in the Middle East it seems acceptable to send your children into war zones and then parade their dead bodies. What for?

Thank god we are not fooled any more - there is Facebook, twitter and you-tube. We in the west are not fooled any-more.

By Sir. Fin. Waves• 17 Dec 2012 18:38
Sir. Fin. Waves

This was sad event that happened,

But did you happen to read on the same day in China 22 children were also hurt... Yes, in America guns are easy to get. But guns dont kill people, people kill people.

Same day in China, and it keeps happening,

A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens.

You people against Americans, Instead of always saying Americans are stupid, mental etc, take a look around the world, and see these terrible acts of violence do happen in other parts of the world too.

What has this world come to? Kids watch tv and play video games around the world to much!! Not just in America.

God bless the innocent children and praying for peace to all.

My source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/12/14/china-knife-attack-school.html

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 18:25

I don't think he was a "monster" by choice, you really should get yourself educated over psychiatric matters.

There are mental illness and disorders and a lot of them do not disappear by just saying : " Oh ,go walk a bit and all your problems will go away."

So as brutal and dark the outcome of the guy's mental illness is, he is not to be blamed.

It is the society around him (Friends,family )job to have reported about him if he acted unusual.

But most don't, that's when the mental patient just goes off the edge, especially when not taking medication or under special supervision.

By ingeniero• 17 Dec 2012 18:20

I am not playing with emotions of anyone, I don't have even right to do so.. No one have this right!!

I was commenting on the Monster who did this. (may he burn forever in the Hell)

and I didn't knew about that, that members are ignoring HR's posts...

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 17:42

Satire is not something acceptable when you are hitting the emotional strings of other people's misfortunes.

I don't even know why would you take any of Hajji's posts seriously, no one does frankly.

But would you "satirize" if one of the victims was your own son/daughter?

By ingeniero• 17 Dec 2012 17:39

Blosted, satirizing is Okay, but not taking it as an offense and making a joke of it is disgusting, and such people should not live, cuz it's waste of oxygen,

Dear I shared my thoughts on the post, then His Excellency Hajji Radhi commented on my post by changing the meaning of my post, I clarified my point, then you came up with another point.. Now saying something again will lead to nothing but unhealthy environment..!

So better concentrate on topic rather accusing me or other members

By stealth• 17 Dec 2012 17:36

joke abut what? havent found anyone joking here.

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 17:25

@ingeniero it's really disgusting to see people like you joking about dangerous and very serious matters.

What a waste of oxygen.

By ingeniero• 17 Dec 2012 17:20

Blosted, But they promised me yesterday that they will send it to me by next week!! :(

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 17:12

@ingeniero and that's why they don't give Ph.Ds to your types.

By ingeniero• 17 Dec 2012 17:09

HR, For me he is same as other so called Islamist who kill people in suicide blasts in Masjid,School,Markets anywhere.. there is no difference, He killed kids in the school, and so others are doing..

He was a terrorist, nothing less nothing more!!

Carry on with your genius posts!

By britexpat• 17 Dec 2012 15:53

Interesting and disturbing reading. It is worrying. Some say that we are all too ready to judge and classify kids, whilst reading articles like this makes you realise that we need to assign more resources.

By Xena• 17 Dec 2012 14:56

in US.

Very sad indeed.


By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 14:15

Glad to hear that! we need more parents like you around.

Let the kids discover the world not force them to it.

By FathimaH• 17 Dec 2012 14:12

In fact I was thrilled to see my daughter take a keen interest in Scientific books and science related channels on YouTube. Oh and she loves doing those experiments at home too.Such pastimes whilst enjoyable for Kids, will also help, along with their studies, in their mental development far more than any bloodthirsty game would.

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 14:00

Humans pass by a very energetic phase (Childhood) and they need physical and mental stimulation, that's why kids are always curious ,always wants to learn ,always expanding their knowledge , that's when you should educate your children and introduce them to science.

It will expand their minds.

Or they will grow dull and without any perception about life.

