While on holiday, there were a few developements I was following over the Palestinian issue.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Palestinians having a land of their own, but when I read that the precarious cease fire was over and Hamas started lobbing RPGs over the border again as they didn't have any fuel oil for their power plants it made me think ...
1. Do they really think that course of action will make the Israelis relent and allow oil over the border?
2. Someone is supplying these Militia/freedom fighters/terrorist (call them what you will) with artillery. Couldn't these benefactors supply the Palestinians with the Oil they so desperately need instead?
I know not all Palestinians are Hamas/Fatah/Hizbollah etc and feel sorry for the average guy in the street when he is tarred with the same brush.
...we need to fix what only can be saved for today and tomorrow.
I think we should not have let the extremists learn history to stop them to continue what was past...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
enuff of palestinians and israel baldrick2dogs,i am fed up of reading same things again and agian.
i think a lot of ppl here have no idia about the history of Israel and how this state was established with killing and blood
they r not human and they not deserve to live, look what they did for the Childrens and inisant ppl in Gaza m they killed almost 1000 ppl 40% of them are children and women and they ingerd 4000 ppls half of them with serious cases
Boycott Israel Campaign
No apology for you my friend. leave the eggs you have for me in the ground right now.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
baldrick has a point.. if they can get arms , am sure oil and food would be much easier.
Now arab countries are meeting for discussions.. they are loaded with money, why cant they supply them the essentials, than meetings and discussions..
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
Realsomeone - don't call me stupid!!!!Read my post again ... "Militia/freedom fighters/terrorist (call them what you will)"
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.
Idid not call them terrorists, you just chose to read it that way.
Where in my post am I fuelling hatred?
I will accept your apology by PM if you are not man enough to post it here!
Did you Google it first?
its the stupidity of people like baldrick2dogs who fuels hatred around the world. man get life, terrorist is not a word anymore to use ... this word was totally rubbished by the Bush Administration.
A person who has been in occupation for 40 years have the right to fight for whatever means they have, and as such you cant mark them as terrorists.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
RPG's killing 225 people in one day and get something closed to 1000 injured...
Nut in the end, the Palestinians deserve it because they choose to fight alone while the others still with everything we can see in front of us support the real terrorists...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
is to learn how to live together. I mean we are all human in the end. I could born as a Christian, Jewish, Hindu or whatever it is, it would change my religion. What we shall keep always in our mind is that we are all humans. Frs1999 could born as an Israeli who believe he/she is always living in danger because of terrorist attacks from Hamas, etc... or any Israeli could born as a refugee who has lost his home and his/her relatives with the bombings of Israel. What makes us connected each other is being human.
What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
Why the borders of 1967? Why not the borders of 1200 BC??
I agree 100% with PM. The people who continue this war, the Hamas, Hezbollah, the Israeli gov't, etc have too much to gain for continued conflict. Dead toddlers just means more money to them.
the scenes of the massacre are disgusting, my heart goes out to all the families who have to witness this..Scenes of toddler casualties who are innocent in all this madness..
Palestinian is the only nation who deserve to live cz they r fighting Israeli terrorism alone since the last 60 years and they have the right to retrieve there occupied land from those who came recently and settle in there land , what the Palestinians do is sending some rockets from Gaza strip to let those settlers go away from there occupied land, this right is for all nations under occupation
this is the new year gift the palestinans get from the israeli
the Israeli should know whatever they do for the palestinian they well be much much more stronger, and i hope now all the palastenian will gather again against the israeli
God with u Hamas god with all palestine
But I believe killing 155 people and over 200 injured people shouldn't be the solution of Hamas RPGs. I mean now how can you make any Palestinian believe in peace? What was the harm of RPGs there? 1 Israeli died? So can we say 1 Israeli worth 155 Palestinian? RPGs shall be answered like that? Of course lobbing RPGs over the border is not peaceful action but do we kill a dog if he barked to us? (Its just example, I do not want to say bad words for anybody) Even he doesn't bite? Sure you have to take precautions to defend yourself but I believe that; this is not the correct way. Sorry for the loss of innocent people for both sides up to now.
