Where to now Egypt..

One step forward, two steps back ?
Egypt's military has granted itself sweeping powers, prior to the results of presidential elections.
The document by the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (Scaf) says new general elections cannot be held until a permanent constitution is drawn up.
It also gives the Scaf legislative control.
But the latest announcements by the Scaf will have a crucial bearing on the outcome of this vote.
It has issued amendments to last year's Constitutional Declaration that will limit the powers of the next president and boost the role of the armed forces.
It will also have a strong influence over the writing of Egypt's new constitution.
I think the Liberals will win in the end...it's pointing towards that. Let's wait and see.
At least the British have the chance to vote Cameron out at the next election, I can't be certain but I fear getting rid of the Military or the Muslim Brotherhood will be a lot more difficult once they get their hands on power.... poor Egyptians.
I didn't. I normally abstain from casting a vote because I can see no suitable candidate anywhere.
Such is politics. We voted for Cameron remember :O(
You believe too much, brit. Words are only words.
Surely for a democracy to flourish , any and all must be allowed to stand. As far as the Brotherhood is concerned, I have listened to the rhetoric and he is talking always about inclusion and respect rather than exclusion and dictatorship..
Am I missing something ?
Where is Happy Happy ?
It's a hierarchical one-way communicative system. Your opinion is NOT wanted or required. You only do what you are told to do! All points to dictatorship.
That's what it is, brit.
Religious Dictatorship ?
It's a disaster. Two unloved candidates are not a real choice. The revolution must continue!
It is a concern. Military rule of religious dictatorship, what horrible choices.
Lets hope the months of protests to get rid of Mubrark don't go to waste, the Egyptian people deserve better. However I hear the voter turnout for the presidential election was poor and there was a lot of intimidation from both sides. Oh dear.