Islamist arrested for beheading wife in NY
An excerpt from the article:
"An upstate TV exec who set up a channel promoting Muslims as peace-loving people was stressed about his failing business in the days before he allegedly chopped off his estranged wife's head, a friend of the couple said today.
An order of protection barring Muzzammil Hassan, 44, from the couple's upstate home had been taken out by his wife, Aasiya, 37, less than a week before she died.
The couple was in the process of divorcing after bouts of domestic violence, her lawyer told the Buffalo News.
Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes following 9/11, turned himself in to cops Thursday in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park. Police later found his beheaded wife in the TV studios."
Can anyone else see the irony here? Despite years working to combat negative images of Islam and Muslims, this guy has single-handedly just reinforced those images.
I tried to explain why I used the word "islamist" in the subject/title of this thread. I was simply trying to retain as much of the original headline in the little space QL gave me (I tried a few different versions, but settled on this one).
Apologies if you're offended by it -- wasn't my intent.
Eco-savvy -- thanks for flattering me, but I really can't take credit for coining the term "islamist". It existed before my use of it here. ;-)
I never said domestic abuse belonged to Islam. Platao36 got it right when he reiterated my earlier point: I was pointing out the IRONY in the fact that this man had devoted his professional life to stamping out negative images of his faith, and then he goes and undoes all that good work by beheading his wife.
I don't think I have ever posted lies, but please feel free to check all my posts if that's how you wish to spend your free time. I'll try to be more prolific in the coming weeks to keep you busy! ;-)
And FYI, karboghol, I HAVE studied and read about Islam extensively. And while there were many attractive things about it to me (I considered converting at a point), there were many more things that I could not reconcile, and there were enough negative aspects to me that I knew that I definitely didn't want to sign on to join the ranks. (And just as an aside, perhaps one of my biggest reservations was people like eco-savvy. Hearing them spout their vitriol just made me think that I would NEVER want to belong to the same group as them. Sad but true...)
U really need to study Islam first before you say something about Islam. And by the way, people just love to pin point these days without knowing anything about anything.
Eco: Don't be harsh towards ummjake, i'm sure that ummjake didn't knew that calling Islamist to a muslim can be considered an insult, please be more tolerant.
Regarding why was Islam called to this post is preciselly because the man was a muslim that was trying to show to others that Islam is not composed only by extremists and the irony on it is that he ended up killing his wife as those extremists do to their prisioners.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
uneducated filth - where as he graduated magna cum laude with an MBA from the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester in 1996.
Tell me what this has to do with Islam? How did you coin the word islamist on what basis?? since when did domestic abuse belongs to Islam??
Hassan is loser, this would have been his third divorce
narcissist couldnt let her wife go, this is case of loser whose wife dared to dump him
ummjake you are hate bag and Im going to check ur lies from now onwards
On a side bar, I really hate the word Islamist. People who call themselves followers of Islam are Muslims not Islamists.
Ibrahim Fletcher
I am also western ladies, and as the judicial systems can be Islamic it doesnt mean that part of this is beheading for capital punishment. Countries such as Syria, which are Islamic states do not behead as capital punishment. Following a majority of the logic that has been posted on this thread people can make numerous assumptions following the same logic.
I didnt say I agree with the assumptions I made, quite the opposite. Just because a selct few hide behind religion for their misdeeds (islam in particular) is not accurate nor fair in my opinion. This is just a crazy guy, nothing more, nothing less.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
In the West we do not have a religiously-based government and legal system, unlike in this part of the world. We separate our religion and state. So no, you cannot assume that lethal injections and the electric chair are Christian ways of humanely executing criminals. They may well be more humane (I don't know if they are), but religion doesn't enter into the picture.
And nobody has said that beheadings are Islamically dictated/sanctioned. What we've been saying is that beheadings in this day and age are almost exclusively the use of people and groups hailing from the Islamic faith who CLAIM to be doing so in accordance with God's wishes.
Personally, though I am not Catholic, I would definitely harbor suspicions about any priest I would meet, simply based upon how prevalent the child abuse cases were in the States.
Though it is not very PC, I do sometimes agree with my favorite bumper sticker that says: Stereotypes are a real timesaver!
Hmm, I think this is going in a very biased direction. Can we assume from these presumptions that the electric chair and lethal injections are hence Christian ways of humanly executing criminals? Can we also assume that all Catholic priests are pedophiles due to the massive investigations, charges and admissions by such men that they indeed used their positions to take advantage of young alter boys?
Again, you cant ball everything into one neat convenient little ball, but back to the public beheadings, granted it is barbaric to do in a public square (which is not even done in Saudi anymore) is it more acceptable to allow a small select crowd watch a convicted criminal die in the gas chamber, electric chair or by lethal injection?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
My bad.
I found the article through a link on another site, which carried a headline using the word "Islamist".
I tried to write the title as it was, but QL limits the size of the headlines, so I put what I could.
Hope this clarifies things.
Title would have been ok, if it had been about the beheadings carried out by the Islamic Militants.
At least they say, they do it for Islam, even though the majority of the muslims don't agree with them.
But here the title was just taking another chance against islam for somebodies personal crime.
Ummjake, the article you referred in the link doesn't say the word 'Islamist', even once. The heading read "BUFFALO 'BEHEADING'" instead.
