Simple Question

A simple question could come and that is why are people created differently? Some are black some are white, brown, red, etc. I believe that if all people are the same and speak the same language then life would be boring, we as a Muslim believe if God wanted all people to be the same then it would have been done easily, I think we are created differently to meet each other and know about others civilization, the world we are living in can be described as an ideal or perfect. The perfect world is homogeneous where there are good things and bad things.
Many people ask me do you agree that a Muslim country sells alcohol. I tell listen my friend before many years there was an Islamic country called al Abasyah and they were leading the world in terms of strength and science. In science the have achieved great things in science fields from geography to medicine to mathematics and many other fields of science, and at the same time there were places which sell wines and alcohols.
Those want to go and pray will have the mosques and those who want wine will go to the bars or places where wine is served.
It is all according to your believe.
Khalid the tiger
I have heard from some written articles that the idea of god dosen't wanted all people speaking the same language (having the same tonge as a matter of fact) is to prevent a revolution against himself and glorifying idols of their own creations.
Acohol is like, "one mans meat is another mans poison" but what does it takes to sin you. It has been drank eversince the time of Abraham.
Anyway thanks, I have a liqour licence bottom's up for me plz.
and they had a competition creating different races in their own image. The one who is the most successful is the one left standing at the end of the world.