'Solar flare to paralyse Earth in 2013'
London, Sept 21, PTI:
Scientists have warned that a huge solar flare is due to erupt in 2013, which could paralyse Earth, causing blackouts and chaos.
They fear that the giant explosion of energy from the Sun, a phenomenon which occurs only once every 100 years, could see power grids crash, communication systems collapse, planes grounded and Internet shut down, 'The Sun' reported.
British Defence Secretary Liam Fox called an emergency conference in London yesterday where he warned experts that an incalculable damage would be caused if such an explosion took place in modern times.
The talks, organised by the Electric Infrastructure Security Council, heard that the Sun will reach a critical stage of its cycle in 2013. A surge of magnetic energy in its atmosphere is likely to trigger radiation storms which cause massive power surges.
Fox called on scientists to build a strategy against the impending disaster which could be similar to the one in 1859 that smothered two thirds of Earth's skies in a blood- red aurora.
The conference also heard that a hostile power could cause a similar effect by exploding a nuclear weapon in space.
Fox said: "While we all benefit from scientific advances, so we also create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by our enemies. However advanced we become, the chain of our security is only as strong as its weakest link."
it's all about job creation, similar to the millennium bug which was a crock of sh**
InshaAllah ... Best of Luck
Working on it ..... Hope for the best .. :O)
Brit any Luck of u comin back ?
Great stuff.. Hope it works out..
But is it worth risking because of the Solar Flares in 2013 :O)
First the barrio residents habits, the water drought shortage, My first typhoon, the flash floods, the dollar rate, the kidnapping of the Hong Kong tourist and know is Dengue season!
What else is to be safe from in the Phillipines?
I'm Still living in the Phillipines by choice, lucky for me I got me another Job in Qatar, I'll be back in January again, If the contract is worth the headache and the money! Waiting on the offer letter.
Welcome back.. You should be safe where you are ...
I realise that there is a danger, but If you read the article , It's mainly "could".. The guy also talks about harnessing similar energy as a weapon. So, my guess is that he's looking for a research grant or works for the DOD..
Thats true, wait and watch, but shouldn't live a life in Ignorance will it be to late by the time it really Happens ? is it also called BIG BANG THEORY ? Or its before BIG BANG
Thats a Scary though !
Lets wait and watch...Nowhere to run nowhere to hide...
Solar flares are closly monitor by the bigtelecommunicaton and aerospace companies, they are real dangerous and realistic, they could paralize a whole nation in minutes, Electromagnetic fields provoke by a solar flare burst, do happen all the time.
Are you one of those "consultants" who made a bundle of monet during the Millenium Change ?
2012 now 2013 soon 2014 Whew, God only knows!
It happened before. Blackout in Canada. I advise you not to fly on these days.
another story, another addition to insecurity, poison works slowly!
The world as we know it , Yes! But what about the earth in then parallel universe ??
the world would have already ended in 2012 according to the other conspiracy theories. :)
Damn.. This gives Arsene another excuse for not winning the le ague :O)
"Internet shut down". . oh no. . . no QL
i don't think so its the end of the world.
oh.. not again!!
what are the basis?
Good Information thanks for that..............BTW How many times u watched the Film 2012 yesterday
the link is...where??
Only credible looking link I could find is this ...and it's from June
Yeah Hassan, go figure. That last one really screwed up the internet too, didn't it!?!?!?
Should i get some extra candles?
This is supposed to happen once every 100 years and the last one was in 1859?
the keyword being "could"..
they are probably after more money for research and lab upgrades..
link pls.?