Mangalore Traggic Air Accident

Switch off that mobile! Thomas Dominic, Kuwait
26 May 2010, It’s easy to blame the captain of the ill-fated Air India Express for the tragic accident that occurred in Mangalore, since he is not there to defend his case. Also, one can blame the airline management for not maintaining the aircrafts.
However, I would request all the airline passengers to do an introspection of their role on board, and the readers to consider the following facts before handing over the death penalty. The state-of-the-art plane (B-737-800) was inducted on January 15, 2008. Hence, one cannot say that its conditions were so bad.
Every day, 32 domestic and international flights operate from Mangalore airport. Hence, one cannot caregorically say that the airport or its runway were not safe for landing.
Fifty three-year-old Captain Zlatko Glusica who died in the crash had 10,200 hours of flying experience and his licence had been endorsed by the Directorate of General of Civil Aviation, India. The commander had flown in and out of Mangalore airport at least 19 times, while the co-pilot had operated 66 times from the same airport.
So the pilot and co-pilot were fully familiar with landing at Mangalore Airport, and therefore it’s not right to put the blame on the pilots. Further, the commander did not report any malfunction before landing, to the Air Traffic Control (ATC).
Visibility at the airport on the day of the accident was six km, ‘which is more than that required’, when the ill-fated plane landed in Mangalore.
So then, what could be the reason for this air crash? Possible malfunctioning of the navigational system during the landing process caused by a cell-phone switched on by an ignorant passenger? I have noticed that many passengers switch on their mobile phones while landing as if they are in a race to inform their arrival. It is also possible that someone did not switch off the mobile phone while taking off from Dubai, despite being warned by the cabin crew, and it started searching for signals as the flight descended at Mangalore airport, which could have interfered with the functions of the landing system?
It should be noted that all three recent air crashes — the first one at Russia killing the Polish Prime Minister and his team, the second one at Libya last month and now Air India Express at Mangalore — all occurred while trying to land, thereby strengthening my suspicion about the possible interference in the navigational system by cell phone signals. Any takers?
everyone is an expert wiping teir own butts!
Every one had commented about cell phone signals and possible interference. Let me suggest another perspective. It appears that
1. Either a human error by pilot over shot the landing point and then he realized that there was not enough space to stop. So attempted to take off and failed to take off and fell into ravine.
2. A tyre burst caused the plane due to which the pilot lost the control and the plane went off the runway?
Any thoughts?
Hm.... Now the latest news is that the Indian second in charge lady was contineously pleading with the Uzbek pilot not to land and go around the airport few more times before landing. May be the Uzbek understoood the other way round...........
I know for sure through colleagues of mine who work in the aviation industry that the mobile phones do NOT affect any on-board instrumentation. Just ask yourself this one thing: IF they could cause any problems, do you think anybody at all would be allowed to board an airplane with a mobile phone? Do you even think people would be allowed to transport them, even switched off, in case they would decide to use the phones whilst landing / taking off while there is still a 'signal'? This questions should tell you the exact answer.
Alumnar, I Am form aviation field for the last 1year and 5months after all i am a pilot.
In 1991, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) banned passengers from using their cell phones while on board an airplane that is in flight. The ban was instituted because the FCC suspected that the radio frequency emitted by cell phones could malfunction an airplane's equipment systems. In complying with this rule, different airlines have instituted different policies about when phones can be turned on and off.
Mobile phones do NOT interfere with the navigation instruments! It's not Indian ill posting, it's plain ignorance and believing in everything that ignorant people feed you!
Obviously Cell phone signals do interfer with the Navigation of the aircraft.. It has happened twice, but both the time aircrafts managed to get out of the vertical dive. They had sufficent altitude, to recover.
Legal_pad, before every flight Co-pilot checks the maintenance log book for previous defects and were they repaired or not. So this is rubbish that both the pilots didn't checked the maintenance log book of the particular aircraft.
Regarding the tyre burst upon touch down that was because of the braking and the pilot would have put the auto brakes on 3 that means tyre temp would rise..
This a classical Indian Ill posting !
There is no conclusive studies about cell usage and interferance with the navigational instruments of a plane. Typical lame excuse.
What they need to check is the maintenance records and the aging of the plane. When was the last time they did overhaul the engines, check for rust and many other mechanical parts.
Let me guess? the pilot and the co-pilot where watching and dacing to the bollywood movies while landing?
Could it be more because of skidding, with the humid weather and damp runway, rather than what is suggested...?
look up info on aeromobile if you think mobile phones can cause a crash - why do airlines now allow you to use them on board to make calls & send sms?
Believe it or not, mobile phones do NOT affect navigation/communication. Not one single plane would take off if they did cause interference, or you would be scanned down to your bones to make sure you didn't take one on board. Have you ever asked yourselves why you are allowed to carry a phone onto the plane? Has anybody actually ever checked if your phone is off? Is having the phone in Flight Mode actually the same as the phone being on or off?
Just some food for thoughts - and also inside info from friends who work for airlines.
i blame the ash cloud.
There have been 2 incidents in which Aircraft had gone into a Vertical dive, the reason was that a passenger's mobile phone was on.
It can't be a navigation problem at all. This was purely a human error, not a mechanical or avionics problem.
jackmohan: pick up a landline phone and keep ur mobile phone next to it and make a call or send a sms, you heard an irritating noise, right? There is a chance of the same happening to the pilot headset & irritating the pilot & hence they ask you to switch it off
WRT laptops & other such devices, they are a safety hazard when there is a turbulence, probability of which is more during takeoff & landing.
Ask any pilot and he will tell you that you should never remove your seat belt EVEN when the seat belt sign is OFF. You are supposed to keep it on as an air pocket can occur anywhere and if it leads to a drop in height or so then due to inertia you may end up hitting the overhead cabin risking a neck injury.
If mobiles could cause such accidents...then all planes would have crashed I have seen many people with their mobiles on.
Also the plane doesnt fly by wireless technology or does it? It flys-by-wired it wouldnt respond to mobile launches.
So why do they ask us to switch it off.....I really dont know?
IF we go by this logic, why is that airlines are/have introduced a service called aeromobile which allows you mobile telephony access on board the aircraft and was allowed by regulators. Let's not jump the gun here and go around blaming people for something that has no role in the accident.
It was God's will, and nobody knows what He wants.
Can be Human Error but we can't ignore technology or it may be combination of both.
The Flights are equiped with sophisticated navigation systems, and i dont think that the mobile signal can cause such malfunction or whatever. In my opinion the pilot made the mistake by overshooting the runway.
i always leave my mobile and ipod on, and will continue to do so.
No Assumption but it can be taken into consideration. Let's wait 4 data from Black box.
No chance, had it been a signal interference which caused the accident , the black box datas would reveal it.
But this is a serious concern. some retards dont listen to the warnings and requests from the crew, co passengers also keep quite watchin the drama.They should support and join the crew and force the idiots to switch it off.
valid point what next?
Some time we (people) ignore basic rules.