Probe into chain of brothels

Probe into chain of brothels
German police who have raided a chain of brothels said yesterday they were trying to identify the owners after learning that organised crime was taking control of the vice trade.
The clampdown began with raids by 700 police Sunday on four brothels that were offering male clients unlimited sex services for a single payment. In Germany, prostitution is legal.
Two of the brothels, in Stuttgart and Heidelberg, were ordered closed after health inspectors said they might spread disease.
“We are investigating to find who is behind them,” said Stuttgart senior prosecutor Andreas Thul-Epperlein.
He doubted that the registered owners, a woman, 25, and a man, 25, could have founded or financed the businesses. The raids also targeted franchises in Berlin and the city of Wuppertal, but those brothels remained open.
The clampdown comes just half a year after Dutch police began a purge of Amsterdam’s notorious red-light district, and cancelled the licence of a leading brothel said to be under control of the Hell’s Angels gang.
Moves in the last two decades to extend social security and contract rights to German sex workers have backfired, giving the gangs more power and worsening exploitation, authorities in Stuttgart charged this week.
Speaking outside the brothel in the Stuttgart suburb of Fellbach, Thul-Epperlein said two women and two men were in investigative custody on suspicion of failing to pay a large sum in social-security contributions.
Municipalities say they are powerless to stop brothels such as that in Fellbach which advertise an entrance fee of E70 ($100). It is one of 40 to 50 German brothels offering services for a fixed sum.
Christoph Palm, mayor of Fellbach, said the invitation to unlimited use of prostitutes was “dehumanising” and called for legislation to make such a pricing plan illegal.
It seems that only the pricing scheme is a problem.....
Whats wrong with prostitution? I think a prostitute who does business within the precincts of a whorehouse or a Redlight district and pays her taxes is a better citizen than a doctor or businessman who evades income tax.
Atleast she is not a thief!
Depends on the situation. I would never respect a woman who chose to be a prostitute, but I think she should be granted the same protections as anyone else.
supports prostituion as a profession.
be humble
I was watching American Dad last night (love that show) and in the course of the show the daughter starts working at a strip club, at first she is just a waitress and says:
"At least I'm not being exploited like the dancers" to which an older stripper replies "Exploited? Who's exploiting who, they show their tits for 2 minutes and the men hand over their life savings."
Pretty good point actually.
What's Anne Frank got to do with prostitution?
Leave the poor soul alone!
Salax, So you like Anne Frank?
Yes, and your advice is "do not cheat, just marry a second in order to be able to justify humping another women" That is plain hypocrite, I'd rather cheat.
I equally highly doubt you know any prostitutes, I even want to bet you never even spoke to one. So wonder where you get your opinions from. I have spoken to a number, as I am always interested in what motivates a person to do what they do. The answers were amazing to predictable, yet it always boils down to survival. Yes, surely deep inside they wish they did not have to do that, but once they get used to the money it becomes like any other job. In Qatar most prostitutes have day-jobs, but of course incredibly poorly payed because lack of government intervention and thus more or less forced to do so.
Talking about crushed souls, I usually look at fully covered women and think: "poor thing, hidden under a black piece of cloth in 45 degrees while Mr. Habbibi walks around freely and comfortably. What life is that? How 'crushed' by male dominance must this soul be"
Few women will take a second wife lightly, even fewer will take cheating lightly, but cheating does exist nevetheless.
Back to topic.
If you know anyone who hires prostitutes, please ask him to look closer the next time he sees one and he'll see that her crushed soul will surface at some point.
Have a nice evening.
Which sane female would allow her husband to marry a second wife? (unless it based on a noble deed) None.
No wife wants to share the love of her life, unless she was forced into the marriage of course and hopes that the guy will start giving more attention to the second wife.
A second (or third, or fourth) wife is not to be compared with a prostitute. I cant believe you cant state it so simply. By the way, marriage out of lust, to justify legal sex, is that not incredibly haram?
Equally, legalizing prostitution or soft-drugs can not, as explained before, be compared with bribery.
When giving this subject thought you will need to leave your personal beliefs and opinions out of it and approach the subject as neutral as possible, and from a broad perspective taking into account your whereabouts and elements that influence these surroundings.
