#1 TV News Channel, Why?

By Happy Happy •
Which is your favorite TV news channel, you believe covers news in depth and objectivity? Any admired reporters too?
I have a couple, what about you?
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I'm still calling it Leno Show, I liked him better, I have no issues with O Brien, but I'm used to Leno.
Imagine Oprah would be replaced? I'd still call it the Oprah Show, except that I'd stop watching it if she disappeared.
I like Christiane Amanpour, Hala Gorani and Jim Clancy (I sense his subtle passion regarding some of my regional causes)
Leno has recently been replaced by Connan O Brien.
Although these talk shows host have a good sense of humor, not all the jokes are tailor made for an international crowd. Sometimes they are just too local and little or no interest to international audiences... just some times :)
As for reporters/news anchors, CNN has a few very good ones; Christiane Amanpour is an example among others.
The news anchor in Dubai One, sound like bad acting!
Anyone watches David Letterman and Jay Leno?
And how come no one here shared who their favorite news reporter/anchor was?
I have had a really bad day and that is just what I needed:
"moving like a 'flirt woman'" -- lol
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I'm sure I'm very unaware of many things in life. This is why objectivity is at risk, always.
Ash, I'm sure there is worse, you just don't know about it...:)
Al jazeera Eng & Daily Show (John Stewart)
You guyz have no Idea... What News and entertainment is....
It is third Degree torture....
Its "AAJ TAK" in India...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
many people around the world are unware of many things!
Fahmy Alhoweidy is right, and if this article proves anything, it proves that we're entitled, in Egypt, to criticizing the President's policy without fear. Many people around the world are unaware of this fact.
Not that he is going to act on it!
here is something for you..i am sure you know this writer...
I needed this marching music, bee buzz, or even a whistle straight into my ears, to block my hearing, while attending a Parliament's session in Egypt, where the respectable MPs used foul language On Air. I cannot repeat what they said, but here is a glimpse.
It's so cheery and really compliments the Emir's wonderful smile :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
And let me add to your point about objectivity that in today's world, news coverage has to be 3D, the old myth of 2 sides of the story isn't enough any more, there is always a 3rd party involved, then 3D it shall be..:)
I bet, that's what's happening, bleu.
it is better to disable to sound sometimes otherwise, like bleu said, you may hear inappropriate terms.
I am referring here to what the courteous G. W. Bush once said about Syria speaking to T. Blaire over lunch!
MD, and it's great music.
I think that when you see them laughing somebody must have said a ******** joke.
The beauty about Qatar TV is that you never hear the live tone. They are absolutely 'objective'. They leave it up to you to read the lips of the 'leaders' to guess what they might have said. Entirely objective! All they let you hear is some sort of old British military music.
Hopefully the situation improves soon in these authoritarian regimes!
At least in countries like Egypt, Tunisia and others, the people are aware and active but some like the one we are at the moment, total submission and passivity rules!
1. BBC Documentaries [All time favourite]
2. CNN
Call it appeasement or blackout, but people are wide awake about their rights. For example the Egyptian satellite channels are still daring the gov, even after signing the media control charter, there’re three daily live uncensored highly-viewed call-in talk shows dedicated to expose domestic issues and holding interviews with officials to re-dress gaps. Such programs were inexistent 5 years ago.
Another example is Al-Jazeera's stance against Media Control. In fact none of these signed pacts actually stopped the opposing press or shows from scandalizing current regimes.
Previous QL relevant responses, and so the fight goes on..:)
I wonder if the leaders of those countries are that stupid or do they think their people, is?
HBO and Star Movies
I was mainly referring to regional channels, don't know about the rest of the world's local news channels. But imagine having to put up with 20 minutes of listing the names of every single member at the leader's reception!
Oh, and of course all internal affairs are good and satisfactory..:)
i like al jazeera in arabic, like FOX is a propaganda machine for U.S right wing AL-Jazeera is a propanganda machine, i never heard about domestic issues of arab world properly in al jazeera . so i love the arabic version escipially the advertisments which is a big relief.
check many other channels to confirm NEWS (LIKE investigating History) or DISCOVERY Channel....
Personally I feel Al Jazeera show directly from Horse Mouth and don't involve personal commentaries on the subject....
From India most reliable is
International NEWS...
BBC, CNN.....
I don't think there is objectivity in any news channel let alone truthful information...
Even if a certain tv news channel is truthful, it will focus on issues that are of interest to her which does not make things objective.
However, I would vote for the Arabic Al-Jazeera.
Not all local channels, just those from authoritarian regimes.
Any local channel would have extensive coverage of their leaders' international visits. Egyptian Nile TV covers Mubarak's visits of where he went, who he met with, what he had for lunch, when he played squash, who he shook hands with, and how many steps he climbed up to get back to the plane, en route to Egypt..:)
This is so boring!
Did you see his recent interview with Katy Couric (who anchors the CBS Nightly News show). It's kind of scary when you think that the Daily Show (which I love and do watch daily--at least on the 4 days a week it runs) could be the primary source of news for certain demographics in the US. I like the PBS News Hours. It's the only US show that actually covers the day’s news in depth. BBC world does a good job. Fox news is appalling in its slant, especially as it pretends to be objective news (at least MSNBC, which slants in the other direction doesn’t pretend to be news instead of opinion). CNN is OK. Outside the US and UK, Al Jazeera International really does do a good job of presenting a more third World centered view. As for Qatar news: fugetaboutit, best source seems to be QL
MD your right. They have QTV1 and QTV2. You get the exculsive coverage of the Emir and te other members Ruling family.
