Why arabic numbers are left to right?

By Think-Twice •
Yesterday I watched a movie in TV which had Arabic sub-titles. As we know, arabic is from right to left, i.e. opposite to English. However, I note that the arabic numbers are shown in left-to-right direction. The same happen on car plate numbers.
I'm curious why arabic numbers are not shown in righ-to-left direction, to be consistent with arabic words? Wouldn't it be easier?
I ask as I observe; I know as I ask; I grow as I know
arabic is a easy language..if u learn
speciality of arabic""""""""
It depends how you read the number. Actually the proper way is to read units then 10s then 100s and so on.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
numbers are not the original ones. It is taken from the indian numbers, the English numbers are the original Arabic numbers to be more accurate.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
good question would love to know why