10 and more strange items sold on Qatar Living

Qatar Living is approaching its tenth year of success. To make this special, we at Qatar Living, try to bring some informational and out-of-the-box read for you.
Find below some of the strangest items that have ever been sold on our website. These will leave your eyes wide as they did ours.
# - Clash of clans Th10 Maxed Account – Wow!! Would any Clash of Clan aficionado opt for this account?
# - New Weighbridge – One would require a separate plot of land for its installation!
# - Anti-barking pet dog training control collar alarm shock device - - What is a dog if it doesn’t bark? Can this be used on people too??
# - Petrol hoist – Lift anyone?
# - Tax Card Services – If you happen to figure this out, then do let us know.
# - Vehicle tracking software - New way of stalking?
# - Fresh flowers everlasting – Notice a rose that reminds us of the Qatari flag!
# - Garden storage / shed – The challenge is to find space for this!
# - BBQ Pans – Something for your BBQ parties! Don’t forget to wash them before you use!
# - Titanium Voucher – Too many vouchers of the same brand all over the site!
# - Screed machine – This machine could play a role in one of Stephen King’s novels. Mighty one – ain’t it!
# - Crutch Left Arm – Do we get the right one free??
So, what do you think? Have you come across anything stranger?
Rizks,,, they have his own signature maybe LOLz
Once I saw britey selling his Pink Thongs which was a bit torn and dirty in the front and back part on QL at the rate of 49.25 Dhs....:(
I wonder why he wants .25Dhs for ? :(
I think the most strange one one the "Dildo"
That was scary :O(
I think it was Rizks too
Good times Khanan.....
Vists to the farm.. Rizks petting Bella..
DaRuDe used to sell Camel's milk via QL. Ah those were the days.
Hey mods, i helped you with the tax card;now please approve my comment on the gcc driving licence post lol...its just a youtube link for a car drifting video i want to show a fellow user...dont worry its safe...youll like it too :-)
In Few day will start selling each and Everything......!!! LMAO
about the tax card; all companies, local or foreign, must have a tax card; even if they are exempt from tax, they must have a record at the tax department in the ministry of finance; the tax card itself is like an id/licence with a unique number which can be used to pull up all pertinent info about the company. Now, since most government related tasks involve lines/queues/waiting and since not all companies have PROs able to handle these things; a company can pay these service guys to go do the leg work for them...like other documentation/translation/paperwork service providers...
Rizks already sold his hairs here... didn't OP miss that ?!
Wut? Someone would actually buy a clash of clans account :O
I heard that Rizks has been selling his used Lungis as souvenirs at The Mall of Asia :O(