Jordan - Compulsory Military Conscription

I have a friend who I think is under obligation to take part in a certain amount of Army training in Jordan, even though he is now a Qatari citizen and resident. Some sites I have read claim that forced conscription is no longer in practice, or that if you are a student, or resident of another country, then you are not required to do the training. Can any of you give me more information or direct me to some websites that have current information?
There is no website to validate this info. If he is not carrying a Jordanian passport he has nothing to worry about.
What he can do to double check is he can visit the jordanian embassy here in Doha, im not sure if they can help in this aspect but its worth the try.
Another thing he can do is ask anyone visiting jordan soon to double check with the National Military Service committee in Amman Jordan. They will assure him with what i have mentioned above.
As i have been before 1988 i have been exepmt from the military enrollement. But he has nothing to worry about...
there are so many ways out of it. and they really arent strict about it anyway!
If what you just said is correct moenasser, then thank you very much. You have pretty much answered every question I have. If he never becomes a permanent resident again, is he still able to visit without being hunted down to attend this course?
It would still be appreciated if there is a website or something that can confirm this, or who would my friend contact to have to confirm this? I don't think he will just take my word for it.
To attend this military training, there are different criteria in Jordan.
1- People that are obligated to take the military training have to be born in 1988 +, meaning anyone before this year is exempt from attending by law.
2- If he is the only male child, he is also exempt
3- If he is not Jordanian he is also exempt
4- If he is studying he is elidgable to postpone untill graduation.
5- If he is not a resident, he can postpone till he is back in Jordan
6- If under any circumstances he is associated in the military training, the assosciation is 3 months and it will be be in the field of his studies and not general military practice
7- If he doesnt want to attend this training at all and is obliged to attend then he can pay the exemption fee which i last remmeber was $4,000.
i hope this makes things clear.
why he doesnt want the training? its good for him..only prob f he has alot of things makin him busy here..i have undergone an army training before and its good!
Hopefully someone else has some extra info. I've exhausted all my other resources lol.
Well he seems to think he can't go back into Jordan without being arrested and made to train with the military for a certain amount of time. Yes he is the only male child in a family. But I don't think he necessarily has to serve with the army, but has to do a training course for 6 months with them. However I've been searching websites and can't find anything to clarify any of this.
so what exactly are you looking for? Since he is now a Qatari citizen why should he be worried about Jordanian rules.
i'm not exactly sure about the rules but i know that if you're an only child or an only boy then you don't have to go through with it. if you're studying then you can postpone it. i'm sure something like this could be found on the internet. good luck to the both of you!
He was born in Qatar and has lived there all his life, but became a citizen about 15 years later. He has a Qatari passport. If that helps any.
Well you mentioned "he is now a Qatari citizen and resident".
First of all being a resident and being a citizen is 2 different things. Second as far as I know you can not become a Qatari Citizen unless you were born as one.
For most of the countries where military service is a obligation, having another residency do not change this requirement unless you are ready to cancel you citizenship with that country.