By FathimaH• 17 Dec 2012 13:53

It all comes down to parents looking for a convenient outlet than having to deal with their bored kids. Not mention that some parents are actually into these movies and games themselves, and rather than indulging in such activities when the kids are away or asleep, they simply allow them to join in, assuming again, they will not be affected and will know better!

By anonymous• 17 Dec 2012 13:25

1.Parents should have more time to spend with children/kids and to share with them in games, outdoor activities, sports...etc

2.Parents should expose children/kids to the facts of life no matter how sad these facts might be (like MN said)

3.Parents should not buy weapons and keep them at home. And if they did, they should make 100% sure that their children/kids do not have access to them

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 12:30

Of course, and I'm all in for children making use out of their time ,instead of television!

But as we know these days not many parents are aware of it , and rather let their children pass their own time in boredom than to have to deal with them every minute or so.

By FathimaH• 17 Dec 2012 12:26

But where do you draw the line? I'd think even a few minutes of exposure to such vicious and maniacal material can cause great damage in young and easily influenced minds. Surely there must be better ways for kids to pass their time than watching gory filled movies or playing violent games.

By anonymous• 17 Dec 2012 12:20

well-said MN

violent video games and TV movies are doing big damage to brains of kids

Even cartoons (specially Cartoon Network) is ugly and not as friendly as it used to be.

This may lead to unbalanced teenagers/adults

By Blosted• 17 Dec 2012 12:18

Watching such entertainment is fine as long as you don't let them over-watch it .

By FathimaH• 17 Dec 2012 12:16
Rating: 2/5

However I disagree slightly with this statement "American kids watch way too much violence on TV. American children watch an average of four hours of television every day"

My nephew and his mates, though not American, are the same.

I would say kids in general today, around the world, have graduated to watching and playing stuff that in the past were strictly "Adults only"

And in general I see kids today, not just in America, behave in a far more violent manner than years back. The kind of cussing they do and threats they make when angered, for example, is shocking.

The difference being that American kids seem to have easier access to guns. Take away that ease and they may very well turn to other "weapons" should not sanctions be made to prevent kids indulging in such violent filled past times.

The problem is many parents, including my sister, see no wrong in such entertainment. They honestly over estimate their kids, assuming them to be way more intelligent and cultured, to be above committing such atrocities. Kids are kids after all. They are vulnerable and easily influenced, hence should be protected at all times!

By azilana7037• 17 Dec 2012 10:22

Its completely hijacked and to avoid HEATED/UNNECESSARY ARGUMENTS.

By MarcoNandoz-01• 17 Dec 2012 10:13

Instead of sensationalizing the tragedy, I believe we should focus on all of the other factors, besides guns.

Here are some of the points such cases have in common.

1-A vast majority of these attackers are between the ages of 16 and 26.

2-They are narcissists.

3-They enjoy violent video games and movies.

American kids watch way too much violence on TV. American children watch an average of four hours of television every day. Extensive viewing of television violence by children has raised an entire generation on the theory that they must protect their self-esteem at all costs. Then, while mom and dad had better things to do, they set the kids in front of Grand Theft Auto and completely desensitized them to violence.


Stop shielding your kids from every possible disappointment in life. Get them involved so that when they face one, they are prepared for it.

Take away the XBox and other smart gadgets and Vid games once in awhile.

Talk to our kids occasionally, (you know when you talk to your kids there is a good chance we might prevent some of this crap)

It is time for the people of the United States Of America to take a good long look in the mirror and at their culture and admit they have a problem.

By anonymous• 17 Dec 2012 09:58

"I now see that this is really the mentality of Islamic fighters"

And what if I tell you that I got some of my comments from the amount of documents I read about the freedom fighters of Latin America, such as The Che...would I still be "Islamic...jihad fighter...etc"???