Me patient? I crushed 2 laptops out of frustration..(kidding of course)
to discuss simple topic at such a length...
yawn....breaking the head against the wall.....good effort...lets continue....
Not EVERYONE goes to brothels and not EVERYONE marries more than one either.
Which is better a second wife or a prostitute? definitley a second wife. Prostitutes are crushed souls!
...Prostituion is known to rid the society of the ill effects of physical obssessions and gives an outlet to the sexually deprived. This helps bring down crimes related to ones sexuality.
Source: Psychology of a Deranged Rapist - A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I ( September,1999)
If Animals Could Talk What would they say about us?
Who says EVERYBODY goes to prostitutes? If anything, more singles that have difficulties getting a relationship go there.
And do you really that the guy with 4 wives does not go to prostitutes?
QL, I am sorry to say but on this subject you insights are not really fair or reasonable.
Legal or illegal, it will be an unavoidable presence. It will be utilized by males no matter where in the world you are or whether somebody is Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Atheist, regardless. Denying it, maybe simplify your life as you simply do not want to know it, yet may not always be the preferred course of action.
And visiting a brothel isn't degrading to the 1st wife?
Oh probably not, the degrading goes to the prostitute only! Poor thing.
Yes I've heard that too. Wouldnt' be beneficiary for MY marriage I tell you that much :P
Gypsy, it is actually stated that prostitutes are beneficiary for marriages. Which makes sense, even though immoral in my eyes I can imagine that a man that loves his wife deeply feels the urge to explore (lets say in the midlife crisis) and instead of finding a mistress (whom can be loved after a while) visit a brothel =, gets it out of his system and moves on.
I condone it, but... people are people and have their own reasons for doing what they do.
Multiple wives, absolutely not.
From religious perspective:
1 man needs one wife. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Eve, Rachel, Layla and Catherine.
Equally, I have been told, that the Quran/Mohammed advises against multiple wives as a male is supposed to love and tread them equally, which is virtually impossible.
From my perspective:
Multiple wives, no problem. As long as wife number 2,3 and 4 are widows and/or in need of financial aid and not to be married for sex. As a noble act. Having sex with wife 2,3 and 4 is degrading wife no. 1.
I'm going to hazard a guess and say the men who visit prostitutes aren't really ones for self control and moral virtue.
Yes. Especially here.
Practising some self control is a virtue, Gypsy. In this case you move from it being a need to luxury.
By illegal I mean it should be considered a crime. Bribery is illegal, did it grow wild?
QL most men who go to prostitutes go because its a different woman every night and there are no strings attached. Doesn't really have the same effect if you marry them.
Thank you for informing me of Amsterdams plans Harmaggedon.
QL when it's illegal there is no way to ensure that its kept at a minimum, it can grow wild. Also it can spread anywhere. If its legalized the amount of allowable prostitutes can be controlled and they can be restricted to a certain area, which makes it much easier to hide from say, kids or anyone else that doesnt' want to see it.
Instead of rape or prostitution marry 2, 3 or 4 wives!
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
I don't expect it to stop. I'm only calling for keeping it to a minimum and (yes) hidden, so more and more women have better choices when it's difficult and risky to be prostitutes.
Thank god for sextrade (if legalized) and thank god for online porn. This indicates that we have MANY MANY sexually frustrated individuals walking around that need to vent these desires, if this would not be possible, where and how would they get their 'kicks'? by rape? by looking for illegal prostitution? Therefore, legalized sex-trade satisfies a large demand and is likely a key-factor in keeping crime-rates down.
If they all resort to those tactics, then it will make no difference. The playing field is equal and back to the salary of a waitress - who by the way doesn't need to resort to those tactics.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
Gypsy, the Christian Government (secular we are not) is trying to phase out Drugs and Prostitution from the Amsterdam imago, and try to become more like Paris, yet we lack a heap of scrap with a fancy name. A rather stupid direction if you ask me as Amsterdam is a tourist destination for particularly THOSE reasons. Many fly over Amsterdam to anywhere in the world and prefer to stay a long weekend in Amsterdam. During day-time they enjoy the authenticity of architecture and Museums, and in the evenings they go wild and stupid. Crime is surprisingly not even that bad and tourists, even if drunk and stoned, behave fairly well, crime-rates are not what they are in many other cities in Europe. They leave, and left behind thousands of Dollars.
