so please answer in your opinion.
1. Describe your immediate reaction to September 11 on the day of the attacks. Where were you on September 11?
2. How has September 11 impacted your life and your community? Do you think America is more or less vulnerable now? Explain.
3. How should future generations be educated about September 11? In your opinion, will Americans' perceptions of the attacks change as time passes?
4. How best can Americans commemorate September 11? Should September 11 be a national holiday? Why or why not?
5. Where did you get the news on September 11 -- from cable news, network news, newspapers, and/or magazines? Evaluate media coverage of September 11 and the war on terrorism.
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Luved ur comment, thats the only reason, i supported you in best debetor survey... we call it chakkas.. i don't know what u will call it in english... still in learning stage :(
The "conspiracy theories" about 9/11 number in the dozens,watched a BBC docu. a couple of years ago & one fact stood out,for me at least...the temperature at which aircraft grade fuel sets ablaze is (supposedly) significantly lower than the temperature required to melt down solid steel,which the WTC substructure was made of,how then did the towers crumble like a pack of cards the way they did? be honest,i don't know what to believe...all i know is this,THOUSANDS of innocent people lost their lives that fateful day for no fault of theirs & WHOEVER was responsible will have to answer for will Bush & Blair for all the innocent lives lost as "collateral damage" in the wars that followed 9/11...karma's a b*#ch...
I watched 9/11 live and it was surreal. I couldn't believe it. It was an abomination and it changed the world as we knew it. Leaving aside the high death toll, it divided peoples and society. Muslims in America and other countries were marginalised and became objects of suspicion . America responded and the rest is history. Death and destruction around the world. Innocents killed and millions uprooted. Security became the byword and companies made billions. Rights of individuals were forgotten and civil liberties forgotten in many instances.
Is America more vulnerable now? I don't think so.
The world has changed and will not be the same again. We all need to move on and recognise our own failings. We need to cone together again and renounce violence. Perhaps it's hoping for too much, but I live in hope :0)
1. Describe your immediate reaction to September 11 on the day of the attacks. Where were you on September 11?I was in the University cafeteria having lunch. Immediate reaction was shock and disbelief. Stayed up all night listening to talk radio. Took a while to set in2. How has September 11 impacted your life and your community? Do you think America is more or less vulnerable now? Explain.I dont think life has changed much, except for those who have sons/daughters sent out to fight in wars. Other than that, it goes down as a one off event. Doesnt stop anyone I know using air travel etc.America will always have enemies, as will the Uk and other western nations. Probably America is safer as the authorities wouldnt be caught asleep at the wheel the next time.3. How should future generations be educated about September 11? In your opinion, will Americans' perceptions of the attacks change as time passes?Of course perceptions will change as time passes, because less and less people will have been directly affected. Many kids now dont even think about the effects of world war 2, despite the millions dying, and thats 70 years ago only. 9/11 will slowly fade from the memroy except for those who were there or had a loved one die.4. How best can Americans commemorate September 11? Should September 11 be a national holiday? Why or why not?National Holiday is a great idea.5. Where did you get the news on September 11 -- from cable news, network news, newspapers, and/or magazines? Evaluate media coverage of September 11 and the war on terrorism.Sky TV and Radio. Found radio discussion more powerful for some reason.Read more:
1. Describe your immediate reaction to September 11 on the day of the attacks. Where were you on September 11?I was at home, just relaxing after a tired day of work when the news broke out. My reaction was that of pure shock. Mind you SL was still in the midst of the war back then and bomb attacks though never less devastating was still quite frequent. And I couldn't help but draw similarity between this attack and the "Central bank and twin tower attacks" in SL which was horrendous too.2. How has September 11 impacted your life and your community? Do you think America is more or less vulnerable now? Explain.As a Muslima I can honestly say life for us Muslims since 9/11 has never been the same. We wen't from being a religion which people wondered over("You don't eat pork?You can't drink even some wine?Wha??") and at times even took as a joke("Ninja" "Mulla"!) to a religion which many feared and despised (terrorists!)America is as vulnerable as any other land in this world as far as I am concerened, and I speak again as a Muslima who believes in God and the fact that its He alone that grants us security and safety from afflictions and witholds his help as He wills too.3. How should future generations be educated about September 11? In your opinion, will Americans' perceptions of the attacks change as time passes?The attack of 9/11 still remains shrouded in much suspicions and doubts that I have no idea as to how I'll describe it to youngsters who thankfully were spared its evil.And I believe everyone's perceptions on 9/11 remains different and prone to change too. 4. How best can Americans commemorate September 11? Should September 11 be a national holiday? Why or why not?Here I'll answer simply "their country their choice" 5. Where did you get the news on September 11 -- from cable news, network news, newspapers, and/or magazines? Evaluate media coverage of September 11 and the war on terrorism.All the above mentioned sources and still continue to research it every now and then. All I can say again my perception of the whole tragedy and the war on terrorism based on media reportings remain confused. I do pray that all terrorism is stamped off the face of the earth one way or the other!
