Staying Intellectually ''Alive'' in doha !!
Hi there,
I'm Canadian from Montreal, I was woundering if there are any volonteering opportunities within the Qatar Foundaation, Doha Debates etc...I have a 2 and half years old boy and I'm pregnant so I'm not looking for a job but I'll be glad to give couple of hours to stay intellectually ''awake''. I hold a Bachelor and a Master degree in International Business and Marketing, 8 years experience as Business, project mangement and , E-Marketing Consultant , and (outside work) I have been involved in organising monthly conferences and debates about social, inter-religious, ethical, and political subjets for the past 7 years. I would really appreciate it if you can send me some contacts within the Q.F or Doha debates. I'm interested specifically in intectual volonteering. I have tried to contact them but could not get hold of anybody there. If you have names and contacts, please send me PM. Thanks in advance for your help !
Working here for 1 year now, I can not say that it has been intellectually rewarding for me, though I have to stay and look for better opportunities that not only pays but helps me develop as well.
Everything happens for a
Try Reach Out To Asia
'intellectual'? I don't think so.
is that possible ??
Please !