Saudi Arabia - Indonesian Maid beheaded

I am not quite sure why my Forum topic was removed about this. I appreciate it is not about Qatar directly, however there is a lot of commonality between what happens to domestic workers in our near neighbour and the plight of some here. If anyone cares to find out more about this, I suggest they google the Jakarta Globe. I think that there is certainly an element of head in the sand about the living/working conditions of some nationalities and unless it is brought into the open, nothing will change.
hey, sorry, missed that, I did look to see if it had been posted already but could not find anything - Mods could have told me though.
where is the link, thanks?
And as you can see, everything is done that it is NOT brought into the open. The "Richest" country in the world. "Paradise" on earth. There CAN'T be anything bad!
there was a topic posted early in the morning so cant be repeated while discussion is going on on the first one.