12 classes/types of employees...where do you belong to?

In the eyes of them employers, there is a dozen (12) classes/types of employees:
CLOWNS – the official office “joker”. Always have a one-liner 9not necessarily) punchline that can make sleepy/bored officemates laughing. According to some bosses, thisCLOWNS are ATTENTION DEFICIENT because they are either not that smart or SMART but LAZY people so they make jokes for them to get noticed. In my opinion, if there are always a clown in every office because if there ain’t one, coming to the office to work would be a taxing one.
GEEKS – people who has a world of their own and don’t care what’s happening around them. Their world revolves around their paperwork, their boss and the computer. Even though the boss is in a bad mood, the GEEKS would be unabashed to approach their boss to ask if the entry result would different if the debit value would be substituted with the credit value…duuuh!!!
HOLLOW MAN – there are 2 kinds of H.M.: the TYPE A: these are the INVICIBLE employees, always not seen in their workstation, either somewhere around the office or frequently ABSENT; and the TYPE B: these employees are ALWAYS PRESENT…but you don’t see their work or just having HOLLOW minds…
SPICE GIRLS – it’s the all-women clique who LOVES to party, ALWAYS late for work. You can always see them wearing a ahirbrush or Ipods. If there would be any office group activity, they always stick together…
BOY BAND type – the male counterpart of the SPICE GIRLS, they were born to look charming and cute. It’s usually a bunch of 2 3 guys so all can get a chance to get noticed. Like the SPICE GIRLS, their heads are full of nothing but HAIR GELS…
CELEBRITIES – Politicians, athletes, performers. Politicians are the more concerned with the standing of the company and the welfare of their co-employees than their work performance. Athletes are those who are so active (always present) but works like a “turtle”. Performers are the employees who seemed to be coming to work so they could get a chance to perform (sing, dance) during ANY organizational activities in the office/company. As in general, CELEBRETIES has an intense PR, but low in I.Q.
GUINNESS – record holdders when it comes to persistence. Tries to make up their shortcomings with their intelligence.They are the ones who likely to succeed in life. Fast workers with not that efficient(lol)
LEATHER GOODS – these are the types of employees with a wrong sense of determination. Always determined to CHEAT the company oin every way possible and usually covers it well by kissing their bosses’ asses. Crocodile skins could not be compared how thick-skinned these people are.
WEIRDOS – problematic employee, said to be misunderstood. Often called the “black sheep” in the office. They have a unique character: few friends, always involved in fights, rated low in evaluation, and the boss’ enemy.
SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD – considered as the “ENDANGERED SPECIES”. Straight ‘A’ employees but well rounded and not ‘geeks’ Boss’s pet but not an ass-kisser. Always busy with work but always have time for extra-curricular activities and night-outs…yeheeey!!!
BOB ONGS – sane employees with mood swings…
COMMONERS – the generic member of the class. Lacks individuality and be recognized/remembered. They are those employees no one notices even when they don’t report for work. In the long run, they’re there but as if they don’t exist in the office.
YOU, what group do you belong to?
I used to be like that...until I got bypassed on a few promotion;
Now, I just work, firm in any argument (pertaining to work) but not fight, and when the day is through, get the h*ll out of the office and relax... Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN
none of above..
is there kind that just come to work, do his/her job properly, not involved into fights, not "sticking together" with anybody during the office group activity, never late to the office even though was parting all over last night..stay at work whenever need to stay with no one word of objection, in good terms with everyone starting from CEO and to the office boy...don't talk to much ( i mean no jokes, no rumors, no any bla-bla-bla non stop).. just a normal professional...
where is this type in your classification?
This Too Shall Pass.....
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maybe your not am employee...you're the EMPLOYER (THE BOSS)...lol
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN
lol azy
What can I say? :-P
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN