Is Slaughtering animals is better?

Al Shaddad Bin Aous has quoted this tradition of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) "God calls for mercy in everything, so be merciful when you kill and when you slaughter, sharpen your blade to relieve its pain".
Many allegations have been made that Islamic slaughter is not humane to animals. However, Professor Schultz and his colleague Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, proved through an experiment, using an electroencephalograph (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) that *Islamic slaughter is THE humane method of slaughter* and captive bolt stunning, practiced by the Western method, causes severe pain to the animal.
The results surprised many.
Experimental Details:
1. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all animals, touching the surface of thebrain.
2. The animals were allowed to recover for several weeks.
3. Some animals were slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cutting the jugular veins and carotid Arteries of both sides; as also the trachea and esophagusHalal Method.
4. Some animals were stunned using a captive bolt pistol humane slaughter by the western method.
5. During the experiment, EEG and ECG were recorded on all animals to record the condition of the brain and heart during the course of slaughter and stunning.
Results and Discussion:
I - Halal Method
1. The first three seconds from the time of Islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any change from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating that the animal did not feel any pain during or immediately after the incision.
2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep - unconsciousness. This is due to a large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.
3. After the above mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain at all.
4. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously (a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving maximum blood from the body: resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.
II - Western method by C.B.P. Stunning
1. The animals were apparently unconscious soon after stunning.
2. EEG showed severe pain immediately after stunning.
3. The hearts of the animal stunned by C.B.P. stopped beating earlier as compared to those of the animals slaughtered according to the Halal method resulting in the retention of more blood inthe meat. This in turn is unhygienic for the consumer.
If people do not argue then they are not using their minds, and remember that we will know what is good for us only when we use our minds and argue and then reach a satisfactory result.
what are we goin to slaughter, a hostage or a chicken?
People here don't just read the information and say thanks, they would usually argue and debate the topic. Most of the time we won't like what they would be writing.
I wouldn't discuss Islamic topics here on QL.
Please take it as spreading information
Well Oryx, that may be right, like I said he is not very eloquent ( and I spelled that wrong in my post ,oops) !
I have "missed" a lot of his posts , so I haven't read what he is all about.
I think he is trying and it is not working for him . But still can we just all get along and live and let live !
For us Muslims here , his posts are very informative and those are things a Muslims should know . So he is just giving advice or a reminder for some of us. And maybe a non- Muslim finds the info interesting as well.
Its nothing to do with language or the right to post
Khalid's method repels people from islam....
He actually comes over as being a rather mentally imbalanced with his illogical and incoherent posts.
This isn't indicitive of his language skills but of how he thinks.
He never answers anything properly but just spews out irrational ideas.
Now this isn't the best advert for islam.
Alexa ....AND, this is a forum...if those have the right to post, then others do too.
If you don't like what they have to say, ignore it.....see, it works the other way around too...;)
Da hast du wohl recht, lol
That is what I'm doing anyways, I ignore most of the commands!
Anyways I think Khalid the tiger is not very elegant in bringing over the message of Islam, it may be a language barrier, since the Arabic is nothing like the English and a lot of it's meaning gets lost in translation . I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt
Khalid, just what is it with you???
'sister and brother having an affair with each other'
'father and his daughter having an affair with each other'
'mother and son having an affair with each other'
'people let their 2 yrs old daughter marry from dog or cat'
etc. etc. etc
You posted this exact same nonsense on another thread you created 'Information on Women Dress in Islam' in the Politics, Culture and Religion forum. Pray tell me what this has got to do with method of slaughtering animals??
Seems to me you're obsessed with the wickedness of the West and how immoral and degenerate we all are.
Or could it just be you're obsessed with sex as it always rears its ugly head in your lunatic rants? It's getting a bit boring and predictable now. I, for one, find your attitude bigotted and narrow-minded, and it's doing NOTHING to make me wish I'd been born to be a Muslim. You have absolutely NOTHING good to say about the west and its people. Well done for creating further divisions and hatred. You're not a good messenger or flag bearer for Islam, unlike many other reasonable people on QL who manage to make their points with logic and understanding.
I just wish you didn't annoy me so much.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
We don't need western/non-muslim scientists to prove anything in our religion. We have all the proof we need in the Quran and Sunnah.
just think my friend Alexa
When people for example
when people let their 2 yrs old daughter marry from dog or cat?
Or when sister and her brother are having an affair with each other!!!
Or when a father and his daughter are having an affair with each other!!!
Or when a Mother and her sone are having an affair with each other!!!
Of course you remember the guy from Austria who had seven children from his own daughter (This is known as the crime of the century).
I am just giving an examples which could happen any where.
I hope no one get offended.
I hope all people have the same attitude thanks umm-salayum
for the ppl that don't like his post , just skip it , no need to get all upset about it... I skip all the other post that don't interests me , and I may feel "turned off" by it , but still I leave the author alone ... no need to get all nasty about it ....OK :)
Alexa the people have the right to know what is right and what is wrong
Alf Mabrook Khalid
This research is 12 years old -
is this new information for you???? i worry about your faith that you are so eager to prove it..
Khalid, have you tried verifying this in the university's website? ( )They have a name search option too, so that you can check whether there are researchers with the names quoted above working there.
Do not be selfish man UkEngQatar and please be open minded.
Yeah FS:)
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
Someone good to know that you dont eat lion and Tiger...or a Wolf for that
I'm a pure vegetarian, I eat only vegetarians:)
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
Just be vegetarian!
Khalid which option do you prefer for Slaughtering you. I think for you the stunning will be more appropriate than with a sharp blade so you can understand the pain you are causing to all the Qlers with your
Killing by any method is condemnable.
Rizks, noooo.. dont leave me alone.. :(
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
Ok !!
Show over ....:)
Rizks , why do you entertain him then, just leave it at that :)
ok, i'm out from here.. tata.. bye bye cyah... ;P
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
ya ! coz somethimes morons like u wont understand in just a single sentence, so need some explanation..:)
sorry Khalid, this dumb rMs makes me hijack the threads as he does as usual...:( Grrrr
To tell that small thing he posted this whole essay ??
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
OK !!
lemme explain u in one sentence....
"You Bloody Hijacker Get Out From Here "...:)
Explain me that whole thing in one sentence plz ! :(
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
I agree Halal meat is the way to go.
Alot of people are confirming that Halal meat is more healthy as well as Kosher meat is the same way of slaughtering.
You should owe it to the Jews, they went kosher before…
Yes its true and belive me the real educated western people already knows that...cheers
TFS Khalid... well i eat Halal foods Alhamdullilah !!
Now Khalid get ready for some bashing/arguments in this u know wat i mean ?? :)