Building for 2022 - labour supply

This from today's Doha News - more and more of the traditional hotbeds of recruitment for labour are turning their backs on the Gulf in favour of richer pickings and better living conditions/treatment in the Far East so where are the recruitment agencies going to find these vital people and whats the country going to look like with double the population inside of 5 years??
personally, i feel that qatari men are so humble,caring and thier hospitality is awesome. i have never seen any other nationality which can compete to these qualities of qataris.
with this current system of employment and exit permits , if you deal with qatari's its okay to have one such since they don't abuse the privilege which is granted to them. however, often it turns out to be an abused work culture here because of the loop holes in the system.the labour laws are always one sided . inorder for them to grow , its required to change this labor laws .
if expats are leaving the country after making a lot of debts on their bills and all, they have to find another methods for preventing such(like taking an advance amount /caution deposit/credit limit for services like electricity and phone..etc . ofcourse this laws (exit permit and sponsorship rules) are not the solution . since the these laws are always one sided, i doubt , whether its islamic(since islam preaches the laws to be always equal opportunistic-in business, many preachers says that the insurance and share markets are unislamic because it doesn't address the case of business making loss). if we expand the meaning to the labor , its doesn't make sense at all. more over islam discourage slavery. the labor laws are already a virtual (modern day) slavery-according to the PM of qatar. when we put all these together, my personal belief is its unislamic .
inorder for qatar to grow up to the international standards, the country has to be a land of opportunities- thats how they made it in america and europe. for labors here , its always a loss situation, though they work for money , after sacrificing a lot of freedom.
I had seen many talented people refusing to come to qatar just saying the reason-"I don't want my manager to decide on my freedom to move around.he can do that in office , not in my rest of the life". so in effect, only a few talented people comes here . so the potential is always diminished for the country to compete. of course the world cup 2022 is not end-of the world. qatar has the potential to grow beyond that. but it has to go though the process of growth. again, its my personal opinion and not any kind of advocacy.
It is really a futuristic thought and approach to enhance the labours policy and rules for recruitment of labours. Because of increasing demand of labours, the cost of labours are very high.
construction labour agency sydney
it is difficult to get new labours now..there are more demand with higher pay in Korea, Malaysia and Singapore...
I have 12 Recruitment Agencies in different countries working for me. Trust me, they have their ways of lining up candidates no matter what the contract conditions are. Qatar will have all of it's 1.5 Million workers for FIFA and all of 60000 required for Railways,NDIA and other bigger projects.
Lukad04, welcome to QL.
Please be careful about trusting recruitment agencies "recommended" by certain people as there have been many instances of people getting cheated by fly-by-night "recruiters" in the past years.
QL's helpful contributors are not employed to render advisory service here, they are voluntary and have experience in different fields but they are part-timers and not the official channel. Thus, whatever advice you receive, you should verify the same, unless you know the member personally.
All the best in your research.
stealth said "just a lot hogwash. with the amount of people streaming in for jobs, god knows where these reporters get their news from?
Agreed with stealth.
Also, this portion of the OP's comment, "... turning their backs on the Gulf in favour of richer pickings and better living conditions/treatment in the Far East"
- Sounds like an attempt to get employers in Qatar to raise salaries of expats. "Richer pickings" - not true, I know cos I'm back in the "Far East".
"better living conditions / treatment" - well ... true to a reasonable extent. Living and working in Qatar is actually a hardship placement but adaptable people do well over there.
"Al Arabiya is reporting that Qatar will need to recruit 1.5 million more foreign workers in order to get the country ready to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup... A massive influx of new workers will be needed for a number of huge building projects, including the construction of a network of new stadiums.
Qatar has also committed to building a new metro system in Doha and a national railway network ahead of 2022."
- This means that the projects have not really gotten off the ground yet, have they? Doesn't sound like it.
FIFA don't care about the labourers in Qatar don't make me laugh, they only care for the money they will make
very true, there is no standard followed to the poor labours even in this heat they are forced to perform the job in open sky.
I don't know if its a rumour or not but the FIFA is reconsidering the 2022 fifa to take away the hosting from QATAR due to millions of conditions.
The human rights people here are not happy to see the labour and contract slavery terms of employment here
I still miss UAE
just a lot of hogwash. with the amount of people streaming in for jobs, god knows where these reporters get their news from?
..but man locals complain there are too many expats and a recent survey a large percentage suggested reducing the expat numbers. They felt their culture was changing, especially the exposure their kids were getting.
Unless they don't change the rules of employment and the way these people are treated i hope they NEVER find another 1.5 million workers. Why? because these people are treated like slaves with contracts (legal slavery).