Huda TV needs your help

Asslamalikum wa Rahmatullah dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam
Huda TV has truly been a light in every home.Now it is in the verge of closing down due to finanacial strains,The hearts of all those who have been benefitted and is continuing to be benefiited is pained by this prospect.This is truly and test from Allah to the Muslim Ummah and a chance to earn for our Akhirah
Let us act without procrastination or it might be too late if we don't act now!!!
A word by the prominent Muslim preacher Sheikh Muhammad Hassan – May Allah bless him – to support Huda TV Channel
A Word by Sheikh Mohamed Hassan to support Huda TVAllah made me to remember Huda TV Channel, Huda TV is staggering with a fear of its fall, and I am saying it for the sake of Allah that, if Huda TV falls, then every financially able person –who can contribute and help the channel to rise up and not to fall will sin if he didn’t do so .
I said before that Huda TV broadcasts in English and by that it represents the whole Muslim nation since our Muslim nation is obliged to convey the message of Islam to all mankind in their different languages. Huda TV is the only channel preaching Islam in English and I know very well that its teamwork is on the right path of Islam as they always adhere to the understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah according to the practice of the righteous predecessors of the Prophet's companions, May Allah be pleased with them and Allah knows best.
Huda TV is staggering now with a fear of its fall and the employees did not receive their salaries for several months and some others actually left the channel. I wonder how can we let it fall?! Where are the righteous and rich Muslims? By Allah if the channel falls the whole Muslim nation will sin. Again, the whole Muslim nation will sin if this righteous and virtuous channel falls and all other Islam preaching channels. Where are the generous businessmen? Where are the rich? These channels do not need more than a little in comparison with what is being spent here and there.
If some of the rich donate with little money, the channel will continue. I wonder…by Allah my heart is about to be broken… I adjure now all the Muslim nation to donate and I swear that the whole Muslim nation will sin if this righteous and virtuous channel falls except those who cannot afford to donate, as Allah does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear.
This is a sincere call that I ask the Almighty Allah to accept and to make fruitful. I ask the Almighty Allah to support Huda TV and to make it a beacon for monotheism and guidance and to bountifully reward those working in it and to bestow upon all of us truth and sincerity since he is the Guardian and the Helper.
Please click to donate
light in our lives
HUMAN'S BRAIN :-- cut down hundreds of thousands of trees every day,make paper outta it, then they write/print on it "save trees"
Hope they will rise up!!
tEaCh Me RulEs I'lL tEaCh YoU hOw To BrEaK iT -rMs!
They are passing on the message on the Huda TV channel itself. They had a live program in the past couple of days called 'keeping the lights on'... this is linked with their channel motto 'a light on every home'. Yusuf Estes, Sheikh Mohammed Salem etc. had appeared on the program 'keeping the lights on' asking for help from the viewers. As you may have noticed, they don't have much of advertising revenue.
You can also check out this link...
Huda TV needs your support
Just wondering (I think I am missing the link) where did you hear about Huda TV crises? Any link or source please?
spread the word...
Huda TV needs your support
i shared this link on my fb page
i hope it could help
we will try to donate too
if you don't accept injustice on yourself,why you do it on others???
every small bit counts...
there is a neat link where you can pledge how much you send and then someone from the channel will contact you by mail, email or phone... the link is my signature
Huda TV needs your support
i will try to help if i can
because alhuda is one of the best channels ever
enough for me that they tried to clear the misunderstanding about Muslims,
but i hope one of the "landcraiuser" drivers give attention to this because i know they can help, and i know a lot of good people in their society
if you don't accept injustice on yourself,why you do it on others???
There are many satellite channels available to viewers around the world, but one in particular stands out in terms of quality programming, decency and commitment to the message of Islam. Huda has a team of hard-working people from all over the world. These people have vast knowledge in different aspects of life and Islamic practice and perceptions. The Muslim world is not confined to one particular area of the earth; there are now Muslims in every corner of the globe. Huda plays the important role of drawing them together under the light of the everlasting message of Islam that is pertinent for all eras and places until the end of time.
Huda is committed to delving into the issues that concern Muslims wherever they are and also raises subjects that are important to think about and resolve in today’s complicated world.
As Muslims struggle to understand Islam and practice it in today’s modern environment, Huda is a light that shines, illuminating the way; clarifying complicated issues, motivating and inspiring the hearts and continually reminding our viewers to turn to Almighty Allah, seeking His mercy and guidance in every aspect of life.
Huda seeks to be your comprehensive satellite channel offering a wide variety of programs. By watching Huda you can learn the correct recitation of Quran, learn the Arabic language, be entertained with quiz shows, learn calligraphy, cooking or enjoy our variety of children’s programs.
Wherever you are, you can turn to Huda and learn and enjoy in an atmosphere of decency, piety and inspiration.
The Muslim world is not confined to one particular area of the earth; there are now Muslims in every corner of the globe.
Huda TV needs your support