Pakistan breaking the Shakles of Corruption

By Shireensaleem •
First time in Pakistan history a poltician without a history or charges of corrution is fighting the war of illeteracy and corrution wand wants to end the illegtimate kingdom of Sharif family.
Pakistan is falling in depths of poverty and illeteracy Zaradari and Shairf governemnt while filling their own accountts never delivers anything to the people of pakistan and kept pakistani void of basic human rights, hope Imran will win as a only hope for a better progressive corruption free Pakistan.
Remember SHEEDA TALLI or not............:)
May Allah give wisdom to those who support corruption
Imran Khan is the only fair politician in Pakistan these days. He is fighting against corrupt system. Allah will help him inshAllah.
Imran is fueling the "Politics of Hatred" and under the law of nature, he would have to face its results sooner or later.
Imran Khan is doing a great work and way better than Nawaz and Zardari who just want to come in for money So....
We don't want Fake sharif,s and Zardari....
GO NAWAZ GO...............................................TO HELL.
He is a real "Ziddi Khan" filled with anger and stubbornness, have little political sense and understanding, what ever his illiterate workers tell him, he speaks out and then back tracks almost every day. With this kind of vision and political sense, he would have a little ability to do any good to the people of Pakistan.
Look at his words where he is asking overseas Pakistanis to remit the funds by "Hundi", which is a punishable crime in almost all the countries including the gulf countries. To fulfill the personal ambition, hardly any leader would advise the people to indulge in illegal ways.