Racism billboard causes outrage in USA.

By realsomeone •
Highway billboard attacking Obama inspires heated newspaper letters: a billboard in West Plains showing a caricature of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wearing a turban and using his middle name - Hussein - in quotes has sparked outrage and accusations of racism.
Yes a merry can muslim.
Last time I checked the US was a country that was run by bull shite Republicans who use a fiat monetary system.
The current VP, Cheney, is on the record as saying that 'deficits don't matter' - ie that you can monetize debts and deficits.
Ever expanding use of credit, through the monetizing of government deficits, is part of the reason why the US is in the sorry state it's in right now.
Rami, that all only happens in a fiat monetary system where money is made on a printing press en masse with no commodity or other hard product to back it up....
Your economics professor was definately a Bushite Republican...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
"If I were him I'd happy to see this" - he probably is.
Ok, your comment read to me that you were saying that Obama is hiding his middle name. My bad.
And in answer to your question, yes, a lot of people are that stupid. That's why they run these adverts.
I think you're really missing the point here clearblue, but as you seem determined to run with it;
His middle name has always been there for everyone to know about. It's not hidden, and it's probably received far more press coverage than John McCain's middle name. So by your logic, McCain is hiding his middle name so you wouldn't vote for him, either.
Unfortunately the American election is not won by the person with the best policies or who is the best leader, it is won by the guy with the biggest campaign budget or the one that can score the most points and put down his rival.
uh... if you think that's racist, then how about this one?
You overestimate the public clearblue! A lot of them think Obama is a Muslim. This advert is playing on that.
This advert has nothing to do with Obama being uncomfortable with his name.
Its not the middle name necessarilly (did I spell that right?) its the hinting he is Muslim which is even worst because just if your Muslim does not mean your evil. They're trying to give him the image of a terrorist and sadly but true many Westerns see a turbin and they immediately think Terrorist-so sad how a few bad seeds can make a whole culture seem evil-sooo sad:(
Bit of both I expect brit. I'm sure the Republicans have done their demographic research and concluded that it will sway more than it will turn against. But that may have been based on only people from a certain state or area seeing the billboard. It may backfire now.
tallg-you hit the nail on the head.
Are we saying that most Americans will be swayed by this type of advertising, or will they turn against the Republicans ...
I hope its the latter..
clearblue - it's the use of quotation marks around his middle name that is the issue. They know that people will not vote for him if they know that is his middle name.
lower taxes = more buying power = more food = fat people = inflation
This is all politics.
Clearbluesky: How many politics use their full name on campaigns?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Lower taxes boosts spending power, which can lead to higher demand for goods and services. In a supply constricted economy, that will lead to inflation when there aren't enough goods to meet demand.
Central banks tend to use interest rates as a way of control the liquidity in the economy, but other actions can lead to higher inflation too, such as increased levels of social security.
If you cast your mind back a few months, you will recall the 'stimulus' package that Bush enacted to get some more money in to the US economy. In a slowing economy that can arrest an economic slowdown, but in a heated, volatile economy, it leads to an inflationary cycle.
The same thing is happening in the gulf, with employees requesting wages increases to cope with the increased cost of living. The danger is that by putting more money into the economy, it will just result in a wages price spiral, and in the end people are worse off because food, rent (and other goods and services) just get more expensive in response to more money chasing around fewer goods.
Rami Leb, can you tell me the economic theory that says lower taxes leads to inflation?
America survived PERFECTLY for over 125 years with no income tax or sales tax...
Inflation was never an issue then....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Did you Google it first?
If you knew what the rich in the US pay in taxes, you'd want higher taxes for them too.
Lower taxes just lead to inflation, among other things, as well as the diminished provision of social services, limited access to health care and education services, road maintenance etc.
The 2008 US Presidential election is the best ever. Biden is dull, and Barack is too well behaved, but Palin is just hilarious.
How many other countries would actually want a white trash idiot as their VP or President? In fact in the Republican base of the party, there are many who think if McCain doesn't make it this year, it will be a good opportunity for Palin to run for President in 2012.
What sort of country can idolise a 'pitbull in lipstick', gun totting hockey mom?
There are that much stupids in all countries, but the US really seems to prey on them at times like this.
Is there that much stupids in US to believe such things?
lol what i find funny is how they try to link so called Islamic extremism with same sex marriage, abortions, etc.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
this Palin chick ...is really hot :)))))))))))))))))
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I can't believe some of the negative attacks coming from both camps during this campaign. Sadly they do it because they know that some Americans take notice of these sort of things rather than the real issues.
I'm for more of all of those things.
Why pull down the billboard?
It IS his middle name.
He did, ONCE, wear a turban.