The Netherlands has Tulips, Cheese, Milk, Cows, flat landscaping and a unique Red Light District with Hash/Weed and Magic Mushrooms, this is what gave Dutch their globally renowned liberal status. Destroy that, destroy business. The Netherlands is not much of a tourist destination compared to other European countries.
The have recently forbidden the sale of Magic Mushrooms because one French lady killed herself (while she was a psychologically disturbed individual already), which is one incident which can be qualified as 'isolated'. Now forbidden, how stupid is that? I now go to the forest and collect (and/or sell/grow) them myself. Hence, out of control.
That's it, Brit. Again money speak louder than values.
To make sure they don't earn the same as waitresses they will and do go to extremes with plastic surgery and weird stuff (I don't want to go into details).
Just too bad for women and society. I once heard a psychologist condemning porn business as destructive to even males.
You make a valid point.. the problem is that there are too many vested interests and lots of money to be made from the sex trade..
Perfection does not exist in this world. No society is fully developed. We can only try to refine as much as possible over the period of time.
Incase of Amsterdam, neither there is a longterm vision/mission nor action items to achieve those vision.
“Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare.”
The act is the same - if you consider it "dirty" then what does the price have to do with it??? Before you said women did it for "easy money". If so then when the easy money stops so will the practice.
If you make the same amount of money as a waitress as a pro which profession will you choose. The lure of big money is gone.
Of course as others have mentioned - some women will still choose prostitution because they LIKE THE JOB!!
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
I have no idea what Amsterdam's future plans are. But I know the women are A LOT better off under that system. Personally I see lots of downsides to making it illegal and lots of upsides to making it legal.
The oldest profession in the world, as indicated in the old testament, and you people actually think it can be stopped?
How naive.
In Amsterdam they are now downsizing the sex-industry and the number of soft-drugs outlets.
We're not helpless either, Brit. Those ppl who made it to the moon can do so much if heads were put together.
I would agree with you .. in an ideal world , we should ban it altogether. In an ideal world, the governments should not condone or encourage prostitution.
Sadly, this is not an ideal world..
Development is an endless process. No society is fully developed.
I can accept this as a stepping stone towards putting an end to it and prohibiting it altogether within a certain timeframe. Is this the case in Amsterdam? If it's not then it's useless and a waste of time.
I think people are misunderstanding what legalizing it actually means. Legalizing it doesn't make it anymore socially acceptable, it just means that the women themselves will no longer go to jail for selling themselves. Pimps still will as that will still be illegal.
If you look at Amsterdam as an example the women there are unionized and pay fees to go to programs to HELP other prostitutes get out of the business.
legalizing it also means that an age limit can be put on it, which is good because the average age of a girl in prostiution is between the ages of 11 & 15.
Get rid of the kiddies and the "thrill" of doing something illegal and you actually cut down on the Johns as well.
You also cut down on disease as the use of condoms can be enforced and mandatory disease testing.
So women become cheaper and cheaper and instead of easy money it becomes dirty money.
What are the benefits that come from prostitution?
I understand that in economics for an activity to have value it has to have a 'developmental' aspect to it. How does prostitution help develop a society?
If the benefit is making money, then drug dealers make more money. I can steal and cheat and make money, then go and fight for it to become legalized.
...similar one...;) looks like its a trend now...
If Animals Could Talk What would they say about us?
It is quite clear that it is difficult for some to understand the dynamics of legalized prostitution and drugs.
No matter where you go, you will always find prostitution and drugs. Here in Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and I have even seen it in Kuwait. Some prefer to close their eyes and pretend like the problem does not exist as it conflicts with their convictions and their culture.
QatariLady, I understand your stance and why you fight against trying to understand the benefits of such arrangements. It is a bit of a village-mentality which we also see among people of certain religious denominations of the Catholic and Protestant Churches. Reality can however not be denied, denying it would make you directly responsible for the suffering of hundreds and hundreds of females. It exists, it can not be stopped, it needs to be monitored and once monitored it becomes much easier to battle criminality.
