Qatar Extreme Sport
Qatar Extreme Sport (BMX&Skateboarding Exclusive) is a new organization of young people with the common goal of riding bmx and skateboarding for fun.
Because of our willingness and dream of making our sport known in Qatar, we were able to successfully made an event.
The first ever skateboarding event in Qatar was held last June 21, 2013 @ Al Saad Stadium parking area, this was made in participation in the worldwide celebration of GO SKATEBOARDING DAY
Off course this was made possible by our Qatari organization Patron Mr. Farhan Al Sayed.
We made our first ever event successful, we made it for ourselves, for our dreams, and for the love of the game.
And because of the success of our Go Skateboarding Day last June 21, we are now planning our next upcoming event "Qatar 1st Open BMX/Skateboarding Championship" which will be on September 27, 2013
We are inviting everybody who have talents or want to learn skate/bmx to come and join us as we build the History of Skateboarding and BMX here in Qatar.
If you are interested or you know somebody who wants to join us, please visit our facebook page:
QatarExtremeSportsBmxSkateboardingExclusive and leave us a message or send MMS to any of the committee or members (details are shown in our page)