Polygamy in Canada

As brought in the news a man from British Colombia in Canada was taken to court because he has 25 wives and 101 child and some of his wives are 15 yrs old.
Authoroties in Canada to stop this issue of marrying more than 4, 5, 10, women by the same man.
But some people in Canada say no let people marry more than ten women, it is their right.
I really do not understand why some people in Canada want one man to have more than 10 or 20 wives.
They say limitation is agaianst freedom.
here is the full details
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 1 (UPI) -- A British Columbia man living in a polygamist sect has 25 wives and 101 children with brides as young as 15, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police allege.
Winston Blackmore, 52, is charged with one count of practicing polygamy as a member of the Bountiful sect, which has about 1,000 members, CTV News reported.
In an affidavit filed with the provincial Supreme Court, the RCMP alleges since 1976, Blackmore had nine child brides, four of whom were 15, CTV reported. Tuesday in Vancouver, he told reporters "that's wrong" as documents were being filed for a pre-trial hearing.
The RCMP named four of the brides who allegedly had their first children by Blackmore before they turned 18. Federal law was changed in 2008 to raise the age of marital consent to 16 from 14, CTV said.
His lawyers have said his defense will be the ban on polygamy violates Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Preliminary hearings are scheduled for April, but Blackmore's lawyers are trying to have the case thrown out on procedural issues, CTV said.
Considering that the trend over the last centuries has been to increase the marriage age, I can't see it going down again. If it does it's because our society has changed the way it views age. In the 1700's (and now in some countries) 12 year olds are considered to be adults and of marriageable age. Personally I disagree, but I have no say in the running of those countries. I DO have a say in the running of mine so I will never vote to lower the marriageable age.
Before 1960 we considered capital punishment acceptable, but after much debate in the 1960's we decided it was barbaric.
what if the time comes they lower the marriage age to 12 or 14, it means the marriage is not "abusive" anymore? Like the alcohol age, it keeps on changing and now there is another proposal?
I can cite some example but I really have to go! Good day again!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
we judge right and wrong on a continual basis, and sometimes, as a Canadian society, we know that things can migrate from right to wrong and wrong to right. Gay marriage for example, went to the correct side when we educated ourselves that to judge others in this situation was wrong, even if our personal views are to the contrary....however, some things do not shift, such as murder.("Liberal" democracy has, as a main premise, a primary goal to protect the rights of the minority from the oppression of the majority) We, as members of our own society, make such judgements each day, and they are absolutely not cast in stone. We discuss amongst ourselves, and vigorously debate what is, relatively speaking, right or wrong.....and them we vote for people, who reflect our interests or perspective, to Parliament (or to our provincial legislatures) and these very same people, if they hold a majority, can turn our decisions into law.
We do not have a book to which we refer on a constant basis,,,there is no one book, philosophy or dogma for a democracy, just a never ending, and (hopefully) diligent process where we try to be better today than we were yesterday. It can be very demanding, or a lot of fun....it depends.
And Canada banned Capital punishment in the 1960's. So not even the government has the right to kill someone.
I'm not understanding DMS. With the exception of tyranny's, how are state laws enforced on people who don't want it? Unless you're saying murders should have the right to murder??????
its legal (but even you does not conform to execution, right?). So, it's a matter of who is interpreting it!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
So what DMS? you want to have the ability to murder someone? Or physical assault someone?
but again, on what basis? Good day , Gypsy! Time to go prepare for work! Good morning everybody!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
trying to enforce state laws on people who don't agree with it!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
You're right DMS, chaos stems from trying to enforce religious laws on people who don't believe them.
Maintain and organized by whom? While the state can legalize divorce, everything else there is the business of the man and the woman (or man & man, woman& woman or man & women, or woman & men) in question.
it's just how one interpret it that make it looks like it don't! It's complete! All philosophies that is not in-line with it is man's interpretation and that is why we have chaos. IMHO only!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
For example:
1. Marriage contract
2. The right to divorce either by man or woman
3. Wife and husband should be loyal to each other and no cheating or lieing.
4. Telling your children what is right and what is wrong.
Lets try to high light more things which will improve the human life, lets start guys
Don't think the Bible talks too much about the political process or equal opportunities for men and women, and defintely not about freedom of speech and expression. Sure though the Bible has influenced it, so has Hamurabi's code, Greek & Roman philosophy, British history, etc.
wasn't it the book itself? If not for the book, who will interpret what is right for you or me? Just asking?
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
1) not having equal opportunities for men and women
2) physical abuse
3) marriage without consent
4) sexual relations without consent (ie rape)
5) in ability to choose your government, or have a say in the political process
6) No access to primary needs of life: food, shelter, medicine.
7) Lack of free speech
8) Lack of freedom of expression
9) prejudice based on religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, etc.