Even if it was otherwise, you shouldn't have repeated the same mistake.
Being fair to a misrepresented community is not that bad.
I used the word "Islamist" in the title of this thread because the article I referenced did the same...just wanted to keep things as close to the original as I could. I wasn't trying to offend the masses.
While I am not blaming Islam, I agree with what Justmoi and Alexa and a few others have said above: when you wear your religion on your sleeve -- as this man did -- then you put yourself in the position of having to uphold a higher standard. It's no different than a pedophile priest -- a story that would also make the front page news in the West.
And let's be honest: the only people who really behead other people in this day and age are ones who do so in the name of Islam (rightly or wrongly -- I think wrongly).
Islam has, unfortunately, allowed itself to become hijacked by fanatical extremists, and until the more moderate majority starts to speak up about how this behavior or that group is un-Islamic and doesn't speak for THEM, then the rest of the world will just assume that they do.
You don't make any sense at all.
What your people will give headding about G.Bush crime? who kills thousands of innocent civilians - Christianity (Im not sure about his relegion) crime or American crime?
I think this is very sad. I think what makes it worse, in my mind, this man was a religious man who was trying to 'promote/defend' Islam and then commits this truly awful crime.
For me it is like finding out that any man of the 'cloth' or a religious person has commited a crime. it goes against the grain.
We all assume that religious people are above crime.
We now see again, they are not.
Again relegion?
I don't think such people entitled for respect, and please don't bring crime in to relegion, respect all relegion , and I don't think any relegion is supporting crime?
Ummjake how stuppid you are, and don't blame the car 4 accident instead of driver.
Now a days it has become a trend to blame Islam for every muslim's activities.
Islam should be judged from its teachings and not from activities of one or a group of misguided or criminal people.
ethar ISLAM or christianty or hendosem
has no thing to do with this news
this is a crime for all human been
chang the tital of the subject in order to show respict to all religions.
My husband joked that maybe the guy was merely showing people how to behead a human!
I can see the irony in that a guy who dedicated his life to preaching religion, and persumably therefore peace, should become a murderer, but I don't see what his being an Islamist has to do with it. To my knowledge Islam doesn't give beheading as an answer to anything, especially not as a punishment for an ex-wife. Maybe if he had stoned his wife to death for adultry or something that could possibly be found in the religion I would see your point.
Got to agree with gypsy..Man is a babaric human and not even worthy of being called a Muslim..sad really sad
There are other parts that have been cut off when a women gets angry at a man. Guess he had enough of her head! But at least Mr. Bobbit survived. Poor wome, wonder what was going through his head - so to speak.
I don't disagree with you UmmJake. However, I would just clarify that religion does not pervade ALL or most Muslims' lives...they are still humans and will make terrible and great choices like the rest of us. The Islamic faith sets guidelines, but by no means does 1.2 billion people follow those guidelines religiously. I think of it like the ten commandments, guidelines that should be followed, but, many times aren't.
I totally agree with you about the irony of the story...I read it and thought "you've got to be kidding me".
Probably was on the wrong medication!!!
...that in Canada or elsewhere, we don't wear our religion on our sleeve the way Muslims usually do. Religion doesn't pervade every aspect of life and culture the way it does for most Muslims.
I found this story rather funny (if it doesn't sound too irreverent to say that) because here was this guy who had spent years, time and effort trying to diminish all the negative images people in the West had about his faith -- and then he goes and blows a gasket and commits the very heinous crime of killing his wife -- and he kills her in a manner than most Westerners would associate with the negative images they have of his religion (say 'beheading' and most folks will immediately think of all those awful grainy videotapes of Al Qaeda executing innocent folks they have kidnapped).
for once, i see all objective posts about a topic here rather than the usual
Now I am really sick of this, What does the thread says " Islamist arrested......" I don't know if you can feel it or not but this is purely rubbish , if a guy beats/kicks his toddler to death he is just insane but if another lunatic does a inhumane crime he is Islamist?? ... and soon people start referring to the Quran ???
One who hasn't taken risks hasn't lived
ha, I totally see what you're saying ummjake. But, something else that I find annoying is that every time a "Muslim" commits a crime their faith is always advertised with their crime.
For instance, in Canada some freak-show, lunatic beheaded a teenager on a greyhound bus. Yet, the media certainly didn't advertise what religion he was.
Crime is crime, but I guess it's the word "Islam/Muslim" that sells more papers. Although, this story, regardless of faith, would be sensationalized due to the manner in which the poor women was murdered.
ummjake the culprit is a person, everything he does is not the responsibility of the religion he belongs to.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
...when you position yourself publicly as someone who is working to combat all those negative images, and then you turn around and do this (and c'mon -- the guy didn't just choke his wife or shoot her -- he beheaded the woman!!), it certainly puts your cause back a bit...
Gypsy is 100% right because islam is very soft
Help people the Allah ( God) will help you
ye.. 100% agreed with Gypsy..
Lol, surely the Quran doesnt condone cutting off your wifes head. This guy is just a nutter and did far more damage to Muslim image than good.
Valiant start, tragic end...
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Got to agree with you there.. More sensationlist headlining..
....I don't think it says anywhere in the Quran that you're allowed to behead your ex-wife....I think the guy was just nuts and you'd have to be an idiot to blame this on Islam.