As for "my" signature...well honey, it's not mine. Go to the web and google it...it's found in websites of hilarious quotes

By aliasbahadur• 17 Dec 2012 09:52


By anonymous• 17 Dec 2012 09:39

to the two geniuses poachedeggs & ingeniero:

"This young man for some reason went mad and he shot his mother at least 12 times in the head - killed innocent children and then himself."

"mentally sick/ill/insane/monster/having psychological disorders who can't be a terrorist Cuz he shot his mother 8 times!"


Anybody who kills children is a terrorist...

But if he kills himself and shoots his mother 8-12 times, he becomes a .....mentally-ill man???!!!

What if he shot his mother only 2 times? Would he be still considered a "terrorist"?

What if he shot his father, not his mother? Does that make him a "terrorist" or a "mad man"?

Does he HAVE TO shoot himself to be a "mad man" or is it OK if the police shot him, or he died during a bomb explosion?

Kindly enlighten us with your genius thoughts

By anonymous• 17 Dec 2012 09:15


It was Qatar-UK who first asked this question:

“I have one bold question here!

Why wasn't he called a terrorist!”

I replied him:

“But he is not a muslim, QatarUK

This trademark (Terrorist) is a copy right for muslims!”

You commented:

“HR…I like your answer”


Now you are asking:

“How and when did this topic become religious...

Take the word terrorism out of this topic”

Is this a case of schizophrenia, or what?

By ingeniero• 17 Dec 2012 08:47

From where Holocaust came in the topic?

Topic is about the innocent kids killed by a mentally sick/ill/insane/monster/having psychological disorders who can't be a terrorist Cuz he shot his mother 8 times!

By anonymous• 17 Dec 2012 08:34


"get yourself another topic in the religious forum and argue there"

Can you please provide a link to this "religious forum"?


"a terrorist is a person who uses terrorism"

And what is "terrorism"? can you define it?

( I hope that you're not gonna tell me that it is the thing used by a terrorist)

Is Baruch Kopel Goldstein a terrorist or a mad man?

Is Che Guevara a freedom fighter, a terrorist or a mad man?

"How would you feel if we suddenly decided that your suffering did not exist"

Who is "we"???

Who is "your"???

"the Holocaust it happened "

Proof? Any?

And why then is everybody denying the war in Albania?

Do you recognize it or do you not believe in it?

It surely happened...right there...inside "Wag The Dog"

By poachedeggs• 17 Dec 2012 01:20
Rating: 2/5

First of all a terrorist is a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political or religious aims.

At this moment in time we don't know if this is the case here.

What we do know though is this; suicide bombers etc., are terrorists. They do use terror for their own political/religious agenda. Live with it!

This young man for some reason went mad and he shot his mother at least 12 times in the head - killed innocent children and then himself.

There are family's suffering - a community in pain - even the lads family are in pain - they have lost a mother and a son.

As for you fools that doubt the Holocaust - it bloody happened and it was cr*p. I do not respect how the state of Israel is now - I dislike intensely how they are treating people.

But be warned though - as much as you harp on about the refusal to believe in the Holocaust there are going to be people from all over the world (not Jews) that witnessed that horror; who may turn round and deny you your horror.

The West has helped in the Middle East - sometimes in a bad way but we have helped at your behest.

How would you feel if we suddenly decided that your suffering did not exist and it was made up? We may decide that the photographs and the video footage et al is 'made up'.

Israel is wrong but do not ever deny them the Holocaust it happened and it was sad.

What gets me though - they suffered this- so why make another country suffer like they did?

By azilana7037• 17 Dec 2012 01:18

who died in the hands of a mentally-ill young man.

Reading posters bickering about "religion" on this thread???? REALLY, GUYS???

This is not about ISLAM or CHRISTIANITY...or who's holier that thou episode. If you want to continue arguing, get yourself another topic in the religious forum and argue there.

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 22:17


we are only trying to match the number of times you have hijacked threads

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 22:11

sure...I agree on that too

but that doesn't include the Fidaeen who do the Zionists, Americans, and all other foreign invaders

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 21:48

Yes Hajji & let me remind you that Quran forbids suicide in every form! Especially the suicide bombers that target their own brethren :(

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 21:43

words coming from a dick head....funny

By Blosted• 16 Dec 2012 21:38

if we want any thread to be protected against hijacking, you should be the first not to post.

