13th Zodiac Sign

So what's your sign? Or what was your sign? An astrological controversy erupted last night and had people buzzing online when a Minneapolis planetarium suggested that a 13th sign should be added to the Zodiac charts.
The Zodiac signs represent the constellations that the sun moves through over a year. Three thousand years ago, the Zodiac signs were created and broken up into 12 signs for the 12 constellations. However, the sun actually passes through a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus, the snake annoyer.
That would mean that there should be 13 signs instead of 12, and that moves a lot of people out of the sign that they thought was theirs.
Using the new breakdown, the calendar would look like this:
Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11 - April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 - 29.
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20
So the changes moves my April 21 birthday up from Taurus to Aries, and I'm not moving.
By the way, people born under the sign of Ophiuchus take charge of any situation with wisdom and knowledge. They command admiration of their peers and have big dreams for themselves.
did i hear PARTY!!
Nice wirehead .. = ) ... "Boring as a Weighing scale"
@ wirehead, ROFL!
i never took horoscopes seriously but somehow this pissed me off when i first heard the news :D i will never accept that i changed from a sexy, passionate scorpio (i think it's the most interesting zodiac sign of all) into something as boring as a weighing scale.
I'm a Black Hole.
i m saggitarian but not vegetarian!!
Or I can just be a Virgbra!
I refuse to be moved to Pisces!
Aiiieeee!! I'm an Ophiuchus... Whazzat about being associated with Imhotep? :-0
"take charge of any situation with wisdom and knowledge. They command admiration of their peers and have big dreams for themselves"
Ermm... apparently not living up to destiny :0(
before i was virgo now a leo....pure BS!
new zodiac signs must be apply to new generation only! lol!
thanks wk. nice to know
It's people who p*ss me off, not the moon!
seems ok... just replaced my personality traits with horns...:) twin or two still intact...
Your Moon Sign describes character traits, feelings, and personal responses that are very familiar to you.
The sign the moon occupied when you were born is your Moon Sign in your horoscope.
Find your moon sign here:
Lol brit.. No comments :P
lavvyblue that's a snake charmer
isn't that those people who sit on the ground playing a flute while a snake comes out of a jar???
Astronomers announced this 20 years ago, and again 10 years ago. And they announce it today, and tomorrow those who 'believe' will ignore it again. If you say the truth, nobody believes you. That's how humans are.
What is a snake annoyer?
It is infact "the Serpent Holder" also known as Serpentarius.
From what some of the ladies have said, perhaps you should be called Ophiucus... :O)
yeah, lucky me huh?!
lavvyblue you too changed to Saggi?...lol
Vic we need party!
Even before reading the new dates I knew I must be a snake annoyer..lol
you don't have to change your personality just because of this new discovery. Be who you are and don't be because of what others describe those zodiac signs are. I read the characteristics of each zodiac and i must admit, my behavior really coincides with the description for my sign but that doesnt mean i have to change my persona just because i turned from capricorn to a sagittarius or what not..
Gemini will always be a Gemini...
Ophiuchus is associated with Imhotep who lived in 27 BC..
(remember the Mummy) ..So the attributes are those associated with him.. :O)
For those who reads Zodiac sign in net or newspaper .. you will reading both... hahahaha
strange though there are three signs b/w 30 oct to 17 dec...
but i would move to the sign i hated most... capricorn :@
i dn really believe it but i wont even accept it :p
well .. im kinda reading signs...now my doubt is more on these kind of things...changing sign and changing personalities is kinda out of this world!
one_shot... its ok .. just sharing for those who are very in to there Zodiac signs...
plushed.. you might not take it seriously but others do...
It's not widely accepted yet. And as for me, no thanks. I still prefer Cancer over Gemini.
lolzzz, like i believe these things.
Only loosers follow these things,"not offending the topic owner".
A real man is who create his own future, not depending on circumstances.
who takes zodiac signs seriously anyway??
and who would like to have a zodiac that will give him a hard time to spell or pronounce?
From Horns to a Crab....lol
i'm a virgo now...what a move...i even skipped libra..
it doesnt make sense at all. it juz showed that our zodiac sign does not reflect in our personalities.
i've been choosing wrong numbers in lotto my whole life!!!!!
the kittens scratch me now?? :(
im virgo now.. yahoo
I don't believe in this Zodiac thing at all, but some time i read it in the news paper just for fun.
I wish I were a snake annoyer!
Looks like I'm still a Pisces, though.
well,change is constant..i'm just not ready to move now...i'm wondering if this would change personalities too..:)
the only constant in this world is CHANGES...sooner or later we have to move on
truth hurts
I'm scorpio..i'm born having scorpio as my zodiac sign..i spent my 20 years here as a scorpio..i don't care what the hell they're trying to say now..
i wont accept the change..! I'm the warrior... :)
I'm happy being a scorpio..can't accept that I'm virgo now..
im still in-denial about this changing and moving of signs...the fact that im quite happy of my sign and not yet ready to move