2018 & 2022 Qatar World Cup bid.

I am surprised no one has posted on this subject yet,
One word answer to the question:
Do you think Qatar stands the slightest chance of being considered?
Please be to the point about the reason for your answer.
I'll start the ball rolling,
Reasons: Time of year. Country too small to keep supporters apart, Hotel space could be managed but not seperate team hotels and training facilities.
Fubar, Qatar's national team plays all its televised matches at Al Sadd cos it makes the stadium look full!!!
I would me much better if they bid for FIBA(basketbal)
Life is short, so try to make it long!
You do have to wonder what Qatar is thinking when it bids for these sorts of events. On the one hand it is trying to prove that it is capable of hosting world class events in world class venues, and then it brings AC Milan to Doha for a match in Al Saad Stadium, which is pretty much the smallest stadium in the country.
Who was the genius behind the decision to play such a popular match in such a small venue, rather than using Al Rayyan, Al Gharafa or Khalifa stadiums, all of which a substantially larger.
This moronic decision will be yet another black mark against Qatar’s bid, and further proof that the local Football association is lacking in any logistical sense.
I’ve said it before & I will say it again, Qatar has no chance of hosting either the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.
When you see such established footballing nations such as Holland/Belgium & Spain/Portugal submitting joint applications then maybe Qatar should get the hint they are just too small to host such a huge event.
It is likely the 2018 world cup will be returning to Europe to England, Russia or Spain/Portugal. Seeing as Spain has huge problems with racism in football & has hosted as recently as 1982, I can’t see them being chosen. Blatter has also recently said: "As long as we have single-country bids which provide all the necessary guarantees, we will reject co-hosting bids."
It has been said the only way England will not get the 2018 World Cup is by being over confident & arrogant. With 10 stadiums already holding 40,000+ capacities and 4 more planned, as well as a good infrastructure & a strong football history England can afford to be a little confident.
Russia are the big threat, they have the stadia & have hosted football finals in recent years. The main problem for Russia is the stadiums are across 9 different time zones & it could be a very difficult & complicated tournament to organise.
I believe Qatar has a better chance of hosting the 2022 World Cup, but that’s not saying much. This tournament will likely be fought out by Mexico & Australia. I Think it’s for Australia to lose it, they have history of hosting huge tournaments and a great sporting history.
Qatar needs publicity because 90% of the world has no clue where or what it is. So it bids for events that it has no chance of getting to create awareness of Qatar. A country with only 1 million will never host such a big event; the only slim chance is if they submit a joint bid.
pretty unanimous so far, with one fence sitter in the shape of walkietalkie,
Anyone at all optimistic?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
How can Qatar be serious about hosting an international sporting event when at the same time it's busy closing down places like Garvey's and the Rugby Club?
On the one hand you have one group of Qataris trying to attact international tourists and high profile events, and at the same time you have a conservative group of people closing bars, shutting down community groups, and demolishing things like Palm Tree Island, Ras Al Nassah, and so on.
Flan is right. The millions and millions that will be spent on the bid will be pissed up against a wall. Another total waste of money.
Ha! For sure I wouldn't be here on 2018 so I don't care much about it. I don't think Qatar is willing to share the spotlight with Dubai though..
Blatter is an idiot who wants to be "wined and dined" ..
He also wants to be seen to be bringing the World Cup to all corners of the world..
If not alone, perhaps Qatar and Dubai as joint hosts may be an option.
eerr I would say absolutely no way!! How would they deal with football hooligans drinking in public?!
Country too small as adey said.....
No chance in hell!!!! The money they'll spend on the campaign should be put to far better use.
The reason for nomination is purely spite and based on the fact they didn't get the Olympics.
This also proves my point that drugs are readily available in Qatar!!!
I think that only time will tell... There's strong competition from England, Belgium-Netherlands, etc.