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 21:35

we all agree that suicide is forbidden, this is why they are NOT suicide bombers...they are Fidaeen

The Quran encourages people to sacrifice their possessions and lives for jihad against foreign invaders

If you don't want to hijack the thread, then you don't need the bring the issue of virgins

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 17:56

I am talking about the end result in both cases that Kids were killed. We know who did this one, but Villagio fire no will ever know yet so many innocent and defenseless children were killed!

Hajji this thread is about the kids who died and yes the one who killed them, but you cant compare him with a religious fanatic who will have 72 virgins waiting for him in Heaven!

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 17:55

Cause or no cause suicide is forbidden in every religion & society !

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 17:54

Hajji am I the one who mentioned Fidaeen?

By Blosted• 16 Dec 2012 14:51

@Victory, Human psychology and its impact on society (or to put it right, society's impact on human psychology), is very important, a normal person cannot harm someone/something else unless it skips some of his/her emotional phases.

A normal person do not think like a psychopath.

So don't expect to judge him/her based on your own speculation, psychology and neurology goes side by side, there are whole lot of neurology/chemical reactions/ emotion .... involved until you have to be a psychopath.

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 14:34


Show me where did I mention the 72 virgins?

It is you who is mentiong them, instead of feeling sorry for the souls of those poor kids

"I am talking about the end result in both cases that Kids were killed"

No! The end result is not the parameter to decide if a "terrorist" act is behind it, or not.

Carrying a gun & shooting kids is totally different than a fire caused by an electrical spark. (unless you want to consider electricity as a "terrorist")

"but Villagio fire no will ever know yet"

Yes we do! According to the published investigations, it was an electrical spark and failure of safety techniques.

By Victory_278692• 16 Dec 2012 14:34

are we discussing here human psychology and its bad impact on our society?

Firearms providers/suppliers are equally responsible for the killings of innocent lives.

All terrorist are NOT mentally sick, the prepetrators, those who motivate, influencing the hatred and master minds of terrorist plots are MAINLY responsible for the killings of innocent lives.

We are sometimes narrow minded and generally see the only the solders, not the King & Captain, who ordered "FIRE"

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 14:24

"perpetrators of the Villagio fire"

Who are those "perpetrators" you are referring to?

Did they plan it?

Did they do it intentionally? Or was it an accident?

You must find answers to such questions before deciding if they were "terrorists", or not.

As far as we heard from the media, there was no intentional act and it was an accident.

What say you, UKEQ? Do you have different info?

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 14:18


Do you think that the attitude of this individual, is reflected on the whole US society, and on the policy of the US government?

People having weapons in their cupboards, and they need to use them on somebody, sometime or another?

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 14:06

Hajji can you call the perpetrators of the Villagio fire Terrorist? Where so many innocent children died? If so then carry on with your views!

By blisteringbarnacles2007• 16 Dec 2012 14:01

Looks like he wanted to be in Iraq or Afghanistan

What I dont understand is what pushes them to shoot in public? There has to be a reason...

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 13:58

why UKEQ?

Who sets the rules?

Why can you discuss firearms in a thread that is supposed to be dedicated to "remember the innocent children that were killed in a brutal and calculated way", but not discuss the "terrorist/mentally ill" person behind this incident?

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 13:33

Yes we can discuss firearms but not what a Terrorist and its versions seen by different people!

By Victory_278692• 16 Dec 2012 13:27


By Victory_278692• 16 Dec 2012 13:27

who are no more, we being humans could not close our EYES to the root causes of their fatal end.

Read here..The Fight to bury arms...

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 13:18

This is not the thread to discuss what you view of a Terrorist but to remember the innocent children that were killed in a brutal and calculated way :(

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 13:16

Good point Brit, and some take advantage of it just to showcase all the 'good things' inside their heads.