Would make it a less lucrative profession and therefore lead to less women making the choice for as it was said the "Easy money". These women make the amount of money they do because it is illegal. Imagine if they had to compete openly and it was readily available?? The prices would plummett and the lure of easy money reduced. Plus they would have to be very good and market well like other businesses. So the idea that it requires nothing but a "body" no brain would also be mitigated greatly.
The big bucks, violence and oppression comes from it being a black market commodity.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
So you do that. And a bunch more open, and this time their better hidden, and the girls are probably abused more to keep them silent.
The only thing I am against is the "stigmatization" of men...
It seems OK for women to "offer" themselves as prostitutes, but men taking up these services are usually prosecuted..
No I'd rather keeping them away from it, closing all brothels and imprisoning the 'men' who own and organize such businesses (I'm positive most of them are men) even if it costs a big bunch of public budget.
You would rather they weren't tested regularly for diseases?
Ideally I would try and keep him away from drugs, but should he unfortunately fall victim to them then I would do what I could to make sure he's safe. I would try to make him go to rehab and if he wouldn't go then I'd make sure there was a place he could go to get clean needles.
[quote:] "at least if its legalized then these women are tested regularly for disease."
OMG Gypsy.. Are you serious?!! Is this how much you care about other women?!!
Would you help your son by keeping him away from drugs or by sterilizing the syringes he uses?
Legalizing it will turn it into a legitimate business and thereby making also legal to try all means to promote the business, hiring pros from every nook and corner of the world, luring more and more customers and ultimately corrupting the whole society.
Legalizing a trad cannot help women if the trade itself makes women vulnerable by its very nature.
Legal or illegal I'd kill him. Having sex with anyone is legal, so whether your paying them or picking them up in a bar it's still cheating. least if its legalized then these women are tested regularly for disease so if a husband does cheat, there's a lesser chance of bringing a disease home to his wife.
I want to ask a stupid question... What will a wife feel if she find her husband use this legal service. This is LEGAL by the way..Will it be the same as she find him taking dinner in a restourant which is completely legal for example, instead of having dinner at home?
Well I don't know about you, but I care about how other women are abused, which is why I would rather it be legalized and out in the open then shoved under ground where we can't help them.
I perceive prostitution as a condition of male dominance and female indifference.
Men want prostitutes to please them. Women don't care how other women are abused.
better control, monitor and well organisation....non sensical crap!
Wake up and live in a civilised society dudes....
Undue advantage of excessive freedom and liberty in the name of open, free and transparent social structure is not acceptable and major issue in the western world.
If a woman's going to be a prostitute a woman's going to be a prostitute, legalizing or illegalizing it doesn't make a difference. If anything legalizing it makes finding the women who've been forced into it easier since it cuts down on human trafficking. It also presents the women with options, guidance programs, etc to lead a better life should they choose to leave prostitution.
If you legalize it, you allow dragging other women who could've had a better life into it.
It's going to happen regardless. At least if you legalize it you can help these women.
Again it's a societal issue. People shouldn't be allowed to do what they like if it contradicts with societal well-being.
There are programs to get men and women off the streets, however some want to be there, whether because they like the easy money, they like the drugs or because it's all they know.
Having them pay taxes isn't good justification as drug dealers too can pay taxes if their business is legalized. And those who want to become prostitutes choose the easiest way as this is a job that doesn't need qualification, just switch the brain off and use what they already have.
It's a societal responsibility. If family males couldn't suffice then govts should use tax money to protect the dignity of their women. Too much tax money is being wasted on interfering in other countries' internal affairs.
Probably you would have to set it up the same way small buisness owners do....Apply for registration, etc.
There are a LOT of women who want to be prostitutes..
I agree that if you can't get rid of the problem, then legalize it and control / monitor it. Remember, that they will also pay taxes..
"If well-off family males were legally responsible for providing basic financial needs for the females regardless of their age"
And if there are no well off family males??? In the West we all aren't given oil money as a birth right you know. I highly suggest you look up the cycle of poverty.