10) Freedom to receive education.
Can you mintion 10 things for example?
Here is two a a hint
1. Not giving the workers their right
2. Not Respecting others (all sorts of respect)
Khalid the majority are not non-beliviers in Canada,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Canada ,however Canada is a SECULAR country, so religion does not play a part in deciding right or wrong. We decide right or wrong based on whether people get hurt or if it's harmful. Gay marriage is considered a human right, as would be polygamy (but as mmyke said there's other issues involved there).
an hour ??????
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Wow .. how did he manage all that servicing task. One day he will break his back bone. 50 wives divide by 24 hrs a day, meaning that he has to entertain 2 per hour. No need to go to work and no need to eat. Have sexs every minute.
I think in Canada the Majority are non believers, and from what I understood it seems that the non believers say there is nothing wrong or right, so this would mean either everything is right or wrong.
So what makes this person good or bad if there is no difference between right or wrong?
Because some says doing good things does not make this person good, and vice versa.
belong to a very strange sect living in the interior of BC, somewhere around Midway and Grand Forks,,"Bountiful" it could be.
They are very closely associated with a group(s) in the States which have carried this practice over from 150 years ago, and a practice which seems to have less and less to do with religious beliefs as the years go on.
The practice was made illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada, but there has been a constitutional challenge to these provisions of the Criminal Code pursuant to several sections of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The argument put forth is that if a country can have gay or lesbian marriage, then what is the issue with polygamy. Its a reasonable arguement if thats all there is to the story. It isn't though, and thats why they are being prosecuted.
It is my understanding that the reason why this sect and practice is being prosecuted is that of abuse.Front and center. I don't think that the majority of Canadians now give a toot about who marries who, gay, lesbian, multiple spouses,,,religious or non-religious. Its the abuse component/aspect that concerns everyone. Minors/chidren are not to be subjected to arranged marriages. Having attained adult status combined with informed consent and choice will, I believe, be what the Court will restrict its ruling to.
Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or of a sect closely related to it (e.g., the Community of Christ). The Mormon religion was founded by Joseph Smith, who claimed to have received an angelic vision telling him of the location of golden plates containing God's revelation; this he published in 1830 as the Book of Mormon. Smith and his followers accepted the Bible as well as the Mormon sacred scriptures but diverged significantly from orthodox Christianity, especially in their assertion that God exists in three distinct entities as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Mormons also believe that faithful members of the church will inherit eternal life as gods. Other unique doctrines include the belief in preexisting souls waiting to be born and in salvation of the dead through retroactive baptism. The church became notorious for its practice of polygamy, though it was officially sanctioned only between 1852 and 1890. Smith and his followers migrated from Palmyra, N.Y., to Ohio, Missouri, and finally Illinois, where Smith was killed by a mob in 1844. In 1846 – 47, under Brigham Young, the Mormons made a 1,100-mi (1,800-km) trek to Utah, where they founded Salt Lake City. In the early 21st century, the church had a worldwide membership of nearly 10 million, swelled yearly by the missionary work that church members, both men and women, are encouraged to perform.
Brit a blind eye is turned to most polygamist marriages in the States with the exception of those that involve underage wives.
not a lot of common sense on the Arab butt washing thread -- lol
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
He should be looking for "common sense", judging his posts.
wives as he wants. You, Khalid, are a believer in a religion that allows you to have 4 wives. What's the difference?
BTW, I am beginning to think you are looking for more wives here on QL with the way you keep posting about polygyny. :-)
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Wow Khalid...
A whole topic without your pseudo-scientific/intellectual opinions.
Even in Christian societies there are some idiots. Think of Wac(k)o Taxes, what was his name David Koresh?.
Since he's a believer and following his religion, the same should be allowed for Mormons in the states and Muslims in the Middle East .... NO ?
Khalid how man wives do you have? just curious, since you are so impressed by these polygamy topic's..:)
Then how do you know that I follow my religion to the letter?
I hope I do not offend any body.
Normally they operate communal farms. Also any members of the sect are obliged to give 10% of their income to the leader of the community who "should" distribute it.
Yes AbuAmerican. 50 wives and all those Offsprings..
This guy is a "believer" Khalid. He's following his religion to the letter.
If you are a believer and have a humanity sense you will be careful because you will be asked for your responsibility.
If you are not believer then there is no difference
4 wives or 50, what's the difference?
LOL. Well this is a point for me that religion is ridiculous, so there you go.
Gypsy....something for CBD to prove that Candaians are worse than Arabs...lol (no offense meant)
Blackmore is from a certain sect of Mormons who believe that the only way to get to God is through Polygamy. The issue is not really with him having more than one wife, it's about the fact that his wives are underage, which is child abuse.