Israel To Collapse in 20 Years:CIA Report?
"Whatever the outlet or authorship of this leaked report, there are several well-known facts that lend credence to its conclusions:
1) everyone knows that a HUGE percentage of Israelis don’t actually live in Israel;
2) Israel’s economy is a basket case;
3) Arabs within Israel, already at least 20% of the population, are reproducing so much faster than the Israelis that they WILL outnumber the Israelis soon;
4) Arabs in the occupied territories (occupied illegally for 42 years since 1967) are even more numerous and growing even faster;
5) neither group of Arabs are doing what the Israelis have sought for 61 years (since 1948), which is: leaving.
Those five factors, compounded over 20 years could easily lead to the disintegration of the forced Israeli state.
A sixth factor, unexpected in 1948, has been the soaring wealth (and populations) of the Arab and Muslim oil nations. Meanwhile no significant source of natural wealth has turned up on Israeli soil.
And, meanwhile, with brain-dead psychological catastrophes like the 2009 Gaza invasion, Israel has managed to completely LOSE the war for minds with its ever-more-powerful and numerous Arab and Muslim neighbors and in the world at large.
Them apples would very plausibly justify anybody’s report like the one claimed below.
The collapse of the U.S. and European economies removes much of the prop on which Israel has been leaning for 61 years.
Also, polling proves that a large percentage of the European populations already blame their economic collapse on the Israel Lobby.
And what’s the brain-dead Israeli tactic for “fixing” this impending Israeli crackup: start a war with a VERY powerful Muslim nation, Iran!
After completely failed wars (as in TOTAL defeat) in Iraq, Lebanon, and Gaza.
Never overestimate your enemy.
They do make mistakes."
Does any one know who setteld in America and killed 90% of the original red indians there...
So ADEY you ask a qustion and answer it !! Ok i speak english am i an english man ..... my friends as well.
Please your answer is appreciated as a prove to the british emabssy !!!
So what did they speak back then in that area ?
more detailed info here:
My response was to KHL regarding his statement that Arabs were in 'Israel'(even though it was not called that at the time, so lets say what is now called Israel/Palistine)before the time of Moses. No one in that area, at the time of Moses, spoke Arabic. The Arabic language and Arab tribes came much, much later.
Prophet Mohamed PBUH defined an "Arab" as anyone who speaks Arabic (to avoid any future racial issues). However , Arabs kept lengthy detailed records of their tribes and origins(they did the same for their Camels and Horses), some of the tribes migrated and settled in many countries outside Arabia and mixed with indigenous people.
Some of the migration waves took place before Islam. specially to East/North Africa and West Persia.
from an Arab
Arab people (عربي, ʿarabi) or Arabs (العرب al-ʿarab) are a panethnicity of peoples of various ancestral origins, religious backgrounds and historic identities, whose members, on an individual basis, identify as such on one or more of linguistic, cultural, political, or genealogical grounds. ...
oh ok, I thought it was proven :)
regarding your definition "An Arab is one whose mother tounge is Arabic. ", may I ask where did you get that definition from?
short answer to your question - No
No, not everything can be scientifically proven
Jericho was a real city. It had a high wall and was heavily fortified, at the time when the Israelites entered the country.
Thank you, I think the story was proven scientifically,right ?
"God took just regular men to blow horns and shout some, and the walls fell down. God can do anything," says Andrew, 11.
I donno,do you know ?
define 'Arab'? An Arab is one whose mother tounge is Arabic. No one in the Levant area spoke Arabic before the spread of Islam DURING and AFTER Mohammad.
Does anyone know who blew down the walls of Jericho ?
Its very obvios ur knowledg in this subject equals mine in rocket since...who mentioned the world religion...however Arabs were there in the land of KANNAN long time before even Ibrahim pass thru it to egypt...the oldest city in the world is Jericho, take this as a way for ur new search.
There is a hidden agenda to create a major conflict between the two worlds (Islam and Christianity).
it is nonsense to oppose "the Arabs" to "the Israelis". After this "fcuk" I cannot believe the author...
Israel is the State where arabs - muslims and christians - , as well as jews and people of other religions live. Arabs muslims who live in Israel are also Israelis. Arabs Christians who live in israel are also israelis..
