Pics of Mumbai 26/11 ..Terrible!!!!!!

Some pics I found of the Mumbai Terrorist attack. Its terrible. Some pics are not displayed and warned , which you will need to click the link given to view.
Prayers to all those innocents who lost their life and injured in this terrible act of terrorism.
These guys lobbed a grenade into my previous office...
My friend Zende saved a lot of lives by making continous annoucement over the public broadcast system telling the public to flee in the opposite direction. There was hardly any death in the Suburban section unlike the main-line section.
The terrorist did not know who was making the annoucement and from where...finally they are able to locate them as they had not switched off their office lights. One guy shoots at the top cabin (3rd Pic ...Both the terrorist are right in front of his office...the office Door is the Station Master's office & the Announcer's office is the one on top visible above the two Airconditioners).
Notice the police "May I help you" cubicle (on the right) is
Terrorism is has many reasons - even Business.
Now the govt of India is going to stock up AK47 rifles, Radars, Security Scanners, Navy fleet in a big way.
Just wait and watch who is going to be the seller of these stuff to India!
Askin about the red thread on their hands , Kasad stated they wore it to convince the fishermen n the trawler that they are locals.
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
Are you sure he is muslim?
All the Old mrorons are behind the screen, those who come and strike are all young ones in their early twenties who is been brainwashed completely.
The guy caught in the mumbai act, was stating ''I dont regret, what I did is right''..imagine!!!
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
u said it !!
terrorists: these scums do not care whether they live or die,.. their sole purpose is to strike terror upon the people's hearts...
its so pitiable and sad oh Allah plz protect us and wen death cums to us it shud be from ur side and not like dis
anyway lets all pray for all the one who lost der lives.must say dey r so cold blooded goshh
i wonder what do terrorist get out of terrorism. they kill so many innocent people and in the end they also die. why can't some people live and let live!!
to now got nothing to comment on with ... Can't believe the easy way it happened there ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
How are these terrorist trained which blinded their hearts and souls? Maybe they don't have one!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"