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 11:09

Thanks for the reminder Brit... May the little Angels Rest in Peace in Heaven..

By britexpat• 16 Dec 2012 11:08

The topic was about "rememberance" of lives lost :O(

By Victory_278692• 16 Dec 2012 11:07


By Victory_278692• 16 Dec 2012 11:06

Can we say these Loners mentally sick people are Silent volcanoes or bombs, which could blast anywhere/anytime.

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 11:05

"suicide bomb....I think psychopathic/ mentally ill fits"

We have two versions, nomerci:

1.Those who are doing it for no reason, just because they are bored, then we can call them "suicide bombers" and they would be considered mentally ill

2.Those who were subject to great loss, injustice, pain, bitterness and tragedies that would make any of us feel aimless, hopeless, have nothing more to lose, and are living only for revenge/resistance.

In this case, the term "suicide bomber" is not applicable, but Fidaeen (those who are ready to sacrifice everything, even their own lives). These people are not mentally ill because they have planned everything for patriotic reasons in order to settle things with the aggressor (the cause of damage). Every nation has such brave heroes.

Let's say somebody attacked your home, bombed part of it, killed your husband, raped you & your daughter, threw your son in jail...etc.

Would you be considered a mentally ill psychpath if you took a gun, hid behind the trees in the garden, waited until the night when that criminal guy (or his son) came out from the house, and shot them?

I find this a normal human reaction

By ingeniero• 16 Dec 2012 10:06

NoMerci, I second that.. Totally agree with you, Both are mentally sick and ill people!

By Victory_278692• 16 Dec 2012 10:04
Rating: 4/5

describe such traumatic, terrible and shameful incidents, heard on Al Jazeera Radio on Friday and find no guts to read the whole news about the agonising parents and saw obama's crying in public.

Our heart goes out to all the parents and school teachers/staff for such an unfortunate and tragic accident, who lost their young lovely children's untimely death.

I hope that US law makers will enact laws to remove access of such firearms to general public and ensure safety and security.

By Khanan• 16 Dec 2012 09:51

and tragic!

Words are short to describe the incident. My heart goes to all the 20 parents who lost their loved ones and all the nears of adult victims of the incident.

It is shame to debate on the 'nomenclatur' of the suspect on this thread. But it QL and it was expected that it will turn this way. Shame!!

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 09:36

Sorry, but what was the topic in this thread? I kinda got lost!

By GodFather.• 16 Dec 2012 09:24

First of all very sad and terrible News don't want any parent to face losing their child in this terrible and horrific way in a School.

Funny how the pro gun lobby defended the right to keeps arms by saying that if the School was not a gun free site then someone would have shot the killer before he even got into the school... hmm strange thought!

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 09:11


You said: "delusional brain washed puppets"

Your words are the exact description of anybody who believes in the so-called "holocaust", because it is just an illusion.

These words do not describe freedom fighters (Fidaeen) who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to resist and kick out the invadors of their countries (examples: French against Nazi invasion, Palestineans against Zionist invasion, Iraqis against US invasion, Afghanis against Soviet & US invasions, Vietnamese against US invasion, Cambodians against US/French/Communist invasion...etc)

Those who resist invasions of their countries (using any means) are brave freedom fighters and are hailed as heroes.

One last note: if the invadors kill your civilians, then it is OK if you kill theirs

By anonymous• 16 Dec 2012 07:15

Well Nomerci you could say those that kill in the name of their God have psychological issues but would they have committed mass murder if their handlers had not programmed them that way?

By FlyingAce• 16 Dec 2012 01:12

KR, Don't expect anything progressive from Congress, because National Rifle Association is very strong with its roots deep inside in Congress & the Senate...

The only way Gun Ban can be imposed is by Obama Signing a Executive Order bypassing the Congress & the Senate...

By The Republican Party• 15 Dec 2012 23:03
The Republican Party

Just another sad story

By Knight Returns• 15 Dec 2012 22:40
Knight Returns

You guys have hit the bulls eye now..

