Keeping a Young Marriage Alive

What do you do, to stop your marriage going the way of many other marriages? What is the secret of keeping a young marriage alive?
Keep Talking
Well, first of all, you should always keep talking to each other. No matter how big the problems you face, talking about them is halfway to solving them
Kill Boredom
Even though the honeymoon period was very exciting, life isn't always as exciting. So you both need to make a lot of effort to stop the dull and boring times becoming a cause of you finding each other dull and boring. Go out together regularly.
"Trust Me!"
You needn't live in each other's pocket all the time, either! Trust is very important. There's no place for jealousy or suspicion in a marriage.
Remember the Good Times
It's very important to remember anniversaries and special events that have meant something to you both: your own birthdays and birthdays of family members, your all-important wedding anniversary,
Serving Allah Together
As Muslims, you want to remember the importance and the place of Allah in your home. Help your partner be regular in performing the daily prayers. Get up together for Fajr Prayers. Why not learn to recite the Qur'an together, teaching and helping each other?
No "I" in "We"
Sometimes it takes a while to get used to it, but once you're married, you should be thinking of "we" not "I." You have been saying "I" for about 20 years, so it takes time to realize that you're now responsible for someone else.
Above all, keep talking and laughing together. After your first argument, you'll see that it wasn't the end of the world and that you'll have many more, but you still love each other
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At least the neck it's covered :)
By the way, would he have for legs or two ?
Billy the Kid :0)
by the way, very pretty goattie.. Drac, does she have a brother?
what 10:1 girls/boys?
10 goats : 1 girls/boys? or 10 girls : 1 boy?
ugly,beautifull..nehh not in Doha
10:1 girls/boys!
Last chance = Al Dakhira-goats!
I think the saying refers to an "ugly person" , not a real goat..
However, if it makes Drac happy, then who are we to queston his motives..
I wonder what he'll name the "Kids"?
there is a saying in one of the languages that i speak :
"Love is blind…you might fall in love even with the goat.."
... so here you go…conrats...Drac!
Its not really necessary to know the person a lot, you just have to accept the fact that u have to share ur space with him/her, i feel thats the tough part.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Not to fall asleep with bad feelings.
I'm a little worried about your taste...
What do you call a goat with a beard? ....... Goatee!
Why is it that in many cases a couple can date for a long time, even live together. But as soon as they marry, the relationship hits the bumps.
you mean not to make love while you are angry? or not to fall asleep with the bad feelings?
I love her and I trust her!
"There's no place for jealousy or suspicion in a marriage."
My dear Goatty:
second the last bit ;-)
Never go to bed feeling angry with the other partner
Secret to keeping a young marriage alive, Know plenty about each other before you marry, be in love, and plenty of bumpty bump bump. :P
thanks brother, though its not me :)
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Young Marriage ????
Plenty of Nookie...
Talking and remembering the good times come way way later..
beutyfull photo
but sometimes even if you talk you don't resolve the pb and once this pb comes it creates turbulences....for others points it's ok....but the first one is very important!
where is QL people?
is the best thing, we laugh together a lot and it makes for a really good relationship, you can be really silly and not worry that the other one is judging you
at least i miss one of them