The most shocking video you will ever see!!!

Hey Guys,
if you were in this situation , what would you sacrifice your life for.
this story happened before 3 days i.e in 5-12-12
location is Aleppo.
a free syrian army was dragging this woman's body after the system's sniper shot her.
the word allahuakbar was the fuel to not stop mixed with sounds of bullets to scare the sniper .
this story is among thousands of courage stories happening in this land.
luckily, they found the woman alive.
Now...rewind it and watch it again knowing that it is a real video, and tell me .....what could you do if you were in his place???
a reply from syrians to the UN :)
we don't need the men with Blue caps , we create them ;)
in the west of syria, a group of fighters had all kind of revolutionists (arab, sunnah, turkmanestan, christians, create their own picture as a reply to the world)
the nearest video to jet attacking
Location :Homs-Bab elderaib
Date: 9-Dec-12
The terrifying tribulations experienced by these brave men and women are truly beyond comprehension. It's a miracle she survived..InnalHamdulilah. Just hope and pray to see the end of all the bloodshed and strife once and for all!
Subbahanallah full of Shock...i can't imagine if i will there..there's only Allah whos svavior...belief and faith may Allah give a bless and give a strenght for them.
Barvery, but harrowing, sad and tragic.
So much death and destruction.. May the Lord help them.
Sadly, both sides are committing atrocities and innocents are suffering. Let us pray that it ends soon..