Is 'Muslim' a new word for bullies?

By frenchieman •
To counter my earlier happy story of everyone getting along, here is a sad one about a child that seems to be representing a new and worrying trend in bullying. Even Obama suffered from this.
Milky: Bulling may cause traumas to any child, whatever is used to annoy that child.
Agree with you.
The media and ofcourse the politicians must also take the blame..
Many of us "deplore" such goings on, but always find reasons to condone it..
Its all too easy to "talk the talk", but much harder to "walk the walk"
So your saying that Gay couples should not adopt in the fear that there child might be called names, is that what your saying?
Bullying happens every where, even in the office, and at other places of work for lots of different reasons, If we were to imply your logic then people should stop working for the fear of being bullied?
Sorry Milky but the main subject is still bulling
Sorry Milky but the main subject is still bulling
Bullying of child named Alex for being Mulsim to gay couples adoption.
Hello Darude
Long time buddy :)
I agree that children are always cruel because they have no sense of responsability, it's not only about religion, sometimes is because someone uses glasses, i usually say that this is a good reason why i'm against gay couples adopt children too young.
LOL Uranus. But then according to him all of us are the same person.
No need to engage with him; I've set him aside. Mods are on to who he really is and are watching. No coincidence that whenever he is logged on all the weird and obscene posts start showing up from fake IDs. This ID will eventually be deleted like all the rest for the QL violations.
And Rizzo's (aka about a dozen banned IDs) are so deep and meaningful :O)
Your post is too analytical for frenchie. Superficial comments suffice for simple minds like his
SA--we're on the same page. The tagline for the OP was taken from the headline of the news story (not my words).
'Muslim' is what these bullies are calling this kid to bully him (he's not actually Muslim); just like the nuts who call Obama a Muslim as a way to discredit him. They're not bullying him for BEING Muslim.
I agree. These kids have no idea what a Muslim is. That is why I think the school needs to educate these kids (and their parents) about Islam in the same way that the nuts in Yemen who are persecuting the Arab Jews there need to be told that these poor people are natives to the area and Jew is not the same as Israeli.
Those students in the school there shows they did not have a correct picture of Muslims and it is not their faults, it could be their parents mistake because they did not tell them Muslims are really are.
How come could the word 'Muslim' become a new word for bullies?
In Islam
Lieing is prohobited.
Cheating is prohobitted.
Justice in Islam is a must.
Loyalty and responsibility towards your family and community is a must.
Helping others who need is a must within your own capabilities, the easiest way is praying for the poors.
Donating 2.5 % of your annual income is must, can be given to poor people or charities.
Killing one soul is like if you killed all.
Saving one soul is like if you saved all.
Advising people to do the good thing is a must.
Advising to stay away from things which could harm them is a must.
Returing some one property if he/she give it you for some time. (Amanah)
Saying the truth is a must.
Doing the job in the best way is a must.
Respecting others and not saying bad words is a must.
One muslim man when his father died he cried, they asked him why did you cry? He said I had two ways which can take to heaven and now I have one (his mother).
When two people are fighting it is must to stop their fight and let them setle down.
Stealing is prohobitted.
There was one Egyptian schoolar who made a study and found that there is more than 365 good deeds and habbits are ther in the holy Quran, so how com the word 'Muslim' become a new word for bullies?
Shame on the parents there who knows and not tell the truth to their children.
No merci--Agreed. People have a habit of picking on minorities the world over. Look at the poor Arab Jews in Yemen, but then look at how the Jewish majority in Israel behave. Christians bully Muslims in the US, but Muslims bully Christians in Iraq.
It's tough to be a minority of any sort anywhere. Personally I think it would be great if everyone who is in the majority in their home country had to live as a minority somewhere else for a while.
you are online at this time.
morning how you doing my friendie
irrizarygarcia--lots of threads on UK, Netherlands and France in this regard, just not so many this week.
Try these for France:
Awful. What we must not forget though is that it also happens the other way around. Maybe not in America, but it does here, for example.
Of course, as was said before, this needs to be addressed and eradicated, in both cases.
well there are some out here in QL as well.
WK--Agreed. And when they go after the President of the US for it, that gives it a sense of legitimacy. These kids aren't doing anything that Fox News isn't.
I agree with joe90 here. Parents can't keep their kids away from every newspaper and news channel. Media is playing a major part in creating this prejudice.
In some cases the teachers are no better. Here is case in Texas of belittling a child by associating her with extremists.
Thankfully, her superiors did the right thing and removed this teacher from the school.
Kids can be cruel and have this natural instinct for singling out differences (or in some cases creating it).
What do you expect from children when the media and politicians use phrases like 'Islamic Terrorist' and 'Muslim Terrorist' so often. It should be noted that when the IRA were bombing London, they were never referred to as 'Catholic terrorists' and the Loyalists were not referred to as 'Protestant terrorists' even though they both claimed to represent a religious sect.
Perhaps politicians and the media should consider using more precise language such as 'Al Qaeeda Terrorists'
What a world..but hey its not surprising given the way things are today..God help us! Education is the key here. Kids need to be educated at an early age to differentiate between a follower of a certain belief/religion and its extremists and evil doers.Wrong education and brainwashing is the cause for such problems. Like I remember back when I was a kid in SL when AIDS awareness campaigns first started it was projected via the movies/ads like "white westerners" carry the virus to our "innocent" Asian youths. So when my sis and I met this foreign white kid we actually thought she might give us aids and expressed that! My poor mother was gob smacked and had to explain to us "no its just the wicked people who do" I still cringe at the memory!
Sad case. Obama should serve as a role model to this kid.