I remember when the Emir and Sheika went to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.. The coverage was very good and you saw what the Emir and Sheika did that day on their visit.
deleted as it was posted twice.
Which channel is that? Does it broadcast in English?
Speaking about good quality information, the news on Dubai One, also does an incredible informative job with their rosy and soft tone, about how successful Dubai is riding out of (the others’) crisis.
Qatar TV has a very good talk show, titled Aldar الدار, which tackles and highlights very important local issues, and puts it out to the public. I'm sure there are other shows I'm not aware of.
Also Good Morning Qatar is a good Radio broadcast, not only seeking entertaining but reform.
Qatar TV is the only TV station which doesn't spill lies. And most importantly, we are informed about the numbers of letters (not the content, though)the Emir and his son have sent and received during the day.
It seems that I should start counting votes, like QL's Dracula masters on most of his threads.
Daily Show and Colbert Report are way ahead so far!
Thanks Gipsy!
I used to watch it on CNN, sat at 17:30 but they stopped it since a couple of weeks ago!
...fox news...
It's on at 9:00 pm on Showtime.
I would also go for Daily Show.
By the way, can anybody tell me at what time and day its on, here in Doha?
zee aflam....
Colbert broadcast from my old stomping grounds last week
Camp Victory iraq...
You can't teach experience...
Express News or Geo Pakistan......
Or our Pakistani Police,, Cause some times they already knows before the happening of any Incident.LOL
Loved last nights Daily Show when he compared what was showing on Fox, to what was showing on MSNBC to what was showing on CNN. I was nearly wetting myself.
Loved last weeks Colbert Report when Obama popped up for the haircut section.
The Daily Show & the Colbert Report. Without a doubt the most objective news shows in the world. :)
1. I often find myself falling asleep in my bed with my laptop! lol
2. I was just born inquisitive -- drove my mom crazy (and still does)!
Get it?
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
Dawn News...
Why ? coz it gives news.....lol
...........Dawn News and Al Jazeera English..........
Real news is so depressing. I stopped watching it a long time ago.
Thanks, and sweet dreams.
I often find myself falling asleep in my bed with my laptop! lol
But I was just born inquisitive -- drove my mom crazy (and still does)!
Gotta get some sleep now. Have a good night.
Salaam Alaikum.
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
But zipping through news channels or their online websites is a very time-consuming procedure, all to dig for where the truth is. I consider this overload by my/today's standards, no time!
Oh, and I'm into news websites polls too..:))
We used to not get any news out of the Middle East. Things have improved so much and I think the push for bilingualism here in the Arab world has made the biggest difference. Up until I came here I got all my news on Arab issues out of underground newspapers and through friends who would pass things along; there just wasn't much being reported in the 80s and early 90s -- except for isolated stories like the American Embassy bombing in Beirut, etc.
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
You said it all indeed! specially the last paragraph, I keep thinking what is a 100% objective coverage? There will always be two sides of any story.
I think the BBC is the most objective, but I have to watch CNN and one Arab channel (Al-Jazeera or Al-Arabia) to make sure I’m not mislead.
I think they will grow and mature. But if they want to be viewed as anything but an anti-Western mouthpiece they will need watch their editorial bias. Fox doesn't care about such things and is happy to be seen as the Right Wing network it is. I would hope that A-J doesn't follow that same path.
They are positioned (and funded) to make great contributions international media. Unfortunately, as long as they allow someone's politics to color their reporting, they will be marginalized.
I think you get the best sense of what's going on by watching a lot of different news. I watch BBC, CNN, AJE, and MSNBC. I even occasionally Fox so I can see what the enemy is up to :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I would've wished for the Al-Jazeera to be the most honest, would've been absolutely proud, but I'm afraid it's not, although it has all the means to become one.
Maybe their policy will change?
They are as reliable as Fixed News (aka Fox News).
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
While I do have high regard for Al-Jazeera English, simply because the Arab world is in dire need for its voice to be heard in main languages, and to balance out international media coverage, but I don't think it's the most objective, no.
Would you agree to that?
AlJazeera English!! reached a recorded number of houses around the world in just three years,,,,have a different point for view for everything, & in depth coverage & honest/reliable news which BBC & other channels lack.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Maybe you're right, but I really think he's sometimes overdoing it.
Shoe, you're so serious about this business..:)
soooo true!!!
love the FW09 collections,specially Ralph Lauren's........
realize he is lampooning the Right Wingers.
Stewart is my fantasy man -- right after George Clooney :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
FTV and MTV are the best..:)
While I do like to watch Stewart and Colbert's, for their straight critique but they do get on my nerves at times, specially Colbert’s.
One more vote for the Daily Show and Colbert...
I have a lot of respect for Christiane Amanpour of the CNN and Zeinab Badawi of the BBC's Hardtalk.
nah,,, i like BBC...
The Daily Show. My entire knowledge comes from John Stewart and his team.
The most objective of all.
And I love The Daily Show (Jon Stewart) and Colbert report for their irony.
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I like iReport of CNN.
TVE has all what I need, but I don't understand their Spanish sometimes! DW, not bad, and even in English; Al Jazeera is improving tremendously... but let's be honest, all are more or less copying the style of BBC!!
spot on happy....talk shows are just as informative as the "standard" news channels.
thanks for link!
You mean this?
Best news!
Super Comedy