Remembering 9/11 .. the other side story
While we should condemn those gruesome acts of terrorists on Septmebr 11, 2001 – the Americans shuld also shed tears what happened on another Septemebr 11, 1973.
Just under the nose of US imperialism, there was a small nation Chile in South America. The first democratically elected Marxist leader , Salvador Allende, sent a shiver down the spine of those Western countries…. Why … I don’t know….. such a small country should worry these Big Brothers ?
The reason was clear : During his presidency, Allende nationalized US copper firms , nationalized banks and other large industries ; sped up land distribution. Total expenditures for social programs increased icluding health, education, housing, child assistance, and social assistance
There had been strong evidence to disclose that the USA played a major role in providing military advice and encouraging American businesses to withdraw from Chile.
On September 11, 1973 with the help of US, the General Pinochet did a coupe to throw out Allende. Allende was murdered.
When we shed tears for Twin Tower tragedy, let us shed some tears for Salvador Allende too.
( Surprisingly none of the fundamentalist terrorists , now bragging anti-US slogans now, has raised a single finger against this US fascist action in 1973…)
lately "Ideology" has come to the fore..
Funny enough I agree with you on that point. Western civilisation due to its huge technological lead industralised the whole process of exploitation. Now if you look behind that to the ideology in both east and west towards other nations and races you would see they were both similar. (power, greed, glory etc). However the west due to its technological advances managed to do it on a more greater scale.
or ideology. Comparing fedual times to the present is useless. I could show you that "western civilizations" caused way more hurt, injury, exploitation and grief than the eastern did. Therefore it is an avenue you probably would not wish to traverse, and I'm not in need of another finger pointing bash. Likewise, while there is continuity in policy, system and political stance guilt can and should be addressed. Just study history yourself if you're so interested in it, ask PM she has a master's degree in it. Both of us are short of the due diligence required by the science, so our chit-chat on here is largely laconic, if not utterly inane.
So crap where do you draw the line? 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years a 1000 years? I need to know.
Why would they? They pushed 'em out and the Arabs left them behind with some fancy architecture, scientific discoveries, cultural treasures...again you're making comparisons between ancient times and the present :P
And the first part of your post made so much sense, but you had to ruin it :(
....because birdie they do not care about infidels like yourself and Chile. The war against the US is just a rallying cry to recruit more brainwashed people to kill innocents and for you to cry out for them as well is very sad.
Wake up my friend, care for your fellow man forget about what happened 36 years ago. It changes nothing now.
Should the Spanish still blame the Arabs for when they invaded their country?
Russian or Chinese actions. Wherver there is hegemonism, it shuld be condemned
But I strongly believe they are "lesser evils " than US in the world politics. Can you take a headcount / voting about this ?
my second point was - the socalled Islamists , who brag anti-US slogans now, did not raise a single finger against US, when atrocities in Vietnam, Chile or Grenada.
in the times we live in.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
US bashing ?
we should not underestimate the agony of twin tower tragedy victims.
Why do they feel the need to put a religion's name in front of the word terrorist.
They were terrorists period.
"Hurricanes are like women : when they come, they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house and car."
'Also you were finding solace that "there is no evidence of US involvment".....good ..... was there any evidence of Islamic terrorists in the WTC demolishion ? w'
Birdie, the terrorists were Saudi = muslim - now it doesn't mean that all muslims are terrorists (I know better than that), but I would think anyone putting planes into towers constitutes a terrorist act... so I would call them Islamic terrorist, yes....
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
...but Burma has lots of gas and Total has a huge investment there proping up the regime with the money generated.... but no one attacks the French government...
Talking of 3rd world countries and US desire to be the International policeman, Why don't they or the international community do anything about Myanmar, Nobody even wants to talk about it, The worst dictatorial regime in the world. Millions have been killed since the regime took control in '62. They are just ignored because they don't have any oil??
"Hurricanes are like women : when they come, they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house and car."
...but as Veris would say defending China and Russia they do not talk about freedom or human rights so its ok for them to abuse them...
Well Russia replaced the old USSR and their actions in Chechneya, Georgia to name just two would smack of old style imperalism..... no one complains about China here either and you can add Tibet and the Ugliars to their list....
Not favoured, but actually took dteps to ............
'cause they sucked and failed. Talking about the USSR is indeed quite the beating of a dead horse. That kinda communism is gone and over with, has no bearing on the present, and is quite a waste of time to even think about anymore ;)
Project FUBELT doesn't really say much. It says that the US government favoured a change in government and wanted to support the opposition.
What is the difference between that and the USSR supporting the other side? Both took positions based on polictical alignments but the USSR was also shipping weapons to Chile. (the last ship load didn't make it there and was diverted)
The Soveit Union also backed communists in Africa to help them overthrow various governments but you don't hear people on this site going on about the Russians and how they interfere.... its always the west or the evil US. Shame how blinded some people are.
and capitalism is benign, magnanimous, and does everything for the little man? ;)
He was a physician and the first democratically elected Marxist socialist to become president of a state.
In August 1973, a constitutional crisis occurred, and the Supreme Court publicly complained about the Allende Government's inability to enforce the law of the land. Later on the Chamber of deputies accused Allende`s Government of unconstitutional acts by his refusal to promulgate constitutional amendments already approved by the chamber of deputies. This prevented his government from continuing his massive statization plan and called upon the military to enforce constitutional order.
Look up "Project FUBELT"
I did not say Allende gave more hardship than Pinochet, I said that Allende was not some all innocent man picked on by the US. I would not support Pinochet at all, how many people died and disappeared on his watch?
My point is why blame the US (or west) when in this case the Soveit Union was heavily involved in the country at the time. Is it just because they supported your side so their actions were justifyble?
Allende was democratically elected. His overthrow by Pinochet probably changed the course of the country.
The CIA covertly supported the removal and some say that Nixon had used the CIA to prevent Allende from coming to power or to unseat him.
The U.S whilst promoting democracy was afriad of a leftist government coming to power and possibly "communism" spreading in the region.
a few years back called "America was here". It's funny how little people know about (or care for that matter) what happened to central and south America. It still goes on to a degree, particularly in Colombia, but that is not a priority, as they are obviously not "people", rather something less ;)
..... the point was the "blantly one sided " crocodile tears , whenevr it is affecting the West , not shedding the same for the Third World countries.
On the contrary , now you were trying hard to "prove" that Allende gave more hardship to the people that Pinochet .. Wondeful !!!
Also you were finding solace that "there is no evidence of US involvment".....good ..... was there any evidence of Islamic terrorists in the WTC demolishion ? w
Although the Chileans did not deserve Pinochet Allende didn't do much for his people. Inflation running at 140%, negative growth of plus 5% a year and from 1972 wave after wave of strikes by the people against economic hardship. (Chile become a net importer of food under his presidency)
However hardship for Chilean people is no reason for the US to get involved. (They is no evidence available that the US was involved in the coup)
The USSR were also at the time were helping reform the army and its intelligence services. The Soveit Union also provided subsidies to Chile and directly to Allende himself.... I supposed the food hardship suffered by his people didn't affect him....
Its not as blantly one sided as you claim.