women singing in public stirs debate

A religious ruling by the president of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, Dr. Yousef al-Qardhawi, permitting the singing of females stirred debate within Islamic religious circles where playing music and singing were perceived for long as forbidden by the Shariah law
Some Muslim scholars criticized Dr. Qaradhawi’s fatwa saying that singing is forbidden and not only for women but for men as well, citing the music’s effect on emotions and its potential to lead to what is perceived as sin.
Dr. Abd al-Fatah Idris, an Islamic scholar from Egypt’s Al-Azhar university, said “As a general rule, women’s singing is forbidden, but there is no evidence that shows women cannot allow men to hear their voice while singing.”
But Idris acknowledged that during the prophet's era a woman called Zainab used to sing for other women in weddings.
Others have supported al-Qardhawi’s fatwa particularly with regards to singing for religious purposes such as promoting Islamic values and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed.
But in both camps women are advised to observe certain Islamic legal conditions and to restrain “lustful desires.”
Lol Jacko.. seriously she should call it a day
Yeah that chick should stop singing at Orion... sucks big time...
The Prophet did say that as the hour draws close ignorance will increase and knowledge will be lifted and those following his sunnah will decrease.But lets hope and pray to be among those guided few who will make decisions based on the teachings of the Prophet and not simply for their convenience or other worldly gains!
Look around you. There are over a billion Muslims in this world. How many actually read the Quran and hadith or practice Islam as it should be?
I think what Mr. Qardawi's comments are a move in the right direction. They will lead to a lot of discussion and no doubt a lot more chest thumping from certain Imams. At the end of the day, it is the individual Muslim(a) who must interpret and decide for themselves.
Muslims should refer back to the Quran and hadiths. The truth is Islam is far more simple than what people have made it out to be.The Prophet said to describe his sunnah "its night is like its day". What's allowed and what's prohibited have been made clear. But of course not everyone does so..sadly preferring to make their own interpretations of whats haraam and halaal and causing much debating, divisions and disunity =(
"..singing by women should be that of value and should not be “indecent,” "
Herein lies the crux.. Indecency is subjective..
so easy to label everyone.....
The Quran and sunnah no doubt does. Yes certainly there is evidence of women singing at the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him,during weddings and Eid and that to with his approval. And in the article Qardawi states clearly “there is no hindrance against women to sing, except that singing should be within an acceptable Islamic legal frame that insures singing is not accompanied by prohibited practices such as dancing or drinking alcohol.” Is it really being debated? strange that! By the way Genesis who is an "internet Salafi"? lol.Catchy! That said a true Salafi will not promote and/or support anyone in opposing the rulers. Those who do so are NOT Salafis but khawarij, Allahu 'alim.
Interesting comments posted in the link in the OP.
of the human spirit- it's only endured for the last 1400 years; steady on boys, what's the rush?
But Belly dancing is not haaram!
i wish breathing was haram.
“As a general rule, women’s singing is forbidden, but there is no evidence that shows women cannot allow men to hear their voice while singing.”
All hell broke loose few weeks ago over king Abdulla decree to regulate fatwas. Internet salafis have spammed Internet forums all over the gulf advising the public to support the fallen scholars. Let's see if they do the same and support dr. Al Qaradawi's fatwa.
who cares over who defined them?...as long as the only intention is to keep pulling the people who try to cross the boundry back into the defined realm by other people who think that they are inside the boundry and the majority considers the boundry to be sacrosanct.
It's very heartening to see noted & respected Islamic scholars like Dr.Qardawi having the courage & conviction to issue such statements knowing the flack he will receive for it...IMHO step in the right direction...
Felt the same way when King Fahad of Saudi allowed & opened the first mixed gender university in Jeddah...push out & isolate the extremists who use religion as a crutch...
Well done Dr.Qardawi!...
yes who defines the boundaries?
leaving a lot to individual judgement
As stated in the article, he supports the singing by women, but within certain boundaries.
A move in the right direction, but who defines those boundries.