This goes out to the US congress, the president, all governers and sherrifs

- Stop the sale of guns across the counter.

- During issuance of license check the mental equanimity of the applicant through a psychiatrist report. Check if he has been into fights earlier.

-Check if the applicant is really threatened.

- Directives to be issued to always keep the guns locked in a safe place.

-Revoke the licence and sieze the gun if found that the gun is lying around in the house accessible to all. These checks need to be done by police at random.

By nomerci• 15 Dec 2012 21:13

True. But they both, IMHO, have psychiologic issues.

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 20:57

Normally terrorists kill defenceless people due to religion, territorial disputes or to further political aims. They attack civilians because their real targets are too hard to get at.

People like this case commit random acts of murder with no obvious religious or political motive and is not fighting for a cause. Or maybe being famous is his cause.

By Blosted• 15 Dec 2012 20:39

Not really, the guy suicided after the dark event, mainly because the immense psychological pressure on his brain.

Honor killings, suicide bombers etc.. Do it faithfully with complete sanity (in a sense they still have complete power over their mental situation) but they do it for a specific cause they believe in so hard.

Psychological pressure and manic dissorder vs delusional brain washed puppets.

By nomerci• 15 Dec 2012 20:01

You know blosted, I am not so sure if there really is a difference between this guy and those who suicide bomb,kill girls for honour . etc.

I think psychopathic/ mentally ill fits both.

By Blosted• 15 Dec 2012 19:55

I don't see how being called a terrorist is any relevant to the topic, and to answer you,there is a big difference between a terrorist and a psychopat who shot himself.

By azilana7037• 15 Dec 2012 19:11

Or watch the International news (Al Jazeera, CNN, etc).

ALSO...for your information: ADAM, the shooter is DEAD due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

So there's nothing to defend...only to investigate why a person described (by those who knows him)as gentle, quiet nature would explode and kill "children".

Its a tragic incident.

By FlyingAce• 15 Dec 2012 19:05

Killing Spree which happened at the Premier of Dark Knight Rises was done by a Guy Who had "Chemical imbalance"...

Strange Isn't it... :/

By ingeniero• 15 Dec 2012 19:01

Azilana, hmm, thanks for info...

Btw will wait for complete report.. then how they are going to defend this guy like the terrorists who killed many in Dark Knight Movie premier and other schools....

By azilana7037• 15 Dec 2012 18:47

ADAM, Ryan's younger brother allegedly has psychological/mental disorder.

What made him tick off is still a mystery...and why he shot his mother was as baffling as well.

By ingeniero• 15 Dec 2012 18:35

Up to last night "Mentally Sick and Monster" name was Ryan Lanza... :(

By FlyingAce• 15 Dec 2012 18:27

ingen, its Adam Lanzar & not Ryan Lanzer....

Why isn't HE being Called a Terrorist, that's because all the Main Stream News Networks are calling him "Mentally Sick" & Who is Controlling the Main Stream News Networks, Obviously the "Elitist"...

By zubairkhateer• 15 Dec 2012 17:51

terrible incident!

but tears in president eyes.....hypocrisy.


By ingeniero• 15 Dec 2012 17:47

Sad News...

May their souls rest in peace, May Allah give strength,patience and power to the families of victims.

Hope they recover soon..

btw heard last night about it... But everyone is calling Ryan Lanza a mentally sick person!! Why not a White/Caucasian/Christian Terrorist??

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 15:56

Yes it is sad azilana, with all the children dying around the world

It happened once in Qatar

It happens a few times a year in USA

It happned a lot in Afghanistan & Iraq

...but it happens almost daily in Palestine (you'd need a river of tears for that)

By azilana7037• 15 Dec 2012 15:28

after reading the news on the internet. I felt so terrible, same feeling when I learned of those children who died in the Villagio fire.

Geeezzz....I'm so depressed right now. I miss my kids even more. No parent should face/suffer this misery at any time...I feel for the parents who lost their children..

