Shocking footage of police 'torture'

Who watches the watcher ???????????????????
Philippine police have relieved a number of officers from duty after a television station aired footage allegedly showing police torturing a naked detainee.
The detained man is believed to be a suspected thief caught in Manila's Tondo slum district, according to ABS-CBN TV, which said it obtained the cell phone footage from an unidentified informer.
Anguish: The footage was filmed at a police station in Manila and shows a suspect lying naked on the ground
Horrific: He has his genitals bound and a police officer allegedly pulling on the rope as he writhes in agony
Outcry: The prisoner is believed to be an alleged car thief. His fate is unknown
The footage shows him screaming on the floor in a foetal position with his genitals bound and a man pulling the rope and whipping him.
'Snatching is not allowed here,' the man beating the detainee can be heard saying, while a uniformed officer stands by and watches.
Amnesty International researcher Hazel Galang said the incident can serve as a test case for the country's anti-torture law and the Aquino government's determination to implement it.
Early this year, a police colonel was seen punching a suspect whose face was covered with a plastic bag, and recently, another video showed three handcuffed teenage boys, two of them forced to kiss each other.
The colonel in the video was relieved and placed under investigation while the probe into the other case was incomplete because there were no witnesses and the boys did not file a complaint, police said.
Source: Daily Mail
I know it's happening but not reported. We just need to deal it as it is because it was documented thru a picture or video. Anyway, I just wanna call your attention about the generalization thing! Good evening!
My apology.. I was not trying to generalise your country. This occurs all over the world. However, this story just happened to be in the Philipines..
it's common in developing country. Stealth is right, it's much more common on developed countries. And prove me wrong if it's not true! I'm not defending the cops involved but at least, who they tortures are KNOWN bad and sometimes very cruel criminals while in the west, it's usually what? It's wrong to torture them but don't generalize our country!
This is normal in the Phillipines, there is so much crime going on daily, then If you get caught by the cops, depending on the crime and repetion for the offences, they will torture you or give you a beating to let you know who is in charge!
Recently some gang member by the name padilla who had a long list of crimes committed was arrested after a shootout with the cops during a car jack=up, the last time they saw him alive was while he boarded the ambulance while a TV camera man GAVE HIM A QUICK INTERVIEW, in arrival to the hospital he was found dead with his throat slash!
Know there is a big ISSUE ABOUT IT, the mother claims civil rights violation, but If you think about it, this ex-thug rights ended when he committed alll those crimes against the filipino community.
Vigilante justice with a badge!
I can understand that the Police get frustrated. But this is taking things a bit far isn't it.
I can't speak for the US, but in the UK - NO!
Yes, there have been cases where police have used excessive force or overstepped the mark, but these have then been referred to the IPCC .
Power corrupts....
i felt like crying after reading this news ...
if his penis got elongated .. i think it might break by the impact,,,,poor fellow...........
when u do any crime .. think that one or the other day u will b caught
brit, this is also common in the so-called developed nations as well. THe US and UK cops are also not behind in this kind of treatment.
There are times when both side (the police or the criminal) cannot tolerate each other on their deeds. The police may have got frustrated with persistence and reoccurring crimes, and the criminals needs to be reminded that the long arms of the law, may gets a little bit longer to prelude punishment.
Awful, but I am sure much worse goes on.
ohhhhh thts tooooo much!!!!!!
shocked..... i am speechless
Poooor pilipinos....., first time i see pilipino in power... Cheeers kabayan
Poooor pilipinos....., first time i see pilipino in power... Cheeers kabayan
This is not new to our very own eyes to see or witness such inhumane act for criminals/ suspects. In some cases, the criminal will get sympathy later and the victims forgotten.
Horrible. Read the news in the morning today and it spoilt my day.
Sadly, this is all too common in developing nations. The people employed to protect us become the abusers.
I hope the government will take stiff action against these policemen and make this an example case for the future..
Yeah drmana...You were more precise on that.
Khattak, make it people in power are same everywhere :-(
Police is same everywhere...Cruel, Inhuman & Barbaric.
Cops get drunk with power in many places thinking that they are beyond any laws. I am not really shocked.
speechless, can't comment