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
Oh really ?? What about the implementation of United Nations resolutions and return to the borders of pre-1967 ?? oh sorry Israel dont like that.
Going back to Baldrick's question..
I suppose the situation is similar to that in Africa. If we give them "aid" , then we have some form of control. If we give them the tools to fend for themselves, they lose their dependency.
Lastly, IMHO , it is better for some parties to let the situation fester, because it takes the spotlight away from them.
How's about not firing RPG's at Israeli towns. Just a thought.
Crazyfish, REALLY Israel is the ONLY country that fails to comply with the UN Human rights decress? Cause Zimbabwe, Iran, China, North Korea and Saudi are complying with them just fine?
TVs get opened only when the Palestinians do something to defend themselves... Media is playing a big havoc?? two sides to every story!!
Gypsy, lol Israel is the only nation that failed to fullfill UN Human rights
Gypsy like what they can try ? since when Israel needs a reason to kill ? well they are dying because of hunger but Israel changes to rockets.
Well they've been doing it for 60 years and it hasn't worked yet has it. All they're doing for "there people" is getting them killed. Just a suggestion, but maybe they should try something else.
Perhaps its the only way they can get the world to notice their plight !
The air attack on Gaza was the result of the Hamas lobbing RPG's at Israeli towns after the cease fire was called. All the Hamas seem to do is tease the lion and cry to the world when they get bit.
again, the question is, who? Yes, Abohmaid, the whole world is watching --- they are watching how David wants to kill Goliath? But do you honestly believe it's in the very near future? And who is who?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
and the whole civilian world watching
what a sham
"2- I think that If any body can supply Gazza with oil he would have done it long time ago."
Again, my point being, why can't they? If they can get arms into the country, why not oil?
These so called benefactors need to help the majority of the country who want peace, not just those hell bent on continuing an armed struggle.
King Edshel ... Yes I know Israel are just as much to blame and it takes two to tango etc. but I really can't see this David beating it's Goliath, which is a great pity for the region as a whole.
Small steps ...
Did you Google it first?
this is a never-ending war
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
the problem is we people are mean, as long as we feel secure in our homes we do not rasie our voice for innocents other than just posting some comments..
dont worry
victory coming
coolking, I didn't get why no one can supply Palestinians with Oil?
Israeli jets have reportedly bombed gazza today causing many casualties.
all tvs on music channels now
Before cease fire was over, Israel killed many Palestinians, maybe that wasn't high lighted in some media, but people died in Gazza before the cease fire was over and before Hamas (by the way, not only Hamas) started thier actions.
Now to answers:
1- Doing anything is better than just watching you people die. Specially that the United Nation (Controlled by USA - Israel) is just watching and watching with the American Vito is always ready to stop any anti Israeli actions.
2- I think that If any body can supply Gazza with oil he would have done it long time ago.
Anyway, just look into the news now, see how many people are dieing in Gazza, maybe this will make Palistinian stop fighting for their freedom, will it?!
I’m asking all now to go and open their TVs, it seems that these TVs get opened only when the Palestinians do something to defend themselves...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
u r the king
saw a while ago how civilized are those ISREAELI people. 120 civilians were killed and more than 200 are injured??? What happened to what is called the World Peace and Justice???
If they will now do something to defend themselves, then they are the terrorists??? I hope that everyone can stop being blind for a while and see what is happening and quit supporting them in the name of their rights of doing whatever.
Open all of your eyes and see who is the REAL TERRORISTS here ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
If only things were that simple.
One could argue that since Hamas is a "democraticaly elected" body, they should be allowed to rule without hinderance.
The factions within the Palestinians play into Israeli hands. However, there are many external forces at play. Both sides are "supported" by external entities.
I do however agree that lobbing RPG's (which do hardly any harm) is not the way to go.