More controversy about Princess Diana

By frenchieman •
A new movie is soon to be out that will appeal to all the conspiracy theorists--
A new movie is soon to be out that will appeal to all the conspiracy theorists--
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You have to love Mohammed Al Fayed, he is good for a laugh if nothing else. You should have seen the transcript of his evidence at the British enquiry into her death, the judge basically told him to get a grip on reality. He does love his little theories
You have to love Mohammed Al Fayed, he is good for a laugh if nothing else. You should have seen the transcript of his evidence at the British enquiry into her death, the judge basically told him to get a grip on reality. He does love his little theories
commoners got carried away by her good looks, women wnated to be like her and men..well..
As much as I dislike taking about dead people, her life and deeds are not exactly an inspiration, she was just a popular 'commoner figure'.
As was said before RIP.
Why they can't let the dead rest in peace?
Fergie was on Oprah waxing on about being slighted by the Royals.
Personally I don't buy the conspiracy theory, but it sure gets lots of play in the media. Apparently the head of the conspiracy is Prince Philip, which is the most laughable part.
Yes OracleofOasis I agree with you, but I was only responding to the movie as they are showing it as a murder. :) It was a car accident I know.
sambs- Diana was not murdered. She died in a car accident.
That movie would be quite dangerous to the British monarch and the Queen, however, I don't believe that they would be stupid to involve themselves in such an incident (Diana murder), especially that the monarch of England was one of the greatest in history starting from the Great Queen Elizabeth I and Ending with Queen Victoria.
Don't forget, that Princess Diana (may her soul RIP), wasn't from the Royal Family anymore when she was with Dodi Fayed. So they (royal family) don't care. But she did truthfully put them in an embarrassed situation, especially that she was Prince Charles ex-wife.
Also some other analysts believe that she was a whore hiding behind her good deeds.
However, she was a people's princess, and I myself loved her.
That's only my point of view. So no offense to anyone :)
if thye Royal family can put up with fergie's anticsw, then Diana would have been a doddle.
She is beautiful, gracious and kind. The queen of our hearts will always be missed
Jeez, can't we let her R.I.P.