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 15:19


By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 15:11

But he is not a muslim, QatarUK

This trademark (Terrorist) is a copy right for muslims!

By Qatar__Uk• 15 Dec 2012 15:04

Very sad!

I have one bold question here!

Why wasn't he called a terrorist!

Isn't a terrorist "a person who terrorizes or frightens others."

By Blosted• 15 Dec 2012 14:39

@CeeMart , I'd say ban the public sales of weapons rather than praying, more useful if you ask me.

By CeeMart• 15 Dec 2012 14:36

My thoughts & prayers goes to li'l innocent victims, teachers & families affected in this tragic incident. Such heartbreaking news. Let us all pray for humanity.

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 14:23

"Spare a thought also for the brave teachers who died protecting the little ones.

Thanks Brit, it's all we can do for now... so sad...

By Sana Raj• 15 Dec 2012 14:23
Sana Raj

Our deepest sympathy.

inna lillahe wa inna elaihi raje'oon.

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 12:41

Ha ha the religious crazies are out in America now. Apparently if the kids prayed in the morning, this would not have happened. Also god doesn't look after kids that don't pay attention to him.

And there was me thinking that America abashed with guns and ammo was responsible. Apparently if you are not nice to god and massage his ego he leaves you to die. Someone better tell the Syrian rebels to lay down their guns and start praying and everything will be alright

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 12:15

"US government mainly believe in sticking their nose.."


stick to your nose....err..I mean ... to the topic

By FlyingAce• 15 Dec 2012 12:07

WH, Buying a Weapon in the States is legal under the 2nd Amendment, now the question is, Will there be a Ban on the Sales of Guns?

My Answer is NO!

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 12:06


If you want to discuss "sticking to topics", please feel free to start a new discussion thread

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 11:45

condolences to the families of all 28 victims.

Now how many school shootings happened so far in the USA?

How many people (kids & teachers) have died so far?

How many is enough, in order to issue a law to force all US civilians to hand over their guns, and to stop selling them?

By wirehead• 15 Dec 2012 11:43

this is so sad. and this happened just a few days before christmas.

i've been following this incident since last night, and i can't help but wonder why the gunman's mother, a kindergarten teacher, would have legal ownership of three guns, one of which is a semi-automatic rifle.

currently watching piers morgan on cnn. people are shouting. this is a very emotional incident indeed.

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 11:19

Americans are idiots, if people have guns, someone is going to end up shot. How many school/university massacres will they have before they bring in gun control.

By britexpat• 15 Dec 2012 10:53

Spare a thought also for the brave teachers who died protecting the little ones.

By Aoy• 15 Dec 2012 10:38

just plain horrible

By nite_rider• 15 Dec 2012 10:35

Terrorist !

By marivinthegreat• 15 Dec 2012 10:26

This is terrible! I watched it in CNN yesterday. 7 teachers/school faculty and 26 children died. :(.. The one who did this is totally sick and he doesn't have a soul.

By FathimaH• 15 Dec 2012 10:21

Heartbreaking and truly painful news. All those little kids killed in such a frightening manner in a place they would have felt so secure in. Terrifying ordeal and as a mom myself my heart bleeds for those who lost their beloved children in such a way.

By anonymous• 15 Dec 2012 10:19

ban all guns or equip everyone with gun

By turbohampster• 15 Dec 2012 08:52
Rating: 2/5

Another terrible incident!

Thoughts are with the families of the lost & injured.

I still can't believe after all these terrible incidents, that most Americans are un-willing to give up their gun culture.

I mean come on it is quite legal to own .50 cal machine guns and Gatling guns that can take out aircraft! Yeah it might be fun but at the expense of people lives???

By ghazalz• 15 Dec 2012 08:50


May Allah grant all the strength to the parents for bearing the shock of the loss!

By MANAT2010• 15 Dec 2012 08:50
Rating: 2/5

guns sold in public .....not good for society....


By RyanCanuck• 15 Dec 2012 08:12


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