Fact of the matter is the reasons women get into prostiution vary, but all making it illegal does is push it underground where these women are victimized even more. By making it legal you open the door to helping these women by getting rid of the pimps. Help could be as little as disease control or as much as educational and support courses to get them off drugs and the street.
You can never stop prostitution, but we can at least try and help these women.
No. Prostitution is a different ball-game. Plus, do not forget that you can not compare Qatar with any western country. Why do you think they allow prostitution here, in Dubai and in Abu Dhabi?
Allow it, control it. Forbid, face a constant fight that brings a lot of negative media coverage.
I used this example to illustrate how containing an unwanted practice keeps it to a minimum.
Good night.
Sorry, you are right. I confused bribery and blackmail, I am not familiar with these things, yet still a bad example.
Bribes. Well bribes are bad for the economy and lead to the richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer, hence will have an effect on society in the end. Surely it happens everywhere, yet on smaller scale has little impact and can not be checked, on governmental level it can spell disaster. Therefore in democratic societies bribery should be eliminated from the top down to create a competitive market.
Never voluntarily by the receivivg party? How so? It's bribery not blackmail. They can simply reject it unless there was a real need. The same goes with prostitution. Unpleasant, humiliating, disgraceful, but can be the only option to pay the bills.
A woman with a negative mind-set makes a hell of a mother.
Bribery, QL, is not a good example.
You have acts of criminality that are harmful and by design and default criminal. Prostitution and Soft Drugs are more immoral behaviors in the eyes of the majority yet acceptable for a minority, and since both cases do not involve violence it can be rationalized, therefore legalized. Bribery is always in combination with some kind of pressure, violence and never voluntarily by the receiving party.
We have mutual understanding as to what closing the curtain is.
To better understand what I mean, think of bribery. It's illegal in the west yet it is practised on a small scale. What if bribery was tolerated? Do you think it will improve the society in any way or even remain at the same rate? No. It will jump from being practised by 5% of ppl to perhaps 70% like some corrup 3rd world countries.
QatariLady, with closing the curtains I mean 'keeping it in the dark and deny its presence. The worst thing you can do with an issue. Like homosexuality, ignored. Like criminality, kept out of the newspapers. Like prostitution, ignored. Like domestic violence, ignored. Like humanitarian crimes, ignored. This society is equally hypocrite as the western society, only on some levels differently.
The cycle of poverty is a term used to describe the odds of poor staying poor for generations on end. Only small percentage manages to climb out. Poverty drives people to extremes, it can be condoned, surely. What is better is to legalize it. You can monitor prostitutes, therefore control aids better, and you minimize illegal practices as legal outlets complicate criminality. Just like legalizing drugs, if it is legal less potential for crime. Do you have any idea how much Cocaine and Hash roams around in Qatar?
By closing the curtains, Harmagedon, you contain the unwanted practices and keep them to a minimum, limited in number and for a limited time per individual.
I know as a fact that some locals are 'wild'. However in most cases it's a phase and they wake up from it in no time.
Prostitution is not a pressure-free choice that a woman takes. When she sells her body, she actually feeds her children bitterly and with low self-esteem. Perhaps this is the reason for what you call 'cycle of poverty'.
QL, with all do respect that is the most naive post I have ever seen from your side.
1) Dignity of Human being, as long as they choose for prostitution and engage voluntarily, no problem.
2) Prostitution is one of the oldest professions on earth, somehow the demand/urge is 'natural' for some.
3) Illegal prostitution leads to more crime and underground prostitution where there is NO control over these ladies. It is not like you can apply a Doha-village approach to cities like Amsterdam/Paris/New York, it works different there. No CID to run behind each little incident.
4) Females dragged away from leading productive lives? A female that sells her body in order to feed her children, is not productive? I think your perception of reality is Doha-shaped.
5)Future generations - regardless of what the mother does the cycle of poverty is almost a fact, for many born in poverty reproducing children will mean putting their kids in a situation where poverty will equally be a fact of life. But the mother has no choice as kids are THE ONLY HOPE on survival when older. And the cycle continues.
Coming back to Doha-shaped-naivety, do you have any idea if there is prostitution in Doha? Do you have any idea what goes on in Doha nightlife among locals? Do you have any idea how many gays Doha counts? Your town, is no different from any other, the only difference.... the curtains are closed.