Uncle Bush can be claimed as winner
he will anwser 1 to 5 perfectly and inform you about the next plan
1. Describe your immediate reaction to September 11 on the day of the attacks. Where were you on September 11? My reaction was of shock and horror. It has to be one the worst acts of terrorism that I have seen and hopefully will be the last. I was at home feeding one of the kids when it came on the news. I cried when I saw what was unfolding. It just seemed so surreal and pointless. 2. How has September 11 impacted your life and your community? Do you think America is more or less vulnerable now? Explain. For Britain the impact was massive; we were dragged into an unnecessary war that we did not want, nor could we afford. This war has drained the finances of both the UK and the USA. It has made the USA a focal point of hatred by some many people and by association the UK too. It also made the UK a target for terrorists (7/7). America is still as vulnerable as it was. Al Qaeda did not die with OBL – they will continue to recruit and train young men and women in terror. America will always be a target because of its agenda. They have always made their intentions clear of how they view their enemies and stand by those intentions. The last time America was so vulnerable was the attack on Pearl Harbour and we all know the outcome of that. Both the UK and America have a lot of making up to do because of the flawed leadership of Bush and Blair. 3. How should future generations be educated about September 11? In your opinion, will Americans' perceptions of the attacks change as time passes? The debate regarding the history of this day should include (if I were asking the questions): (a) The reasons why they were attacked. There should be no bias involved. Like all acts of terror there are reasons why and they should be examined and debated. (b) Was it fair? (c) Did innocent people deserve to die because of a ‘politics or religion’? (d) How disfranchised did these people feel to carry out mass murder to gain attention? (e) Did America learn from this and if so what lessons have been learnt? (f) Was the war that followed a just war or a knee jerk reaction? (g) Do you think people have a better or worse view of the Muslim world now? I think America will find it very difficult to change its perception on this attack. Most people never imagined that American would be attacked this way when they were at ‘peace’. This is the rub; this was not war it was mass murder by terrorists and there is very little empathy for terror. A lot of American people do not understand the politics of the Middle East and how in some ways America has made the situation worse (same with the UK I add); they will fail to see that in some ways a lot of people including some American commentators actually were not shocked by 9/11. Unless there are apologies and retribution given by the UK and the USA for past injustices; there will always be a threat to the security of the two countries. Bush and Blair do need to answer serious questions. If people don’t know the truth behind an attack they rarely heal. 4. How best can Americans commemorate September 11? Should September 11 be a national holiday? Why or why not? I think all victims of terror; war and injustices should be honoured and remembered. Innocent people have died from both sides of the world. In the UK we have Remembrance Sunday so I don’t see why America should not have a day to mourn its dead. 5. Where did you get the news on September 11 -- from cable news, network news, newspapers, and/or magazines? Evaluate media coverage of September 11 and the war on terrorism. BBC News at first and then British Newspapers. Media coverage was always biased especially by the BBC and of course American networks. The shock, horror and disbelief in the early days was the focus at first and then when the facts came out – a hue and cry over where the murderers had come from. I got the impression from some newspapers that all of a sudden we were expected to ‘hate’ and ‘not trust’ any Arab or Muslim. Which is pure rubbish of course; why would you all of a sudden write off an entire religion or culture because of a few. Then the focus was on the Axis of Evil and the War on Terror – the rest we know now. Read more:
i was preparing for exams... and the news broke out so turned the TV on and saw my US education dream to fall... but melbourne was sick mate.
yup, and the winner will get coupon for 100 Riyal prize draw at FFC :p
yup, and the winner will get coupon 100 Riyal prize draw at FFC :p
are we gonna have a short quiz afterwards? :P
close the story of september 11 now.. move on.. there are a lot of other things to do in life.. rather then just talking and discussing 9/11... 10 years.. and still the story is roaming arround.. how much they will cash it more... completly fed up...