teach kids peace Vol. 2

The 1st part is here : http://www.qatarliving.com/node/319562
but here i am not going to talk a lot. only this picture is doing
The 1st part is here : http://www.qatarliving.com/node/319562
but here i am not going to talk a lot. only this picture is doing
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i have already watched the heartbreaking pictures on TV at aljazeera ........... they killed 212 childern so far 80 women .. and the rest are civilians .
they bomb one school for the UNRWA .. after all of these palastinian people should teach their kids peace , what kind of peace they are talking about ???
I am totally speechless, no comments
When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye ... Wasif Ali Wasif
here you go:
the Palestinean children don't need toy guns to learn violence. They see their people being killed, since they open their eyes to the world!
This is why they turn into brave fighters who are ready to sacrifice their lives for their country.
They are keen on martyrdom, as much as the israelis are keen on staying alive.
abosam you can vote for the same canidate and you can also have the view also..
Aboesam: I have played with guns when i was a kid, did that made me to hate anyone? No.
If you ask any kid in the westerner world what he would like to be, he wont tell he wants to kill other people but he may say that he wants to go to the police, to be a lawyer like his father, or a teacher, etc...
Now, read the children declarations on the other post, are you sure that you Love Allah? Don't you trust Him?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
gpn-35 : 100%
oryx said : "However if you are just showing this photo of children handling guns to incite more hatred...then shame on you.
You too are using children as an object in war"
who did start inciting hatred ???? i saw a thread about Palestinian kids army dressed and a lot of pathetic comments , and i wanted to raise my viewpoint also
for God sake, do u have any dam clue about shame, dont judge me , better you add your opinion about the post
ukengqatar : "Agree strongly with Oryx last statement" .. Individuality??? pls
gypsy : "At least they aren't encouraging them to kill themselves and become "martyrs"
even though , whats wrong with that ?, since they are defending their homeland
to become a "martyrs" is an honor, where is the sacrifice then?
greentea . me too
abohamid .. you wellcome
My statement is based on a reason called OBSESSION
When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye ... Wasif Ali Wasif
Hmm no not really frozen tear. I beg to differ. I have 3 brothers, all used to play with toy guns. None of them turned out to be violent. We also play networking games and we use guns too. Does that mean I will actually do it in real life?
Your statement is based on what?
The internet is our revenge machine
Oryx everyone has its own opinion definitly you were not thinking of becoming a soldier at 8 but not every body is as intelligent as you are there are few who would opt to use the real ones the time they grow up intitially for thrill later for other reasons.
When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye ... Wasif Ali Wasif
do you think so???
i used to have a little cowboy cap gun....and a water pistol....
i dont think i felt like becoming a soldier at 8.
its adults using children for political/economic means by force that brings about child soldiers
When we are buying toy guns for our kids and letting them play fighting and shooting games on psp, xbox etc.. we are also passing the same msg to them
When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye ... Wasif Ali Wasif
GPN-35....in my opinion they look like Jews! so what?
Oryx said "If you are concerned about child soldiers which can be found amongst every religion, creed and culture...and inform people
then Nelson Mandela's wife Graca Machel works very hard to help their plight.....and has written some very interesting things...
Also this will inform you more about the globalissue of Child Soldiers
However if you are just showing this photo of children handling guns to incite more hatred...then shame on you.
You too are using children as an object in war".
Thanks oryx for your balanced view, this is truly disgusting and horrifying. Let them be kids for goodness sake, this is not their war. isnt it bad enough they are already the victims of wars.
Actually there is a famous case in Burma of twin 9 year old brothers who were such great army commanders they had a divine status....
Stunningly shameful world we live in...
its global you can never say one group practices it more than another
Really, supernurse?
No Way!
They look like Saudis, to me!
My sight is getting weaker, I guess.
Thanx for the 'super' notice, supernurse.
Wow Oryx that is awesome you are going to berbera, what are you doing there? remember there is a US interrogation jail in berbera.
I guess you dont need visa to go around since the place is classified part of failed state but anyway be safe, that part of the world is very dangerous for foreigners.
sorry for hijacking :)
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Whether you are teaching them how to handle a gun and how to target another human being to kill and to fight in war or your strapping the bomb around their body and sending them to become Martyrs at the end, the same result.. we aer teaching our children to kill and be killed...
We are teaching them that the only way to achieve what is necessary is to be the agressor.
These kids look like Jews.......
Thanks - dont use photographs of kids to incite negative feelings...its pornographic
North of Pirates land...sort of Berbera etc :)
but if the opportunity came my way....
i have a full visa.. :)
sorry for the hijack... saying hello to chum realsome
Agree strongly with Oryx last statement
Any one who teaches Children to kill is sad. Either by the one in the pictures or the one who strap bombs around their bodies.
If you are concerned about child soldiers which can be found amongst every religion, creed and culture...and inform people
then Nelson Mandela's wife Graca Machel works very hard to help their plight.....and has written some very interesting things...
Also this will inform you more about the globalissue of Child Soldiers
However if you are just showing this photo of children handling guns to incite more hatred...then shame on you.
You too are using children as an object in war
the photos of the Palestinean children in the other thread, are the photos of the (brave) "reaction"
It's as simple as that
let me hear that. probably not the Pirates land :)
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
I am also biased. You should never, ever teach your little boy how to drive your car. It's a deadly weapon!
Guess where I am going on 22nd Jan!!! :) yep...
Gypsy your bias is extreme. sadly
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
children are a bright future of the nation but instead of educating them they are thot how to use weapon n spoil themselves and others,wat a heartless world.
But unfortunately encouraging to kill others.
At least they aren't encouraging them to kill themselves and become "martyrs"
aboesam thanks
i wish these kids have never been born
"No one is born happy...
But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness..." -anonymous