Societies must do their best to protect the dignity of human beings. No woman will choose prostitution as a profession. Women either work to feel fulfilled or to pay their bills. If well-off family males were legally responsible for providing basic financial needs for the females regardless of their age, and if prostitution was considred illegal it will be eliminated.
Prostitution is easy. No academic qualification or training is needed. AND with porn movies and magazines and stripping clubs females will be dragged away from leading productive lives. Future generations will be a mess because it's the mothers (females) that influence the children the most.
There are many jobs that I would not want my daughter to do. That doesn't mean they are or should be illegal.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
Indeed Gica!!! Italy is a mess anyway :-P Let them have 'em.
Thinking about going to Bucharest to visit my ex, the busty Romanian :-P Let her abduct me and take me to the mountains....
Well Qatari Lady, it is impossible to tell who will fall of the wagon and who will survive. Some female law-students take up prostitution/escort to pay for their studies. (no shit). Some ladies screw around so much, they may as well become prostitutes. It is all choices, maybe not very respectable, but these are choices. These choices may be made because of lack of morals, or maybe as a rebellious act against her upbringing.
What goes on in the underworld, human trafficking, is horrible.
Once in the trap of the criminals the female will be gang-raped multiple times, beaten and abused psychologically, this to take away all shame and after that you have a crushed human that only wishes to survive and will do anything you want. If she has a strong mind, inject her with heroin... she will fall in line. Now, if this would happen to your daughter, could you blame her? No.
Dude, fac bine, tu ce faci draga? Not taken mate. With the gypsies in Italy ... it's the history who hit back! You know, 1900 years ago, the Roman Empire send all the bad guys to colonize the newly conquered territories...And, what goes around, comes around! ;)
Why unlikely Harmagedon? If she's got proper education and at times of recession left unemployed and after 23 the parents aren't legally responsible for her financial needs, what options does she have?
I'm not asking about you in particular. I can tell you won't neglect a daughter. However, all women in your society are your sisters for God's sake! Why not provide a more decent lifestyle for them. It's not pleasant to have sex for a profession!
It is highly unlikely our daughters will become prostitutes, all it needs is proper education and as a parent to lead by example.
Gica Contra, Jivach Drage, biene? No offense mate, by the way the problems with Romanians in Italy, these are not Romanians, these are Gypsies, correct?
unlimited services for a single payment....
Isnt that the place where discounts were offered to cyclists....
I wonder what MD is doing in Qatar....
I find it weird that you condone prostitution. Would you accept it for your own daughters?
My Cuban friend, Harmagedon, don't blame Eastern Europe for Western Europe policy.Their softness in immigration policy have bigger issues in changing the demography,religion and heritage in all the Western European countries. The only ones standing up against foreigner invasion are exactly the countries you blame for the problems in EU.Or,in other words, you put another one to do the dirty jobs...Politically correctness is used by the Western Europe rulers against their own people.Juuuust to get some votes from the minorities....
has existed for ages but it needs to be regularised to ensure that it's safe for the involved parties. Both medically and socially :)
I agree with harmegedon and gypsy.Womens are being victimised or poverty makes them to adopt this prostitution, this is not correct to human justice.
Organized crime taking control of the vice trade. What is the world coming to ??
Yes, long live the freaking European Union and it's stupidly opened borders with Eastern Europe that invites criminals to roam around freely without being disturbed.
It is like one big European effort to distribute criminal evenly among Europe. A marketplace they call it.
Prostitution should be legalized and heavily taxed. Age limits, in my humble opinion, should be set at a minimum age of 23 as this is the age that parent do not longer carry legal/financial responsibility for the child. Equally 23 is an age where the female has matured and the chance becomes higher that prostitution is a choice. Prostitutes should be registered, have a union and be taxed on their income like anybody else.
Agree with Harmagedon. The main issue with this article is that these women are being victimized because procedures to protect them aren't being voted in.
why does govt allow them in the first place? I personally have nothing against these places but what's the point in coming up with something like this. Cigarettes are the same. First they let them make as many as they want and later on crib that its a health hazard....strange and funny :)