1 in 5 Americans think Obama is a Muslim
This just out:
A substantial and growing chunk of the country believes that President Obama, a self-described Christian, is Muslim, while only about a third of Americans are able to correctly identify his religion, according to a survey released Thursday.
Nearly one in five Americans believe Obama is a Muslim, up from around one in 10 Americans who said he was Muslim last year, according to the survey, conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
While most of those who think Obama is Muslim are Republicans, the number of independents who believe he is Muslim has expanded significantly, from 10 percent last year to 18 percent now.
The number of Americans who express uncertainly about the president's religion, meanwhile, is much larger and has also grown, including among Obama's political base. For instance, fewer than half of Democrats and African-Americans now say that Obama is Christian.
The rest is at:
Very worrying
Obama is after all Mr Teflon :0)
Yep,We all do ... :0)
Yes, he learnt the hard way.. :O)
I was shocked when he said "all settlement activities must cease", poor lad, he forgot who dictates the American foreign policy in the middle east !
The expectation was to high as the deception after!!!! As for the religion... Mr Obama knows better about his own beliefs!
The expectation was to high as the deception after!!!! As for the religion... Mr Obama knows better about his own beliefs!
True, the Republicans left the country in a mess. However, I think he underestimated the task ahead and perhaps promised too much..
And after!!!!
Every body critises Obama for his performance LATELY, but lets not forget who started all THE REPUBLICANS long before him!
I totally agree britexpat.
He is trying to be a man for all the people and this does not work..
You are right. He may have lost the momentum, but that is probably because he is now working in the real political world, where compromises have to be made and powerful lobbies listened to..
Don't get me wrong. I would have picked Obama over McCain (who never once in his career voted AGAINST sending combat troops overseas) or Bush, but I am disappointed that he has not delivered on more of his promises. He had a lot of support when he started, and I think he has wasted much of it--much like Bush after 9/11--getting involved in petty squabbles over things that have little to do with him. For example, he is forever going on sports shows to make comments about how collegiate American football should be run, and last summer he wasted valuable time harassing a Boston cop who arrested a friend of his. Soon Congress will be republican and all that potential will be gone forever.
obama is better then other previous presidents of USA
he has come to power in difficult times...i understand what linc says..he cant do much if the congress is not with him.
Obama is not different from politicians everywhere. In fact, he's a helluva lot better than Bush.
Obama promised everybody everything to get elected. No one could possibly deliver on what he promised, but people around the globe totally bought it. He is one man, and the president isn't even all that powerful in the US political system. Congress controls the purse strings, and so it will be run by his opposing party. Then nothing will be accomplished, and they will all be able to blame each other as usual for not fulfilling their election promises.
I think religion matters in the US to the extent that it would be very hard for an atheist to get elected to any office. Americans expect their politicians to have a little humility by believing in a higher power other than themselves.
he's not a muslim????? i think same thou... thanks for the info. Now survey says. "7 out of 10 not americans thinks Obama is a muslim"
people expected alot from him when he was elected as the president of united states of america, but after he backtracked from his promises, he to was like bush....
Religion was an aside when he was being elected because people voted for his policies and also because they were fed up of George W..
Now that times are getting hard, the religion issue may be brought in. I'm sure he'l ride it out.
these beliefs actually give him an edge to his political career..
Obama talks the talk, but he can't walk the walk.
Does it matter whether he is a Muslim or a Christian?
Better to focus on how he does his job and unfortunately he ain't too good at it, me thinks
who is Obama?
he's president now?
i thought he is jewish
because i remember i saw him with a jewish cap, but not Islamic one.
can anyone provide us with this picture from the internet
maybe this was reported by Arab press ;)
me tooooo
Just proves religion is not the number one thing people are concerned about over there.
lol, be that as it may, I severely doubt he will survive even one term of presidency.