" Arabs in the occupied territories.. are even more numerous and growing even faster"..i have heard that organisms usually reproduce only in a supportive environment... am I mistaken?
i am a filipina working in the US...
sorry, for the confusion...
okey, sorry guys...i felt being attacked by your comments...
and i'm wondering how did you guys came about attacking me about my nationality, my passport and even my morality (ungrateful immigrant) when i only reacted to FU's comment about "don't forget that US itself might not exist soon"?
before you were saying: It can't even contain that oil spill in the Gulf after almost two months now, for crying out loud..! and yet my tax-dollars is used in Afghan and Iraq...
and now you are twisting around your word and I don't get your point.... @_@
Me neither :-/
there is a filipina all over the world...i'm not in qatar and but i was there in feb and i will be there in nov...
and if i'm ranting about my tax-dollars, it's because all of us use it from the east to the west and now that the south suffers from this oil leak, when their source of livelihood is gone, guess what? they are not the only one affected...ALL OF US.
just like everyone in this forum, i am an expat, too and i'm entitled to my opinion. don't call me an ungrateful immigrant because i contribute to the economy - read: i pay taxes.
and whatever passport i hold, what does it matter to any of you?
lol John, that goes without saying!
and I'll not! :P
Yes Vampires may survive :-/
Aren't we all dying in 2012, why are we worrying about 20 years in the future :-/
John, if she indeed is a passport holder, she is just proof that countries need to look into who and what they allow in a bit more...
John, maybe she sends the money she earns as a nurse in Qatar to relatives in the US...and somehow they tax it...I don't know, very odd...
I guess the point is that every religion believes that their messenger is the last/only messenger telling the truth. Everyone believes they know the truth.
Their are several religions I believe. One is baha'is and another one is ghe ahmads but my spelling may be wrong.
jinny, you are talking about YOUR tax dollars, yet your nationality is stated as Philippines. So, are you a passport holder? Or how are your tax dollars used in the US?
And yes, I think you should learn a bit about economy and politics before you comment on either subject.
And maybe, you might want to get some knowledge on oil leaks too, as you seem to think they should be easy to fix....and the people who are trying to do just that, do not have what it takes, as you seem to imply.
May I know the names
Actually DC I mean prohpets after Mohamed...
but why i'm telling this to an atheist???
u r reading books of your own interest, even we have the belief that denying others Prophet in Islam, is a great sin.
even if the palestineans could produce more than the israelis, one weapon of the israelis could kill hundreds of palestineans, so how would this be possible?
vanmost, a small correction.
bani israel means family or people or tribe of israel. it doesnt mean people of God.
Ha ha ha KHL, the arabs were already there!! In those days people of that region didn't even speak Arabic!! Your history is so poor its laughable...
As for the jews denying other prophets, doesn't islam do the same? Other prophets have come according to other newer religions but are denied as hersey. Sounds hypocritical to me.
Jinny- you must shift to the tax free countries.
yes, FU...US is sinking in debt and still dipping its fingers (no, make it arms) on problems that it should not concern itself of in the first place; thereby adding to it's troubles...
It can't even contain that oil spill in the Gulf after almost two months now, for crying out loud..! and yet my tax-dollars is used in Afghan and Iraq...
or i'm just too naive to understand politics and capitalism...
They were called Bani Israel (People of God). No doubt they were fav people of Allah but they denied other prophets and Jesus Christ... Jesus was sent to save them but they said that if he could be killed, how can he save us so therefore they are still waiting for another Jesus (or someone who will give them rise and country).
Jews are the only nation who had denied to all prophets including Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
There was no other monotheistic religion other than Judaism, KHL. Islam was invented in 570 AD. We are talking about 1200 BC. The attempt of Echnaton was short-lived and reversed by his son Tutenchamun.
Which Arabs? The Jews of Ibrahim?
Philistine are originally from the Island of CRETE and invaded the cost of Palestine when Arabs were already there before the jews. please read the full history not only the part you like.
I think you had been left behind..the Israel have their own nurturing programme for Gharqad tree
Boycott Gharqad!
That wouldn't work.. The Israelis would blockade the Bumper Cars and Roller Coasters..
Maybe the world could build a huge space station and put the Israelis in one end and the palenstinains at the other. Then leave the land left empty except for a god themed amusement park.
shrub, dont compare with Cedar
The Gharqad Tree is supposed to look like a Cedar. So perhaps, the Jews should all move to Lebanon :O)
"Only the Gharqad tree will shelter the Jews from those who seek to kill them on judgment day."
least of my interest to believe on CIA reports, once it was about WMD and Flights from Kabul to WTC :P
Enough said...
The leaders represent their nations and act for the best of their nations..
vast land is wasted with these silly JEW PLANTs;)
So you were referring to ruling regimes, but not nations.
Israel acts as a great foil for many, including Muslim and Christian extremists, Arab leaders and imperialists.
"including many Arab states for Israel to survive and continue." Can you enlighten me please?
Unless you mean some of the ruling regimes in these states.
Moving back in Europe?...there are Neo-Nazis groups and parties in Germany and Austria, but they’re by-and-large a minority (Austria’s parties are stronger), and they will likely always be there in some form and level of popularity, as will groups that profess hate for other ethnicities.
