20000 and More.....

Hello brothers and their sisters in QL !!
I take privelage in thanking Qatarliving and all my dear friends in QL for tolerating me...lol in QL.
Its been 2 Years and 31 weeks with Only 20000 points.
Time vanishes so quickly like the way the hairs vanishes from my head....:(
Once again, thanks everyone and Especial Thanks to my dear MODS, you are all wonderfool people ! :)
heatless_betch i likes ur ID ! :)
U may join the party, but promise me you wont bite me ? :(
general wats buggin you buddy ?
lol WK
With such a wonderful user name, I doubt Rizks will say no..
general who doesn't have a life?
Him for posting a lot here or you for commenting on how much he posts here??
love to join the party....can i come rizk?
Keep running your mouth on here and you'll have 500,000 pts by years end. then maybe you'll have lived a full life. what a loser
Naah rizk...but thanks anyway...some other time..
Congrats Rizks... you are 6,000 more than Sachin Tendulkar...lol
at Taxi Hotel...
where's the party?
yes Soniya...
wanna join ?
So the party mood is ON??
noms are u ready to buy few of my points in tat amount ?
sell each point for 5$,, u'l be rich!
congrats!! ;)
general_disarray yea i am very much proud !
and ya u get life at Lulu, plz visit there !:)
eh ? :(
only galpriends ALLOWED !
their husbands can wait outside in their CARS and have Karak Chai....:)
20000 pts huh? Well, it is now confirmed, you have absolutely no life whatsoever. Well done! You should be proud.....
lunch is fine, i'm coming with all my girl friends and their husbands.
which place and what time?
lol gloomy....
how about Lunch ? :)
m jus kiddin...dahling !
u r most Welcome !
aaawww... you're bad.
now i'm asking you for a celebration then you'll just put me in complete humiliation. :(
dinner cancelled. i'm offended. :(
Quote, "positive, meaningful, productive & significant contribution towards QL :P :P :P"
I'm sure of one thing though, "productive" in getting QL points! Lol! The other, Ill leave it to all your friends! Heheheheheheh!!!!!!!!!
ok Gloomy...
then get urself ready today for a nice candle light dinner at Taxi Hotel.
Make sure you wear tat dress which was gifted to you on ur first birthday.....:)
YES i am.
Gloomy are you serious ?
WK is it the lost souls or the Love souls ? :)
Thanks ArieL
Colt, wat 2 things re ? :(
Congrats Rizks. how about take me out for a dinner tonight and WE TWO celebrate?
Rajnikanth of QL ..lol
Congrats Rizks
Rizku bro. Mabroooook.
We have all got to learn a thing or two from Rizks :-P
u have a very gud heart.. thanks Bhaiyyaa...(bro)
Rizks your informative posts and the wisdom therein has always enlightened the lost souls around :P
gudone its not tat long to reach me, u can always reach me through my mobile....:)
ohoho.. Congratulations.... Rizks...
i have a very looooooooooooooooooong way to go.& reach ur 20,000.....
Thanks Everyone !
U all are part of my Life now...not my WIFE....:(
I shall try harder and harder to achive my Goal....:)
Congrats..Rizky..u r really the one among who make Ql interesting for me..So stay here still i reach ur achievement...
Congratulations - you must spend way too much time on here...
Don't be in a hurry to get to that 25000 mark :-P
Congrats Rizk :)
Congrats! I hope I get a life and never reach those points but I have doubts :-(
Rizks.....they are already making a fortune of QL. They can go for a transplant :(
thanks Tinku darling...
Soniya zi, i shall throw stones in your path so tat u dont reach my milestone....lol
Oye pathan, if ahmad and qatari will donate me 20000 hairs each, then they will get bald too like me....:)
And yeah.... Alf Mabrook Ya Habibi for your achievement :D
LOL Rizks, you are welcome to try.. see where it gets you..
jalebi, i hope i see u next time and me surely will plug 20000 hairs from ur head scalp...:) thanks dear !
DaRuDe i will pray tat we dont meet Face2Face again so tat u wont have a face to meet me again....lol
I hope ahmed & qatari would donate 20,000 of their hair to acknowledge your positive, meaningful, productive & significant contribution towards QL :P :P :P
rizk, i am just few miles away from you...:)
Congrats BRO for achieving milestone..
you do survive till 25000th point.
and I bet you're wishing you had 20000 hairs! :P
Mabrook Rizks.. :P