Muslims told to ignore 'biased' film

Now Dr Abdul Hamid al-Ansari here seems to be an intelligent and well reasoned individual.
Can we not take his lead?
Do you think that this man is a true representative of how most muslims are!
(...and sorry for the long post!)
Muslims told to ignore 'biased' film by By Anwar Elshamy
Published: Saturday, 29 March, 2008, 01:51 AM Doha Time
A QATAR university professor yesterday slammed the anti-Islam film released by the Dutch far-right lawmaker Geert Wilders as “biased and lacking in objectivity”.
“It is just propaganda that lacks scientific method,” Dr Abdul Hamid al-Ansari, former dean of the Shariah College at the Qatar University told Gulf Times.
“He seems to think that the best way to win votes and popularity is to raise fears of Europeans against Islam,” al-Ansari said.
“It is the same way the extremists follow by depicting the West as Satan to gain popularity.”
Prof al-Ansari described the movie as “a series of defamations of Islam” which reduced a 14-century old religion into the interpretation of Al Qaeda followers.
“The movie outlines the long history of Islam in some practices by Al Qaeda which are rejected by the mainstream Muslims. I think this will only deepen the gulf of hatred between Islam and the West.
“The verses from the Holy Qur’an mentioned in the film were quoted out of context. They were revealed at a time when the world was different and when Muslims were a minority and besieged,” he said.
“Such practices by Westerners will only give more influence and support to Al Qaeda followers. They will take it as evidence that the West is waging a crusade against Islam.”
However, al-Ansari, who is known for his liberal views, called Muslim countries to embark on reform initiatives.
“Muslims should work towards religious, political and educational reform so that they can correct their global image and reconciliate with the world,” he said.
“We should adopt the critical method and review school curriculum,” he said, observing that Muslims’ attempts to correct their image in the West by just launching websites or translating books on Islam would not do.
He urged for restraint over the anti-Islam film, saying that the lawmaker was “making a trap for Muslims” and wanted the Muslims to be dragged into a battle.
“We should be rational and smart enough in our reaction. The best way is to ignore the movie and make no reactions at all. We should be aware about the trap to which the extremist MP would like to drag us.”
However, al-Ansari called for denying extremists in Muslim countries any platform of speech.
“We have a duty to silence those who call for clash of civilisations among us, especially among those who give Friday sermons. They only help promote a distorted image on Islam.”
He criticised the film-maker for ignoring the signs of the tolerance showed by many of the Muslim countries.
“Qatar has recently permitted the first Church with five more coming up. And discussions are underway to build the first church in Saudi Arabia,” he said.
“The so-called verses of Jihad were only dealing with a situation where the world for Muslims were divided into two worlds namely either with Islam or against Islam,” he said.
Al-Ansari warned against “irrational reactions”, including taking to the streets, holding violent protests or boycotting Dutch products. He said that boycott would cause harm to those who were not guilty.
“Islam ordains us not to judge a person for others’ mistakes. When Muslims boycott specific products, this will harm companies which have nothing to do with religion or politics,” he said. Boycott would only serve the scheme of the extremists and promote hatred among peoples, he added.
Please, serious debate and no personal attacks. Thank you.
You have opened the floodgates now to the "do you know that the Qu'ran predicts and explains all scientific truths, found and not found, for all time" gang!!!!!!
I see I am going to have a long night
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
"Scientific Method" How can anyone speak of applying the scientific method to religion? By definition religions don't hold up to the scientific method. Hmmmm.
You busy catching up?
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
I will post my views later
Nice post QT...Al-Ansari makes sense, this film is baiting muslims and it should be ignored. Any type of reaction will give him the publicity that he wants, especially violent reactions. Why give him any attention...
QT - Check classified . They have a Bed Room to sell so I send a PM asking with of without roof ;)
LOL. You're funny! I like you! talk about ironically quoting out of context!
I was told to ignore this kind of posting