Many Arab states don't want the Palestinians to be free because they might start interfering in their internal affairs.
Also, Israel acts as a great foil for power hungry countries - Egypt and Iraq previously. Iran now and possibly Saudi Arabia in the future..
Israel has support all over the world. It is in many people's interest, including many Arab states for Israel to survive and continue.
What the USA wants is that in the long run, Israel and its neighbours sign peace and trade agreements allowing Israel to flourish.
I agree with you about average Americans who are polite, well mannered and charitable people.
Why don't Isreal relocate to Europe, seamless integration, better neighbours and less terror.
Why don't the Arabs let Israel keep the land, after all it's not good for farming and they have no natural resources. The gulf Arab states which are rich but do not have enough labour could absorb the palenstinians who are after all their Arab brothers. This would mean the Asians of which they have nothing in common with could be reduced in number
The previous administration was led by a gang (the new conservative) and the only decent person who couldn't tolerate the situation had resigned (Colin Powell).
good and decent point of view, vanmost!
VAN - Fake I-Phones are cheaper and last very long.
Don't forget that Israel hugely depends upon USA. There is no history of Israel.. It is made by other countries on others' land. One day USA will also think that why world hates them... Their people are polite, well-behaved, they use to give lots of aid to other countries, etc,etc but there are the most hatred nation in the world, why? because of their foreign policies and jews have a huge influence in their foreign policies..
USA calls themselves a secular country but supports typical fundamentalist religious country that is made upon religious motive.
Anyways, Fake things never lasts.....
We have to wait for the Antichrist and Solomon's temple to be rebuild.
LP - Done!
LP - The rotation of earth has marginal impact on the gravity of the sun. Infact earth is moving closer to the sun with each rotation. We'll collapse into the Sun as it grows and vaporise. Thankfully I wouldn't be around.
The first bit made sense but the last paragraph was rubbish.
Why do people have to fight over a bit of land? In fact this land is a bit crap.
Significant? FU, the sun has a mass 1000 times bigger than earth. 1 promille is not a 'significant' effect, it's marginal.
And it decreases with the square of distance which is 150 million kilometers. So, please review your statement.
"The Problem of Reproduction
The second demographic fear lies in the weak reproduction percentages among the Jews compared to the Palestinians. The annual increase rate of Jews in Palestine is 1.85%, which is almost half that of the Palestinians' 3.4%.
The Jewish woman gives birth to an average of 2.6 children (26 children per 10 women) while Palestinian woman's average is 4.2 children (42 children per 10 women).
The figures of the Palestinian Center of Statistics indicate that the total fertility rate of Palestinian woman, has decreased from 5.6 children in 1997 to 4.1 children in 2003. The rate in the Gaza Strip has decreased from 6.9 to 5.8 during the same period of time"
Then Qatar will go down, too, drac. The foreigners already outnumber the locals (80:20).
20 years it's correct?
Arabs will outnumber the Israelis?
Israel will not go so easily. Yes, Israel's economy is in a mire, but their capacity and the support from external sources will ensure that Israel survives far beyon our life times.
Nothing, FU. Physics doesn't bother with peanuts like 'who owns what.' In the end gravitation will own everything. It's the only known force working in one direction only.
LP - I was just trying to support you.What does Physics say about the topic?
So glad to see that religion is not as serious as some people here were trying to make it here in QL since morning. Great going guys, carry on....
I did not say he did, FU.
Gods existence has never been proved.He cannot distribute.
Actually nothing 'belongs' to anyone. It all had been taken by force. God did not distribute any territory to anyone.
Red Indians were my forefathers.America belongs to me.
And the whole of the USA was occupied illegally. But even the Red Indians occupied it illegally coming from Asia.
Haha, yeah, drac. Suck their blood.
Romans(Italians) occupied Dacia(Romania) illegally in the year 106 A.D.
Now it's revenge time: we're going back...:P
Maybe it was forged by the Jews then, hamada. Moses lived in Egypt at this time.
It's funny. Most people don't even know that Japan used to be occupied by chinese and you can't tell the difference even today.
"Philistine (Invaders) occupied Gaza illegally in the year 1200 B.C. says a document from pharao Ramses II."
I had a brief talk with Ramses II back then, I suggested that we send troops to Gaza, he argued that Ptolemic forces will interfere !
Yeah, FU, every country once was occupied. Isn't it funny?
Pharao's were liars. But I heard Africa was occupied by Indians 5687 years back.
Israel should finish in 5 years not 20 years....
So that means it will survive 2012 as well??
"Arabs in the occupied territories (occupied illegally for 42 years since 1967) are even more numerous and growing even faster."
Philistine (Invaders) occupied Gaza illegally in the year 1200 B.C. says a document from pharao Ramses II.
Are we forgetting that US itself might not exist soon.