Hillary Clinton in Doha

Hillary (apparently that's how the media in Qatar refer to her!) is visiting the lovely shores of Qatar. Ms. Clinton, the US Secretary of State addressed the US-Islamic Forum this evening and is doing a town hall meeting tomorrow.
Al Jazeera had this report on her speech.
At the US-Islamic Forum the situation in Gaza seemed to be a focal point at the conference, with the Turkish Prime Minister and Qatari Prime Minister both speaking passionately about resolving the humanitarian crisis.
wat were miss happening among US ambassador and Turkish during meeting???
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Crows of War are back
It is not in their interest to resolve this. Then they will lose their armament business.
sorry to spoil your party, but i am afraid to tell you that "they" did not resolve anything at all!
ohh thanks to Allah , they come to resolve all this , I'm damn sure this will improve US relations with muslim world and peace too ..
How come no American flags were displayed along the corniche, just like its done when any other official from any other country, visits Qatar.
Is Qatar being hypocritical?! (Doesn't dare to show publicly US's endorsement)
I'm so sick and tired of politicians plying the same ol' song :\
Seriously despite the glamorous attending of those politicians they have nothing but words and broken promises, in short they're being hypocrites
''Ask me NO questions, & I'll tell you NO lies :)''
OH, that's why the road to my building is covered in MOI
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
Hillary Clinton spoke of solving the huanitarian crisis in Gaza..Who are you kidding!!!
You should read her statements which she makes during her trips to Israel.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
Then she flies to KSA this afternoon.
"I wish I could drink like a lady. I can take one or two at the most. Three and I'm under the table. Four and I'm under the host"
-- Dorothy Parker
Hilary Clintons speech was not very impressive...she didnt say anything new...
There are good people in this world, and they are not ONLY Muslims, you know. Geez.(last comments by alexa when she left Qiving)
I can only wish.... sorry this sounds political gain too :-(